Do some of your diapers or inserts take a really long time to dry? Some of ours do, but they also happen to be favorites because of how absorbent they are. Some examples include our beautiful Geffen baby hemp prefold, Susanna's Chunkabutt fitted (with 3 velour inserts inside) and the Thirsties hemp inserts that are my go-to nighttime doublers. Cloth diapering can help save you money, so it pays to find ways to cut down on energy usage. Here are some tips for drying diapers that need a little Continue Reading
Do One-Size Diapers Fit Newborns?
Lots of cloth diapers and covers are marketed as fitting from "birth to potty training." Is that really true? It all depends on the size of your newborn and the brand of diaper. Some run big and some run small. And even the smaller one-size diapers won't be as tiny or as trim as newborn diapers. But some do work in a pinch. I was curious about some of the one-size diapers and covers we have in our stash, so I tried them on Erik to see what the fit was like. He was 7 pounds 9 ounces at birth Continue Reading
Mini Pad Fold (a Newborn Flat Diaper Fold)
There's a first time for everything and for me that includes trying out flat diapers on my newborn son, Erik. In November I posted a quick tutorial about how to do the easy "pad fold." It takes a mere 10 or 20 seconds and is very simple. Here's the photo again for a basic pad fold. I use this easy fold for my older babies: I quickly discovered that I could not use the pad fold for Erik, however. It renders a rectangle-shaped diaper that's too long to fit in his newborn covers. And when I Continue Reading
Buy, Sell and Swap at Cloth Diaper Trader
If you're looking for a place to buy, sell or even trade your cloth diapers and accessories, Cloth Diaper Trader is lots of fun to be a part of. You can post listings for free and it's open to both Americans and Canadians. I check in at Cloth Diaper Trader regularly while surfing for deals on used diapers to add to my stash. All the brands you know and love are there - BumGenius, Thirsties, Bummis, Kissaluvs, Sunbaby and many, many more. There are AIO diapers, pockets, covers, Continue Reading
Do Prefolds Cost Less Than Pocket Diapers?
First of all, this is not a prefolds vs. pockets post. I like and use them both (and prefolds make up most of my stash). My focus today is on mathematics. What got me curious are some comments I found floating around on blog posts and forums which sounded something like this: "I like the sized prefolds; it's still cheaper than any pocket system." "We use prefolds with our daughter.......It is expensive to get started with the newer types of cloth diapers." "It's cheaper to replace a Continue Reading