A stool is prety much a must-have in our house. There’s always something that one of our toddlers needs to reach, and even the older children find it handy once in a while. Nuby’s step stools have three essential things that I look for in a good stool: safe and sturdy construction, lightweight and attractive.
Our Nuby Step Stool sits solidly on the floor and never slides around, thanks to the four wide legs with rubber bottoms. It’s actually rated to hold up to 800 pounds. Wow! I even used it myself the other day to hang bathroom curtains. Once you are standing on the stool, it is not budging. I love that it stays put when my little ones are on it. So it definitely scores 5 stars in the safety/sturdy department.
If I could recommend an age range for this stool, it would be from older toddlers to adolescents.
This sturdy little stool can easily be carried by Susanna, who’s just 18 months old. So it also gets high marks for being very lightweight. Because it’s so portable, the children can move it from room to room without constantly needing my help.
Susanna likes using it as a little seat, too.
Here are the bright and cheery colors you get to choose from! Once again, Nuby gets high marks for looks. I am hoping to pick up another one locally in another color (maybe the yellow/orange) to keep downstairs in our basement since we have a lot of things kept on storage shelves.
Here’s how to connect with our friends at Nuby:
Did you know that there’s a Nuby Instagram giveaway going on right now? Two winners will be chosen June 1, 2013!
Which color is your favorite? Would a sturdy step stool get a lot of use in your home?
I’d worry a bit about a one step stool, it’s tough for them to reach the faucet when they are little. Did you find that?
I would say the Nuby stool works well for bigger toddlers and older children (and mamas, too). Very little ones who are just walking, say 1 year to 18 months, might find it’s not high enough to help them reach a sink. And it depends on the size and height of the sink. ~Anne
Cute stool. I will have to get one and try it out. Thanks/
This is too cute! I have a one year old that is getting more and more independent each day! I will have to keep this in mind. Thanks for the tip 🙂
Super cute kids! I think that I should invest in step stool stock! Every time I turn around one of my three kids is asking me to help them reach something and we never seem to be able to find their stools!
I love how lightweight and portable it is. It seems high enough reach the sink?
Love how colorful these are and little ones really do need a stool to do things like brush their teeth.
I love it, the colors makes it really stand out, my grandson would love to have one.
I would love to win!
My two year old could really use this stool! It looks perfect for washing hands in the bathroom.
This is so cute. I need one for my son.
so bright and colorful. someone is enjoying themselves using this stool
Wish I had a little guy 🙁
What a cute stool. I’m sure we’d use it a lot for everything from time outs to a bathroom step stool.
i love the bright colors! my son would so carry this all over the house and get into trouble! 🙂
My four year old uses one not this one but like it. This has nice cute colors.
My teeny tiny 3 year old would love this. She’s always trying around her little laundry basket to reach her things in the bathroom.
These are super cute! We have one for the kids sink upstairs,could use one downstairs too. I like em:)