Do you have a spouse, teenager or other caregiver that helps out with diaper changes? Chances are, if you use cloth, they have their favorites. That's what I asked Catherine the other day. She's almost fourteen now and has been helping me with diaper changes for years. My post today is equal parts curiosity and practicality. I was interested in her opinions since we have so many brands and styles, but I also felt like her perspective as a cloth diaper "helper" might be useful to those who are Continue Reading
6 Ways to Save Time When Cloth Diapering
Cloth diapering doesn't require a huge time commitment, but it is an extra chore on your to do list. So if you are looking for ways to make cloth diapering quicker and easier, while still reaping all the benefits, this post is for you! Being a mother of seven (while also blogging, consulting and home schooling), I've found a few ways to save time while using cloth: Diaper liners help make clean-up quicker. They can be washable fleece or silk, or a flushable material like bamboo. A good Continue Reading