Cloth diapering doesn’t require a huge time commitment, but it is an extra chore on your to do list. So if you are looking for ways to make cloth diapering quicker and easier, while still reaping all the benefits, this post is for you!
Being a mother of seven (while also blogging, consulting and home schooling), I’ve found a few ways to save time while using cloth:
- Diaper liners help make clean-up quicker. They can be washable fleece or silk, or a flushable material like bamboo. A good quality liner can virtually eliminate time spent dunking and swishing. Here are some helpful tips for using liners with cloth diapers.
- Storing diapers without folding also saves time. On busy days, I pull my diapers out of the dryer, dump in a laundry basket and then stash in our closet. Or use bins and baskets to sort; throw covers in one, prefolds in the other, etc. etc. Don’t get me wrong; I love the beauty of a stack of nicely folded flats, and will do that when I have time (and my oldest daughter is off school for the summer), but when things are hectic, I appreciate shortcuts.
- Changing the style of diaper you use can reduce your time commitment. Some moms find that stuffing a few days worth of pockets takes too long; switching to covers with inserts or trifolded diapers can be faster. Or on the flip side, changing from complicated folds and fasteners to AIO or AI2 diapers, can make a difference. Check in here to see my reviews of different styles of cloth diapers.
- Have your older children help with simple diapering tasks. My daughter not only helps with changes, but can move a load from the washer to the dryer, or empty clean diapers into the laundry basket and take to my bedroom. Young children can help replace the liner in your diaper pail or separate wipes from diapers in your latest laundry load.
- Simply your wipes routine. I used to spend time mixing up solutions and rolling up or folding wipes in a warmer. With more on my plate these days, I find that a small squirt of diaper lotion and a wipe soaked in water gets the job done quickly and easily. Plus, diaper lotion doubles as a skin protectant and can even soothe minor rashes and irritation.
- Simplify your system. In our eagerness to try new things and take whatever is offered by friends and family, it’s easy to build up a stash filled with inserts, diapers and covers of all different sizes and styles. That might add up to more time spent sorting, snapping and stuffing. If you are keen on saving time, it might help to pick just one or two styles and stick with that. Cull everything from your stash that isn’t being used and put it up for sale as a lot.
What are your thoughts about cloth diapering and the time it requires? Do you have any shortcuts to share?
Note: This article was originally published at the Kelly Wels blog, but has been updated and revised.
I never fold my diapers. I toss all the clean ones in a laundry basket in the bedroom.