We have cloth diapered 3 newborns from birth. Here are all my reviews in one place, organized by style, so you can find things more easily. If you’re wondering whether it’s worth buying newborn-sized diapers, check out my posts: Do One-Size Diapers Fit Newborns? and 8 Reasons You Should Cloth Diaper Your Newborn.
If you are expecting a baby (or adopting) please enter your name in my
monthly drawing for a cloth diaper surprise!!
Click here to read my reviews of newborn flats and prefolds
Click here to read my reviews of
26 different newborn covers
Click here to read reviews of
10 different newborn pocket diapers
Click here to read reviews of
14 different newborn fitted diapers
Click here to read reviews of
21 different newborn AIO (all-in-one) diapers
YES!!!! SOOO excited for Geffen review and the kawaii baby bamboo… BOTH are on my “to get” list at the moment and since baby is due November I can wait to see your review! Woohoo! The Imagine Bamboo AIO would be a great choice too.. but I would imagine is has the same fit as the other so that should work for me. Thanks so much for your awesome reviews! They have helped me pick out a few different options for my stash.
I’m excited, too, Hannah! It’s hard to wait to use the tiny little diapers down in a box in my basement right now, but just 6 weeks to go…..And thanks for your compliments on the reviews! ~ Anne
I really enjoy reading others reviews! I am looking forward to having a new little one in our home and plan on cloth diapering from birth! I think I am leaning towards pockets because that’s what I am use to, but plan on trying others just for fun!
Prefolds actually appeal to me the most, since they can be used as boosters or cleaning rags later on.
I haven’t tried any prefolds yet but they appeal to me in that way as well.
love that I can come to one website and see so many different reviews. Cloth diapering can be confusing at first!!
We will be cloth diapering a newborn for the first time (we started at 18 months with our 2nd child) and I’ll be using all in ones mostly. Thanks for the reviews and information.
They are all adorable- but I think aio’s or prefolds appeal to me for newborns for ease of use and simplicity’s sake. Who wants to stuff pockets with a newborn?
For newborns I believe aio is best, as they get older I like pockets
I would love to try the Sweet Pea newborn cover.
I prefer prefolds, pocket or fitteds. With a newborn I think prefolds work best because they are so small.
Prefolds insterest me the most. They scared me off at first, because they seemed so “old school.” They seemed like more work. Now that I have some, I love them. They are super versatile and can last us a long time. For anyone who is hesitant to try prefolds, don’t be! I wish I would have used them from the start– Newborn prefolds and 3-6 small shells work great for the little ones. Then, when the baby gets bigger, the one sizes fit better (we had issues at the legs of the one-size AIO and AI2 diapers being too big for the first few months).
I think AIOs would be really convenient with a newborn, but it would be pretty pricey considering how many you would need. Pockets seem like more work than I’d want with a newborn so I’d probably go with prefolds and covers
Flats appeal to me most. It’s the most cost effective and since I have to hand wash/hang indoors, they’ll dry faster!
I like prefolds and covers the best for newborns because if how often you have to change them. But once they start moving around, pocket diapers are the way to go!
This is exactly what I needed! A source to compare newborn cloth diapers! I wanted to start out with prefolds but my SO thinks that is too much work and wants to use pockets or AIO’s. I’ve heard the best things about Thirsties but I’m really liking the Buttons, too. Hopefully I can try a little of everything and find what fits all of needs best! Thank you for the great reviews! 🙂
Buttons are very versatile, too! You can snap in their inserts or just use whatever you have in your stash like I do (flats and prefolds). ~Anne
I think I would like to try buttons diapers they are a great price and I think diaper covers appeal to me a bit more then any other.
we used bummis covers and snappi’d prefolds. My husband REALLY liked them actually
So many great choices! I think I like the Baby Coon Organic Bamboo Fitted as one of my top likes.
I enjoy reading your reviews! I’ve never used flats or prefolds but they seem like a cheap easy way to diaper a newborn who needs changing so often. Although I can’t deny I love AIO and pockets?
For newborns I love AIOs, my favorite diapers are lol joeys and bumGenius newborn diapers 🙂
Love AIOs and fitteds for newborns!
I love the prefolds and fitted.
I’m excited to try the covers with prefolds and flats!
the applecheeks looks awesome.
I really appreciate your review, it is very helpful! I am leaning towards more prefolds and covers because they are affordable and practical. However, I think a few AIO might be nice for nighttime ease.
I would love to try the Assunta covers. I love that they are affordable and that they are helping children!
Most of my stash is pre fold, but I would love some Kissaluvs Fitted dipes! I’ve heard really great things about them!
After reading your reviews I will be getting some fuzzibuns and zepher hill dipes. I am due in February and have not completely finished researching what is available and works well. So far I am CDing my 14 mo. old with pockets and it works for us!
I would love to try the all in ones or pockets
I would love o try AIO or fitteds and overs for my new LO!! Can’t wait until she it’s ino my pocket diapers!
I will be cloth diapering a newborn for the first time come Dec/Jan and I’ve bought a mix stash because there is no telling how big baby will be ect… I hope I get a good use out of them all!
i love that applecheeks size 1 would fit for a longer period than a newborn cover. but do love that a cover can be wiped & reused— applecheeks not so much. so hard to choose!!
I would say aio would be convenient with a newborn. We have pockets for our 13 month old but we will be cloth diapering a newborn for the first time in February so we will find out for sure which works best then!
I love fitteds. Very absorbent, and easy peasy for dad to use too! I only own 2 fitteds and would get more if I could.
I prefer all in ones, so much easier to use with a newborn and I hate stuffing pockets in a newborn diaper!
Most of what I have right now are AIO/pockets newborn diapers…. a few different brands so some should make it to 16-20 pounds. I really hope I like them – have been researching a lot — so far have Lil Joeys, Blueberry newborn, and Applecheeks. I should’ve gotten some refolds/covers too, but I think I’ve spent too much $$ already 🙂 Maybe I can win some!
Here’s hoping, Anna! lol ~Anne
Oh my gosh there is too much cuteness to handle in these reviews. I’m not sure which diapers would be my favorite. I’m guessing prefolds and a cover would be the easiest on a newborn?
would really like to try sustainable babyish
I loved prefolds flats and covers with my first child and I think I will stick with them with this one too
I prefer prefolds or flats with covers. Easy to wash and very cost efficient!
Thank you for posting such informative reviews.. I am trying to figure out which brand/styles to go with, and you’ve been a great help!!
I think we will use mostly prefolds and flats, but I think we will also try some fitteds. Thanks for all the wonderful reviews!
This is an amazing resource to come to. Love that I can read reviews on different types of diaper options as well. Will definitely be telling friends to look here for info!
Thanks for sharing with you cloth diapering friends, Monica! ~Anne
Pocket diapers would appeal to me most. I like that you can stuff them and also lay an insert in the cover if you like.
I’m planning to CD the little one on the way as a newborn which I didn’t do with my toddler. He was and still is very narrow in the hips so I’m looking for a trim fitting diaper. I’m also leaning towards AIO’s because of the ease factor, plus the daddy factor LOL! Based on your reviews I’d like to try a Lil Joey AIO as it sounds like it might have all I’m looking for!
I am more overwhelmed now with all the options then before I knew what was all available. I need to buckle down and do some research.
I will be cloth diapering a newborn soon! I got a variety to try and I can’t wait to see all these precious little diapers on my baby boy! Thanks for all the reviews!
Hello Anne,
I’m thinking of getting Imagine prefolds for my heavy wetter 1 year old. How many would you recommend? I’ve been only in the world of pockets so I could use some guidance.
Thank you!
Elizabeth, a toddler will usually go through 6 to 9 prefolds a day. If you plan to wash every 2 days then you could get by with a dozen and a half. ~Anne
So many good things to read about! I’ve told my friend to browse around on Zephyr Hill for all the great info. She’s going to try cloth diapering her baby right from the start and this is such a valuable resource!
Laurie, I’m so glad my blog has been helpful! I hope she likes all the newborn posts. ~Anne
My favorite newborn diapers were the all-in-ones from Imagine.
I love the new trend in cloth diapering such cute designs and look to be a nice quality
This will be so helpful for the future! Thank you for being so thorough and for the cute baby pics!
I am getting ready to cloth diaper a newborn this summer, so this is great!
I hesitate investing in cloth much because I don’t know the diff between options. thanks for all of the info!
I’m new to cloth diapering. I didn’t cloth diaper my first child but I’m planning on cloth diapering my second. I love your reviews. They’ve helped me decide which brands to purchase. 🙂
This is a wealth of great info! Thanks
Love that everything is organized and will come back to read upon this when we have our next little one because I definitely missed out by not cloth diapering immediately.
Are one size diapers bad to use with newborns? I really do not want to have to splurge on newborn cloth diapers.
Cassandra, it can be tricky getting a good snug fit around the legs, and the rise might be too high. A few one-size brands can work if you have an average-size baby. – Anne
I personally never used newborn diapers. We were naughty and used sposies the first few weeks.
Hahahaha! Shame! ~Anne
Thanks for the great reviews and information. I gave up CD, but I’m inspired to give it another shot!
So very helpful to an expectant mama new to cloth diapering. I can’t wait to take some cute pictures of my little guy in all his fluffy glory.
I used prefolds and covers last time and though I liked it and they worked great. Newborn pockets and aio’s are just so cute. They make me want another baby right now.
Wish I had of known about some of these at the new Born stage
We loved using cloth on our newborn. Thanks for the review! It’s always fun to read another person’s perspective and experiences!
Thank you for all of the info!
I’m due in October and this is PERFECTION! Thank you!
great compilation!
we did sposies for the first few weeks with my first 2 until they fit in AIOs, so this is good info if we have a third!
Ah! Just the resource I have been looking for!
I wish I would have had more newborn diapers (particularly the ones you reviewed and liked) when my girls were first born. This is a wonderful resource- thank you for putting it together! I’ll be referring any future cloth-diapering friends here. 🙂
Thanks, Keara, that’s so nice! ~Anne
I wish I could have found your reviews sooner but I do like the covers, flats and prefolds we do have, looking forward into moving into some pockets or AIO
I didn’t have the pleasure of cloth diapering a newborn, but I did start when my youngest was about 2 months old and my middle child was about a year old. I would love to one day be able to put super cute little fluff on a tiny baby.
I am loving this review! Our newest baby is due Halloween! These are very needed products!!! 🙂
Great info. I like the flats and prefolds best.
SSOOOO MANYYYY REVIEWSSSS!!!! Thank you!! My 3 month old is still in newborn diapers. I wish I would’ve known of your awesome page & reviews before I bought a big bundle of one-size diapers. OS & a newborn – no No NO! lol 🙂
Maybe next time?? lol ~Anne
Thanks for the hard work. I wouldn’t know where to start with newborn cloth.
Thank you so much for putting all of this info in one place!! I have not started cding but am wanting to for my next!! So having all this info is fantastic!!
gonna need a bunch of these come july, my grand-daughter is having a little girl…i cant wait…whoop!
atleast over pockets, i prefer the Aio for newborns because i cant stuff my big fat hand in a pocket that tiny 🙂
Wow this is an awesome idea!
Now I know where to send my cloth curious friends with little squishes!
We exclusively used prefolds the first few months with dd and added in a few pockets later on. I must say I am a fan of prefolds over the pockets because she is a heavy wetter/baby chunk cutie pie and I had the most control over fit, etc. to try and curb leaking. I am still intrigued by flats and have a few but have never used them. Perhaps with #2 (whenever we decide to go for #2) I will enter into the world of flats as well. Your reviews are very nice and thorough, great information on product to try! Thank you!
What a great resource for info on SEVERAL newborn diapers! Thank You for putting this together!
Glad to find a place where I can see what diapers to get next!
I like that there’s one page with links to one kind of diaper. That’s very helpful. I wonder if you’ll do the same for more types (training pants, etc.).
Amy, I do have a list of my other reviews by style here http://www.zephyrhillblog.com/my-cloth-diaper-reviews/
I got some prefolds for my first son but didn’t use them but now I’m using them with #2 and love it! It takes a bit of practice to get the hang of it but I definitely enjoy using them.
I feel lost when it comes down to cloth diapers. I liked the reviews thanks!
Definitely bookmarking this! I especially love all of the newborn cover reviews! Awesome list!
I’m definitely going to use flats and prefolds with baby number 2. It just seems like they would be easier and cheaper in my opinion.
these diapers are so cute!!!!! Can’t wait to buy some for my nephew!
Great collection of reviews and info! Thanks!
I love the reviews of all of the newborn diapers. This list actually helped me choose which newborn diapers I was going to use on my son. I love all the pictures of how they fit on the baby.
Oh all these babies in newborn cloth! Here’s to hoping I can get my husband convinced we need to go for #3.
Love your reviews! 🙂
i used the kissaluvs fitted with thirsties covers, as i recall they were a bit bulky but worked well as baby grew into them
oh love these!! so adorable!!
You have the most extensive NB cloth reviews on the web!
Glad that they have been so helpful!
This is so helpful. Newborn stage is so short and daunting for new parents and could really affect whether parents stick w cloth. Great resource to have!
Cloth diapering a newborn can be so hard! Especially as a first time mom who has never used diapers (let alone cloth). There are some great resources here 🙂
We normally use covers with prefolds. I’m currently pregnant and debating on what to do. I’m not sure if I’ll have the time at night (or patience) to deal with snappis, making a diaper, putting the cover on while still half asleep with an awake baby… Thanks for these reviews!
I wish I had another small baby to use nb cloth on, but my 19 month-old is our last. 🙁
I did aio and pockets with my (then) newborn son (minus one fitted). I’m kinda thankful I didn’t use prefolds and covers with him since I now know he has a slight wetness sensitivy.
I so wish I’d started cloth from day one. I didn’t start until my daughter was about 5 months. I love little tiny vloth diapers, I’m pretty sure I’d do covers.
WOW! Great reviews! Very helpful. Thanks!
This is so helpful!! I love cloth diapering my babies (as newborns) with an insert and a cover. It is super easy!! I use some Thirsties covers and some Zookaboo covers. 🙂 Love them!!
I will have to mention these diapers to my sister in law. Thank you for the review.
Cute diapers
I love using the prefold cloth diapers this has saved me a fortune and I love knowing my babies are safe from harsh chemicals from disposable diapers
Wow! What a comprehensive collection of reviews and explanations. If we have another baby, I think I will cloth from newborn and may need this! Thank you for the dedication to cloth diapering.
I do love to use cloth diapers. I think it is harder to do with the 1st one because having your first baby is so overwhelming and sometimes adding one more thing just has to wait until things settle down a bit.
Wow! What a variety. There is a lot of good information here. Thanks. It will help me make some good decisions.
What’s better, pocket or AIO?
Newborn pockets are smaller and tricky to stuff so my personal choice between the two would be all in one.
Thanks for all the info. This really helped me while trying to decide whether to invest in newborn cloth or just use disposables until the new baby fits my existing cloth diapers as I did for the last baby.
What a great list!
I love your blog! This will totally help me when we have another babe! Thank you!
I’ve never tried cloth at all. I would love to try.
What a great selection of colors, patterns and sizes..I love them! I’n hoping after showing my niece this review she will switch to cloth and get these…she’ll fall in love with them!
Thanks for the great reviews!
great resources on this page. I’m excited to be cloth diapering a newborn for the first time this summer. I started at 3mo with my younger daughter, so I’m starting out with the things I loved with her (AIOs and fitteds/wool), and hoping that I love them on a newborn as well.
i am so excited to try out cloth diapering!
This is SUCH a great resource for parents who want to explore all newborn options since there are so many out there! So glad I can reference this, as well as direct other mamas here!
Thanks for all of the information!!
This is my first baby. We are going to cloth diaper and the options out there are overwhelming!
I wish I would have had this information when I was shopping for newborn diapers for my newest little one
Exactly what I have been looking for.
I like that they fit the newborns
Thank you so much for this invaluable resource! As I prepare to have my first baby, the amount of variety available can be overwhelming. It really helps to have someone help me compare similar items and brands without me having to reinvent the wheel.
This is awesome and very helpful! I wish I would have found it sooner! With so many options to choose it’s gets confusing when you’re first starting.
Great reviews! My baby is due in August so this was so helpful!
This was so helpful! Thank you!
Which is best for long skinny babies?
Hmmm, none of our newborns have been long, but they have been skinny. I would suggest buying a newborn diaper or cover that has a snap-down rise so a longer baby can wear it past the first few weeks. ~Anne
thanks for sharing all the insight, it’s great to hear others experiences!!!
youre reviews have been SO helpful. Im glad you were able to try several different brands and show us how they fit on your little one.
i wish i would have seen this when i was starting out, but i will pass on t o a pregnant friend
Thank you for reviewing cloth diapers for newborns! It’s so hard to choose which ones to use!!
I love Angel folded prefolds on my babies.
Haven’t tried that fold yet. Love the name! ~Anne
Here’s a link to the pin I referenced a few years ago: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/88523948895250699/.
Ahhh, that’s a great resource! Thanks for posting.
what a great resource!
I love this information! I have never clothed a newborn. my son was 6 months before I was able to start. and I only had 7 diapers and had to hand wash /dry every night! for the first 6 months. lol
When my first son was born 22 years ago I was using cloth with pins. I love seeing how far the cloth diapers have come. I much prefer the AIO’s with my little ones now.
Great info, thanks so much for the great reviews! I didn’t start cloth until baby was about 3 months. Would definitely start from the beginning next time! Bookmarking and pinning this for future babies! 🙂
i really wanted to cloth my son as a newborn but the laundry room was downstairs and I couldn’t get to a washing machine very easily.
Awww. What an adorable little squish! My little peanut started out at nearly 10 pounds, so no newborn fluff for us!
Thank you for all this info in one place we are new to CDs and it really is helpful!
I noticed that you used boingos. I’ve never used them. Do you like them better than snappis? I haven’t had a lot of luck with the snappi.
I like them a little bit more because I get scratched less with the Boingo. The teeth are angled downward a bit. Also, the Boingo does not put pressure on the crotch area. ~Anne
Thank you for this! A one stop shop to figure out what to try, so awesome!
such good info!
Thank you for creating a great website! It’s nice to be able to get all my cloth questions answered in one place!
wow they are great looking type of dupers and then i would use them
My sister is expecting in October, so even though our little guy is now 1 year, I am going to be reading through thes. Want to grab her a couple to get them started! Thanks for this resource!!!!
my mom used the old fashion cloth diapers on all 7 of us. I did not but my sister plans to soon after her current baby is born. Thank you for sharing.
I love reading reviews. I also love seeing newborns in cute diapers. 🙂
I’m really excited to try out some new ways to cloth diaper our baby on the way! With our son, we mainly used prefolds and a cover for his newborn days, along with a couple of one-size diapers that we folded down. Newborn fitteds are of particular interest!
Prefolds and covers worked best for my newborns. I tried Grovia newborn, but it didn’t hold much.
Thank you for this guide. I’m having my third baby after a 17 year gap and have no idea what’s new!
I think my favorite for newborns are AIO’s since I’m too exhausted to stuff pockets or remember to put covers over fitted’s lol!
I love how modern and usable the cloth diapers are now. Great way to save money
Awww we didnt use cloth until our lo was 6 months old.. How adorable omg!!
So adorable, love these!
These diapers look very nice. Thanks for sharing!
I have referenced your site approximately 10852 times while building my newborn stash. So far I have 6 Sweet Pea covers, 9 Kissaluvs fitteds, 6 Geffen Baby hemp inserts and 4 Thirsties hemp inserts. I plan to lay the inserts in the covers for a kind of AI2 solution; hopefully I have enough covers! Anyway, I am trying to determine what to get for the remaining 10 or so pieces of my stash. I keep going back to Imagine bamboo prefolds, but I’m scared of having to fold/fasten them, and I’ve heard padfolding results in poopsplosions all over the covers. Any advice?
Kira, it means so much that you stopped by to say the reviews have been helpful. Thank you SO much! Isn’t it fun getting ready for the new baby when there are so many cute diapers to choose from? You are right that when you pad fold a flat or prefold it’s not quite as effective as pinning or snapping when it comes to poo containment. In my case, I just love how easy it is to fold a prefold in thirds and lay it in the cover, so I just bought a few more covers since I knew that many of them would not be able to be wiped clean and re-used. So that’s one option. You might also consider getting the “prefold” fitteds, which are made of the same material as a prefold but with leg gussets and wings. Nicki’s Diapers has these in cotton and they are about $6 each, so not as cheap as a prefold but also not as expensive as a regular fitted. They fasten with a Snappi or Boingo. They are the Nicki’s Diaper brand.
You asked about the Imagine bamboo prefolds; I absolute love those, but unfortunately they are not in stock right now (in the newborn size). They were lost in shipment and Diaper Junction tells me it will be a few months before the extra smalls are back in stock. Please let me know if you have any more questions! – Anne
I’m almost due and would love to try it I’ve never seen them or know anyone that uses them so hopefully I could get one to try thanks.
I love that all your reviews are in one place! I like the ease of an AIO for the newborn stage, but I like the adjustability of the pockets for the amount of soakers. So many great options!!
Thank you for this! I think the GroVia newborn diaper looks like the best choice for me.
I found a newfound love of using prefolds, flats, and covers with my newborn.
Using a newborn diaper rental program (with a deposit to go for one sized diapers) or using a diaper service for a month was the best for us b/c my sons born at 8 lbs were in their one sized diapers very quickly. I wish we could have stayed in newborn sizes longer to make a permanent stash worth the investment.
Thanks you so much for this helpful review.
I am definitely saving this! I am hoping to cloth my next baby from the beginning, so this info will definitely come in handy.
Thank you for making these reviews!! So helpful when people want to try new/different diapers!
FYI: the why it pays to cloth diaper a newborn link isn’t working.
Thanks, I updated that, Holly!
Helpful review.
Awesome reviews! Thanks for the insight!
Definitely book marking for further reading when I try for #4!
Newborn diapers were trial and error as we had leaks, some worked better than others, but once he grew into the size ones we have been very pleased with them. Most work great and look forward to our cloth journey!