This fall, your children can take their backyard battles to the next level with Zing’s high-performance HyperStrike bow. Launching arrows up to 250 feet with a satisfying whistle, the HyperStrike is perfect for ages 14 and up.
Zing sent our boys a pair of bows to review. Each comes with a set of four foam arrows: Team Falcon is orange, Team Wolfe – green.
The anatomy of the arrow consists of a large padded foam head, tail fins, mounting hook and a whistling tip.
From the very first shots, Joseph and Benjamin were blown away with the power and speed of their Zing bows. Having already shot a traditional compound bow, Joseph felt like the HyperStrike successfully mimics the original, giving the shooter a real thrill. How far it will go depends on your arm strength, of course, but it’s designed to launch up to 250 feet, thanks to the low-profile bungee cords. Pretty nice for a toy, right?
Getting the arrows loaded is easy, via the built-in hooks, but it’s not a speedy proposition. It only took a few attempts for Joseph and Ben to get the hang of it. Beyond that, the payoff of HyperStrike’s amazing range is really satisfying. Accuracy, of course, will depend on the skill and patience of your shooter.
Another feature your teen will love? The tactical rail can be fitted with additional accessories like a scope or flashlight.
You’ll be logging a lot of hours outdoors enjoying this bow, but be sure to store it inside, where UV rays won’t degrade the components.
I asked my boys, “Are there any drawbacks?” They couldn’t come up with one. HyperStrike certainly lives up to its hype!
The Zing HyperStrike bow is suggested for ages 14 and up.
Right now at the Zing Online Store
Buy any bow and 2 packs of arrows FREE!
You can also find it at Target stores
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Is there a child or adult in your family that would love to shoot this long-range bow? Remember that Christmas is just two months away, so add it to your shopping list!
My son and his friends would love these. They still love getting out and battling each other with their foam guns.
My boys have this toy. It does have some great power to it.
This is soooo cool! I bet my son would love this…and my daughter would hate it, as she’d be on the receiving end of every arrow!
I’m sure my son and his cousins would love these. They enjoy chasing each other around and shooting each other with Nerf-style toys.
This is really neat for some outdoor play. I think kids will have a ton of fun trying to hit some targets.
This looks like the kind of toy my kids would love to play with! As long as they don’t aim it at me, I’d be all set.
My son would love this. We restrict certain violent toys in the house….no guns except for nerf. He would love this.
This looks like a great gift for older children. I would get this for my son to use inour parks.
Very cool! My oldest has been practicing archery since she went to camp. I think she’d love this.
My boys love archery, this is a perfect toy for the yard. I will have to keep it in mind for Christmas!
My oldest daughter loves shooting her bows. She became fascinated with them years ago when the movie Brave came out. She would love this because it is one she could actually shoot in our back yard!
That looks like a lot of fun. I bet my daughters would really love this. Seems like it could be helpful for kids who want to learn to use a real one too.
We’ve had them, but my kids did not play with them for a long time. May be the reason was that they were not grown-up enough for this toy. But I enjoyed shooting the arrows!
Zing makes some great products and my kids love their bows! These would be a great gift for the holidays.
My son would be all over this. I need to get him a target so he could shoot at something besides my walls!
This is the kind of toy that my kid would love to have! Wish we had more space in our yard to use it
I think my son will love this! Sounds like a nice outdoor activity!
That looks like a fun toy! I wish I had this when I was a kid!
I practice archery myself so I love this idea for kids. Good way to get started