Are you eager for your child to gain fluency and confidence when it comes to math? It can be especially challenging if you’re homeschooling, so today’s post focuses on some math resources we recently discovered from IXL.
We received two math workbooks to try out from IXL Learning, a company that serves more than 7 million students worldwide and offers a personalized approach to education. There’s also a giveaway you can enter for your choice of a workbook from IXL!
- Comprehensive K-12 curriculum
- Immersive learning
- Memberships for families, classrooms and school districts
- Supplemental materials for your math courses
I’ve used these workbooks to reinforce what Samuel (4th grade) and Susanna (2nd grade) are learning in math this year.
Addition Workbook, Grade 2 (112 pages) covers basic facts and progresses to adding 2-digit numbers. Later in the book, early multiplication concepts are introduced, building on the idea that it’s basically repeated addition. IXL Math Work Book: Grade 2 Addition is available on Amazon for $9.77.
Susanna, of course, loves the full-color pages, and I like that the activities aren’t repetitious or boring. Yes, there’s a place for drilling and memorization in math, but the IXL workbooks offer a welcome diversion while still being very educational.
There aren’t a lot of problems to work out on each page, which is great since this is merely a supplemental workbook.
Multiplication Workbook, Grade 4 (112 pages) covers all the basic facts and then progresses to multi-digit multiplication. Also included are practical applications like using multiplication skills to answer real-life word problems and solve basic equations. IXL Math Work Book: Grade 4 Multiplication is available on Amazon for $9.17.
Answer keys are included at the backs of both workbooks.
If I could offer two suggestions for improvement, they would be: (1) use spiral binding so the books lie flat, and (2) perforate the pages so you can easily tear them out if needed.
Giveaway: And now here’s how you can enter to win a free workbook from IXL Learning! Just fill out the entry form below. Also, leave a comment and let me know what math skills your child is trying to master right now. IXL Learning has resources at their website for over 4,000 different math skills – including geometry and alegebra and calculus!
We would like to work on counting up to 20 and identifying those same numbers.
We’re working on Singapore 1st grade, so addition and subtraction problems through 20. We could use a little reinforcement on the subtraction side of things. This sounds like a great resource!
My daughter is in kindergarten and she i just learning her basic math skills, this would be so cool, these books look amazing!
My daughter is 4 so we’d like to work on number recognition.
I’d like to work on 4th grade math.
We need to work on addition.
Addition for us, too – we’re doing kindergarten at home this year.
Any would be great as I have kids at different levels (1st grade and 5th grade right now but in the future will have another child learning math).
My granddaughter needs to learn the basics multiplication.
improvement on fractions
I would like more math and you didn’t add history science and social studies and Spanish