Thanks to Amy at Buttons Diapers, I was given the opportunity to try
a diaper in exchange for my honest opinion!
The Buttons diaper “hybrid” system was designed by a husband and wife team who value simple, healthy living. Buttons Diapers consist of one-size waterproof covers (just $11.00!) in 5 different colors, plus inserts that snap in. Amy sent us two day time ($3.50) and two night time ($5.00) inserts to try out with our “Blueberry” cover.
The covers feature a rise with 3 size settings, front and back elastics, double gussets and a wipe-clean inner.
Performance: The Buttons cover is a versatile component because it’s reusable if only the coordinating pad gets soiled or wet. Two layers of PUL make this a very durable and highly waterproof cover, yet the fabric is by no means stiff or uncomfortable. In fact, it’s very soft, smooth and pliable. The cover closes with a single row of snaps. My personal preference is for a double row of snaps, but this hasn’t affected the fit or function of our cover on Erik.
Buttons inserts are made of multi layers of microfiber. There are two sizes: day and night – and you can customize them in whatever way you wish. Inserts can be snapped into the shell individually, snapped together and then fastened to the shell…or simply laid in. One side is topped with microfleece which goes right up against your baby. At night, I put a day time insert on top of a night time insert which results in 10 layers of fabric. It’s a very thirsty combination, and paired with the double layer of PUL in the cover, has been bulletproof so far for my toddlers, and they are both tummy sleepers. For Erik, who is younger and smaller, I found the two inserts together were too bulky to get a good fit at night. So I use the Buttons cover instead with a pad folded flat and doubler. Nothing ever escapes the cover.
I also like that Buttons is a hybrid system, so it can work in harmony with other things already in your stash. My flats and Geffen prefolds work great in the Buttons covers, and the Buttons inserts work just fine with my other one-size covers.
You might have noticed that the Buttons system is somewhat similar to the Best Bottom diaper system. I did, and discovered that the inserts are interchangeable; i.e. the soaker pads will snap into either brand.
Fit: Ok, now it’s time for Buttons pictures on Erik, Susanna and Samuel. Compared to other one-size covers in my stash, Buttons diaper covers run small.
UPDATE: Erik is now 10 months old/17 pounds and wears his Buttons on the largest setting at night when the diaper is really stuffed. So he will most likely outgrow them by 25 pounds.
* Where to Buy Buttons *
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Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique – free USA shipping
Fluff & Familia – free USA shipping
Diaper Junction – free USA shipping
Lagoon Baby (Canada)
Love your website, great giveaways and reviews!
I like to try new diapers because I’m so indecisive and I feel like i need to try every cloth diaper out there. lol
I love that you showed this diaper on 3 different kids and ages. that was very helpful! this brand fits great on all 3!
I like trying new brands to see what works best for my little skinny minnie!
I like that these diapers are one size, affordable and come with two inserts.
I love these diapers and they fit all different sizes and ages and my niece is having her first child and I know she would love them
I love that they are one size and adjustable for day/night use. I would love to try them out.
I like that it has both front and back elastic and double gussets!
I’m new to cloth diapering, so reviews like this are helpful so I can make an informed decision on what diaper to choose
I like to try new types and brands of diapers, because you don’t know what you’ll like until you try them. Plus, they may offer different colors or patterns. It’s nice to have options!
I liked seeing the fit on different sizes of children in this review. Trying new brands of diapers is totally addicting, because you never know if you will find the perfect system for you.
I love how you show this diaper on 3 different babies, it gives me a better idea how this diaper would grow with my baby! I can’t believe your baby is 5 months old already!! Where does the time go???
I love trying new diapers, to see the differences in the brands and styles.
Thanks for showing the range of fits! Good to know it will really works on babies up toddlers.
I like to try new brands of diapers to see what works and what doesn’t work.
I love trying new diapers just to see what styles are out there!
I’m always up for trying a new brand that may work well for me, or to share with a friend whose baby might love them!
I think I will prefer double rows of snaps too, but this cover looks like it still works well!
I love to try out new diapers because depending on the current age and shape of my baby different diapers work better or worse, so it’s good to have a variety on hand.
I am new to cloth diapering so I always want to try new diapers!
I forgot to put my color in, I like blueberry or pebble. I cant wait to clothe diaper!
Thanks for sharing pics of how the diaper fits all three of your kids. That really helps.
Right now I like to try new types of diapers because I’m just looking to build my stash. However, I’m sure I’ll always want to see what else is out there.
I love your reviews because I’m a newbie to CDing and I have a lot to learn!!
We are fans of using prefolds and this cover would work great with them!
I have been dying to try cloth…too expensive for something I’m not completely sure of. I really hope to win some, and these are so cute!
The colors are very pastel, so I wish they were a little brighter, but you can’t beat the price!
I like the blueberry color best!
I also like to try new brands because I like to have options. If I know it will be only an hour before the next diaper change, I pick a different diaper than I do for overnight.
I like trying new diapers because its awesome to find something new that works great!
I’ve been using these covers for months now, and my DH and I agree, they are our absolute favorite! Never had one leak, even for overnight use. And the double layer of PUL makes them so sturdy.
I`d like to try out some new cloth diapers because we are just starting cloth diapering and trying to figure out which kinds of cloth diapers work for our baby.
We usually just use prefolds and covers, but I would be open to trying the snap-in inserts. Always fun to try a new diapering method!
I would love to try this as, I always like trying out new diapers. I’m not the type to have just one favorite style of diapers
Love the pics of your cuties!! I’m just trying to learn as much about cloth as possible, so I appreciate your different reviews. Seems like these are a good price and very versatile.
Wish I’d had these when my babies were young. NOw I can use them for great shower gifts!!
I like trying many different brands of diapers because they are all a little different!
Our first baby is due August 5, and I’m so excited about cloth diapering. We’re planning to use prefolds and covers (just like my mom did!), and we’re trying several different brands. I’m looking forward to trying out the Buttons diaper covers!
I am looking for a new brand of covers for my LO who is 16 months and 25 lbs. We’re currently using Thirsties Duo Wraps and WolbyBug OS covers and both are leaving red marks on her chunky legs.
Oh dear, Courtney! I tried the Duo Wraps on Erik when he was newborn and had bird legs, but never on an older baby. Hope you find something that works better! I really do like the soft PUL on these Buttons covers. ~Anne
I’m pregnant with my first and would love to try many different brands to see what works best.
Love trying out new diapers…it’s great to see how they fit on different size babies too, very helpful.
Little girl is on her way, so I’m eager to build a stash of different diapers so I’m prepared when she gets here! I have no clue what will work best, and I’ve heard that can change as baby grows. I like to be prepared :-). Plus, they’re all so cute!
Our little one is due next week and I we will be off and starting our cloth diapering journey so I would love to win one of these to try out different brands to see what works best for us!
These are so cute and your children are adorable!
im looking to try new brands, as my son has grown over the last year, what was working for us then isnt quite working for us now!!!
I love trying new brands so I can recommend more brands to friends.
I love trying new diapers because, that is the only way you will ever find the right fit for your baby.
would luv to try
I’m new to cloth diapering so I like to explore new brands.
I have a complete stash (in that we can make it three days without laundry), and I’m happy with what we have. But I am convinced that there might be something slightly better out there, so I always want to try something new!
Thanks so much for the giveaway! Love the diapers, very cute!
I like trying new diaper brands because every diaper fits every baby differently. That, and each diaper seems to have a feature unique to that diaper and I like being able to inform others learning about cloth what the difference is
I’m busy learning about cloth diapering and what solution will work best for us. I love finding cloth diaper giveaways and having the chance to begin a stash and try out different brands/types of cloth diaper.
I love trying all sorts of new diapers so I can figure out what works best for me! There are lots of great ideas out there!
I love to try different brands because they come in different prints and colors, I also am searching for a night time solution and like to see how different brands fit. Thanks for the giveaway!
I like to try new brands so I can better help people choose what they want for their babies. I’m hoping to win this for my sil
I’d like to try your cloth diaper for my newborn greatgranddaughter.
I like to try new diapers because it’s good to break out of habit, and preconceived ideas. I have been surprised to find out what I actually like, and how it differs from what I thought I would like.
I like to try new diapers because I’m still learning about all of the different option that are out there. I’ve been surprised and excited about some of the diapers that I’ve tried.
i’m new to cloth diapers, so i love trying new brands to test which brand is best!
The picture of your little one with the orange kitten is the sweetest!
I like to try new brands because I love variety.
I like to find the best and most functional and use those.
you never know what works best until you try new products!!
I’ve love to try these diapers! I’m new to cloth diapers & would love to try these!
I like to try new diapers, because you never know when your gonna find something new you like
I’m always looking for a new brand of diaper to try. It’s so fun to compare to my favorites, or add new styles to tha list! Button is up at the top of my dipes to try list!
All cloth will be new to me… due with #3 in Feb but first to use cloth.
We’re expecting baby #1 in September, so I’m really excited to find my favourite cloth diapers!
I like to try new brands because as my little one grows it seems different ones fit better than others!
I like to try new diapers because you never really know what works for you until you try them!
Great review! Showing the diaper at different weights really helped me want to look into this diaper. That plus the fact it will work with my stash already!
Love when my name gets autocorrected… Should be Tracy lol.
I’d like to try several styles before investing in a single style.
I like to “try” new brands of diapers because this is my first time cding with my first time being a mom, and quite honestly I want options to see what works and what doesn’t!
My stash mainly consists of pockets, prefolds and flats but I’m starting to like AI2s because my baby’s poos are finally not the runny EBF poos so an AI2 would now work for us.
LOVE Buttons’ covers!
I love to try new brands of diapers because I’m totally addicted to cloth!!!
Love double gussets. I think we have one diaper (different brand than Buttons) that has double gussets and it has held everything in during poo-splosions.
I love seeing the fit on 3 kids!
I am brand new to the cloth diapering world. I am excited to try different brands and types and see which kind is best for my baby’s buns. : )
I really like that you showed the diaper on different sized babies! Very helpful!
I am expecting number One right now and I am hoping to try as many CD brands as possible, to learn as much as I can!
I have a skinny toddler and a chubby 7 month old . I love trying different diapers to see which ones work the best for them.
I like trying out different diapers so I can see what works best for my little guy! I like to mix and match different brands and types of covers and inserts
I have never tried this brand before, I have tried a few different brands of CD that I’ve found for sale on Craigslist out of the ones I’ve been able to get and try my favorite has to be my Kawaii or Coola baby