Even if you already have a full curriculum in place, there are ways to expand learning opportunities and provide extra support in areas where your child needs improvement. And it doesn't have to be costly. Here are some ways that we have supplemented our home learning over the years. Field Trips: When you're homeschooling, almost anywhere you go be turned into a learning experience. In fact, I'll go even further than that. Your children are learning all the time! So tie this into your Continue Reading
Homeschooling on a Budget
Yes, it's possible to save money by teaching your children at home. In fact, you might even spend less than you would if they were attending a "free" public school. No mandatory school supplies to buy. No pressure to purchase new clothes just for school. No gas from commuting to school or extra curricular activities. It can really add up. You might be thinking "But homeschoolers have to purchase their own curriculum!" So exactly how can you save money? Buy Used or Borrow: There are tons of Continue Reading