If you're pregnant and having a hard time trying to find longer dresses and skirts, and tops without plunging necklines, this post is for you. After multiple pregnancies, I've found a lot of great places to shop for conservative, but attractive styles. We all have different reasons for wanting to wear a more conservative style. Comfort, body type, personal style, religious convictions and even something as simple as trying to stay warmer can all come into play. It also goes without saying Continue Reading
Homeschooling on a Budget
Yes, it's possible to save money by teaching your children at home. In fact, you might even spend less than you would if they were attending a "free" public school. No mandatory school supplies to buy. No pressure to purchase new clothes just for school. No gas from commuting to school or extra curricular activities. It can really add up. You might be thinking "But homeschoolers have to purchase their own curriculum!" So exactly how can you save money? Buy Used or Borrow: There are tons of Continue Reading
Homeschooling Pros and Cons
I have a wide range of experience when it comes my education. As an adolescent I attended a private, parochial school. Middle school was spent in public education. And then my mother homeschooled me through the high school years. Since public education is the norm for most American families, the pros and cons of that system are already well known, so I won't cover that here. My focus today is on homeschooling and I hope the information provided here will be helpful in your decision making Continue Reading
How to Name Your Farm or Ranch: 200+ Ideas!
We bought a lovely little farm on five acres years ago and wanted to find a suitable name for it. But after coming up empty with internet searches, I resorted to my own independent research and inspiration. Zephyr Hill Farm was born. Life and literature are filled with delightful names: Green Gables....Sunnybrook Farm.....Ponderosa Ranch.....Misselthwaite Manor..... If they can do it, so can you! But don't expect inspiration to come in an instant. Allow plenty of time for your imagination Continue Reading