The patented Snappi diaper fastener was created to replace diaper pins, ensuring safer and more secure performance.
Snappi sent us a 3-pack of fasteners in exchange for an honest review. Snappi just introduced some stylish new colors (Orchid, Scuba, Bamboo, Baltic and Coral).
The packaging has also been updated with a cute little penguin.
Snappi’s are made from a flexible, non-toxic and latex-free material which stretches to grip your diaper at three points. Each end of a Snappi diaper fastener has tiny little teeth that gently grab the fabric. There’s also a safety loop on each end which covers the sharp teeth when not in use.
Here is a closeup:
You’ll definitely want to keep a small assortment of Snappi’s on hand if small things to get misplaced in your house. Luckily, they come in packs of 3 (boy, girl and gender-neutral) for about $10, so it’s very easy to start a collection.
Stretch your Snappi fastener before using; this will help lengthen it a bit, and give it more flexibility. When putting a Snappi on, you shouldn’t grab the thin safety loop but instead grasp the sturdy middle portion where the word “Snappi” appears.
I usually hook the left first, then stretch over the right wing, and then finish by pulling the Snappi down and securing it to the crotch area. You have a 3-point system to secure a flat or prefold and help it stay in place better under a cover, or by itself as your baby moves around.
Here’s a video which shows how to use a Snappi. It takes 10 seconds or less to get it on the diaper.
As you can see, there’s not a learning curve when it comes to Snappi fasteners. It’s easy as 1-2-3, literally. When we first started using Snappi’s years ago, I had to be careful about scratching myself while getting the diaper on, because I’m just a naturally clumsy person and I get distracted. But I feel more like a pro now and that doesn’t happen anymore. 🙂
Two things you’ll want to be aware of with Snappi fasteners:
- It is recommended that you replace your Snappi’s after 6 months, or as soon as you see any type of damage or weak spots
- They don’t grip very smooth or tightly woven fabrics as well – (flannel, jersey and 100% bamboo)
- Older babies or toddlers may be able to remove them, but this isn’t a problem if you’ve got a cover on top.
Despite the few small negatives, Snappi’s are the most popular fastener on the market right now. With over 80 million Snappi’s sold worldwide, it’s a successful and time-tested brand. I’ve used Snappi’s for many years and can attest to their performance and durability.
You can buy Snappi fasteners on their website (via Amazon) or from select cloth diaper retailers.
Giveaway: CLOSED Snappi would like to give away a 3-pack of their diaper fasteners. This giveaway is open to US residents only. Good luck!
I love all of the color snappis but I love orange the best!
I love all the different color options but I love the orange snappi the best!
Awww I love your review! Your kid is such an angel and you do a great job at taking pictures!
Ashley, thanks for the encouragement! ~Anne
the baltic, orchid and coral are my favorite ones.
Love all of the colors! Thank You for the review 🙂
I lOve snappis and I really Like that Orchid one!!!
Love the bright new colors!! Scuba and bamboo are my fav!! I totally put in the wrong twitter name above btw its berrael85 🙂
I love the newest colors! I’d love to get coral, scuba and orchid!
I love the scuba and orchid snappis. These would make using flats much easier.
I love all of the new colors! They’re so bold! Thank you for the review too. I will be a first time snappi user in the fall so this was very helpful!
I love the prong covers!
I like the color Coral best. It’s bright so hopefully it won’t be easily misplaced.
I would love to get a package of these so I can try using prefold right 😃. I would love the purple one
I’d probably get scuba because it seems like the brightest (aka easiest to see and not lose).
I love snappis. I think I need to upgrade to the next size up.
I love Coral!!
Loving ALL the colors! <3
Great review! I haven’t tried these yet but would love to try after reading this.
I like the baltic color! Got to have my snappis
I love orchid and coral! The colors are so bright and friendly.
I really like the orchid and scuba colors!
These are so cool, so much better than the ducky pins I used 20 years ago when I tried cloth. Love all the colors, may try these with a cover.
How well do these work with snap less fitteds?
Just fine, Janet, if they are the cotton or bamboo/cotton. With a plush bamboo fitted (like Sloomb), not as well, but doable. ~Anne
Love the bamboo color!
Coral looks awesome.
We love Snappis and orchid is lovely!
Love all the colors and the review thanks for the giveaway!
I wanna try these! They seem to be ea see easier than safety pins! Ha
Love these colors especially love the loud orange. How fun is that color!
We love our snappi’s! The new colors look great, especially the coral, bamboo, and orchid!
i love the purple!
I’m a sucker for all things green, so I love the bamboo color!