It’s time for volume two of my favorite homeschool memes! If you want to read the 2019 round-up, click here.
And now let the jokes begin…
Homeschoolers, wouldn’t you love a dollar for every time you’re asked about this?
Should I go easy on them just “cuz I can? Nah…….
Don’t ask! For goodness sakes, please just don’t ask!
Are you ahead or behind? That is the question.
The classic pitfall…if only we have the right books!
Don’t worry, you’ll survive!
We’re quite a diverse bunch, really!
Some people feel quite strongly about their educational choices!
It’s true that most homeschooling parents won’t get much recognition from the world for their hard work and dedication.
Parks, museums, libraries are flooded – the party is over!
Homeschoolers may use the dog days of summer to catch up…or to get ahead. Either way, it might raise eyebrows.
Yeah, we’re not really familiar with that practice…
Pssst: It’s none of Uncle Sam’s business!
We like to stretch the definition of learning a bit. The opportunities are endless!
Ask a silly question…
When you homeschool, it can feel like you never really get a break.
The homeschooling parent gets pulled in different directions all day long. The one thing I probably say the most to my children? “I’ll be there in just a minute!”
And they’re waiting still……….
Share your funny homeschool moments in a comment below!
We are fortunate that our homeschooled kids go to Sunday School where they learn about raising hands. Makes it easier to not having to worry about that at presentations at zoos or museums. (Although when I taught at a zoo, I always started each program reminding kids to raise their hands. I don’t know why presenters don’t do that so much anymore.)