Lots of cloth diapers and covers are marketed as fitting from “birth to potty training.” Is that really true? It all depends on the size of your newborn and the brand of diaper. Some run big and some run small. And even the smaller one-size diapers won’t be as tiny or as trim as newborn diapers. But some do work in a pinch.
I was curious about some of the one-size diapers and covers we have in our stash, so I tried them on Erik to see what the fit was like.ย He was 7 pounds 9 ounces at birth and is just over 8 pounds in these photos.
Here is Erik in a Flip one-size cover with a bamboo prefold inside. It gapes a little around the leg openings, which means newborn poo possibly escaping. Not a bad fit, but certainly not as snug as I would like. Because of the extra fabric, it looks kind of saggy. And the rise is on the high side.
And now here’s theย BumGenius 4.0 one-size pocket diaper. This one is a lot bulkier in the front and the back. And the rise is even higher than the Flip. However, the fit around the legs is more snug.
Here’s Erik in the Imagine one-size pocket diaper from Nicki’s. This one runs even larger than the BumGenius and once again I noticed gaping around the leg gussets.
My conclusions?ย I definitely prefer our little newborn stash.ย It’s perfectly sized for Erik, and as you know – sizing is extremely important when you’re trying to keep leaks and blowouts contained. If you decide to start building a newborn stash (click here to see my reviews of more than 60 different newborn diapers and covers!) and are on a tight budget, you can get free shipping at Diaper Safari with no minimum purchase required. Nicki’s also offers free shipping on covers, pockets and Imagine-brand products.
This photo helps to show the significant difference in size, even with the one size diapers on their smallest settings:
And now you can see a couple of newborn diapers on Erik to further illustrate how they are tailor-made for tiny bodies. And they are OH SO CUTE! At left…the Bummis Super Brite newborn cover. At right….a Fuzzibunz Perfect Size pocket diaper in extra small:
Next up…two of the most popular AIO newborn diapers on the market: the BumGenius and the Lil Joey:
Have I found any one-size diapers that DO work pretty well on a newborn? Yes! My two favorites are Buttons Diapers and Funky Fluff. That’s my little Ingrid in these photos (the second baby I’ve cloth diapered from birth).
Happy Diapering ๐
Looks like the flip doesn’t fit bad!
I agree, except for the leg gussets. But then, Erik is skinny and not all newborns are!
I agree that they aren’t the best fit — I ordered some for my first baby this March and they appear bulky! It would be amazing to have these diapers.. They look awesome! I entered the raffle!
Thanks for the tips ๐
sharing what i have.
I think bringing food is always a great way to bless a new mom, whether its baby number 1 or baby number 9!
I often make some frozen meals to take to new mothers. I also go and babysit for them while they are in their home, so that they can go take a shower or a nap or whatever they need to do.
I would stop by and visit the mom-to-be to make sure she is okay. I know how it feels when you get lonely. I would also bring meals in when the little one is born so the mom can relax and not stress.
a spa day (mani and pedi) once baby comes a week or weekend of help to adjust. also i try and help with whatever hand me downs i have that they need
A meal & some baby necessities that may have been overlooked – gas drops, diaper cream, etc.
I have 12 NB BumGenius & loved them for my son (who was a premie so it was forever before he fit in the OS we have). I have so many friends expecting I would love to be able to pass on the blessing of NB diapers to one of them!
I would bless a mom to be by encouraging her to do her best in everything she tries. No one way is the right way, everyone is different.
I have a few friends with newborns that are looking into cloth. I would love to provide both of them starter stashes!
I would probably give them to one of my sisters who is trying to get pregnant. Fingers crossed ๐
Make a meal.
I have a little due in June and was wondering if my current one size diapers would work from the get-go. This was a big help, thank you so much! Looks like newborn sizes are in our future.
My sister is pregnant and I would love to able to help her cloth diaper as soon as the baby comes!
I have a friend with a newborn who wants to try cloth diapers, and I don’t want her to get discouraged with the all in ones she bought.
Make a meal, take over some hot tea and cookies, help out with the baby and just be an ear.
If i had the means I’d probably try to find out something they were really worried about accomplishing before the baby gets here and do it for them if possible. stress when youre a mom-to-be is the worst and I’d love to remove that stress from someone.
Actually, I recently did this by giving away about half of my stash. They were used and needed some fixing, but were a great way to get another mama started with cloth.
I would send the mom a good home cooked meal. I know I would really appreciate it if someone did that for me when I give birth in a few months!
I love taking them my homemade lasagna in a pan that they can toss. I know, not environmentally friendly but new mom who doesn’t feel up to dishes friendly! ๐
I love to make healthy meals for new moms and dads, so that is what I would do.
I had my baby few months ago, and I know I was always worried a about having everything I needed ๐ and I always donate stuff my kids outgrow to people I see that could use it. ๐
I always try to pay it forward and would donate things that I have extra of when our baby is here. I already have taken some things for boys to the care center in my town since we are having a girl. Even small gifts are a blessing to me, so I know how it feels to receive when you are not able to get everything you must have when you have a little one. =) I also plan on not having a traditional Christmas with our little one. It will be a day of giving, and she(when old enough) will go to the store to find gifts she thinks will be good to donate to other kids her age. I don’t want to make such a special holiday about receiving, but about giving instead. Hopefully, she’ll learn that Christmas isn’t about getting presents, but about the joy you get when you give gifts. It’s more fulfilling that way! Thank you for the opportunity to win this wonderful package.
As a mom-to-be, I hope to remember how really really crappy I feel right now, and always have a go-to, pregnancy friendly meal on hand for other mothers. A meal that doesn’t have a lot of strong smells or taste, but is still delicious. And no tomatoes or tomato sauce!
One size bg didn’t fit our baby until 1 month and he was an almost 10 pound newborn!
I love to help new moms with nursing questions, and now that I cloth diaper I love to talk about that too! But — I always remind myself to share advice without making the new mom feel like it’s my way or the highway. ๐
Bring over a meal.
I am always blessing other moms with my excess. I have given away cloth diapers (maybe I can do it again *wink) and I even gave a friend one of my extra Boba baby carriers
I love the meal idea! Its the little things like that that make the biggest diffrence in the first few weeks!
I was hoping to see how the bg newborn fit, the others do look a bit big
Deanna, I added a photo for you! Anne
I would watch her other children for her so she can get a nice nap in! I sure appreciated that the most with baby #2
Loving your blog!! new to cloth diapering in 5 weeks give or take and I have got some very useful info here ๐ have plenty of OS diapers…trying to build a newborn stash…
I’m a doula, so I usually spend the first few hours after birth capturing memories, writing things down, and helping a mom breastfeed. I also tend to make sure they have a little something to help them in the postpartum period, such as bath salts for a sitz bath.
Watch her kids!
I passed on all of my cloth diapers and clothing to my cousin for her newborn. I also have another friend who just had a baby I gave lots of things too. Not having to buy everything you need is helpful!
I’d cook a healthy meal for the entire family and offer baby sittin help if there are older siblingss.
I would take her a meal, offer to watch other children, and take a small gift for the baby.
Take one day at a time and cherish the small victories!
By giving her a hand with the first couple of weeks.
I’d cook her a meal! When our daughter was born it was soooo nice when people dropped off meals and we had one less thing to worry about!
definitely bringing some meals. Those were always HUGE blessings for me because cooking was the last thing on my mind. ๐
I would offer to help in anyway I could. Mothers always appreciate help that makes their life a little easier.
I would do the dishes for a new mommy, that was always the hardest for me to keep up with!
Bringing a healthy meal ๐
I have to agree with what many others are saying. I would definitely help a mom-to-be by making freezer meals. They are a life saver when you are busy nursing and taking care of your other children. I recently helped a new mom by donating a nursery lamp, diaper pail, and bassinet. Her baby came earlier than expected so her and her husband weren’t quite prepared!
we are trying for Baby #2 and we started CDing at 2 months so we dont have any NB’s… it would be a tremendous blessing to get a few of these.
I take them a meal so that is one less thing that they have to think about.
I’ve been trying to get all my friends to consider doing cloth with their little ones. Its a great way to save money not to mention help limit exposure to nasty chemicals.
Sharing all that I have learned through my experiences! I am very passionate about pregnancy and childbirth!
i’m glad you did this I learned a lot. I am planning to cloth diaper with my first which is due in sept. Thanks
I will pass on the diapers we out grow on to families who may not be able to aford them so that they can be green and hvae the things they need for their baby ( I think this will be our last baby)
I think food is one of the most helpful things and not just dinners, since new moms need to eat good all day to produce milk!
I’m going to share what I have learned about cloth diapering with one of my pregnant friends!
I plan on cloth diapering baby #8. I was a late cloth diaper momma with my last little one I started when she was six months. So I am really looking into the newborn size.
I’d cook a meal or two, offer to pack lunches for older kids, and maybe do dishes or laundry. Also, ask if there is anything I can pick up for them on the way over!
I would help a new mom by watching any other kids she might have to help give her a break. I’d spare her my cooking. ๐
When I go to visit mom and baby for the first time I always bring mom and baby both a present. Usually some cloths for baby and a gift card for mom and dad/s.o. to go out while I watch their little one(s) for the night.
I’d pass on anything I have to give from my babies, and take her out for a massage!
I and a few others will be surprising a coworker and soon to be mother with a complete stash. This will be her first and its very excited and would like to cloth. She its very short on funds at the moment so we want to make this time special for someone who has been a real friend to the rest of us
I’d take a mom-to-be for a prenatal massage :).
I listen. And give advice when she asks.
Share what I have.
i would let her borrow/see my cloth diaper stash, give her some freezer meals, and any advise she would want if she would ask
Bringing meals, helping with laundry, running errands, and helping a new mom with her other kiddos are all ways I have helped out new mommies ๐
I’d really enjoy putting together a healthy meal for the new mom and her whole family!
Do the dishes! thats what I wanted after my son was born, but I only had people offering to come over and hold him
I am giving away some of my fluff stash to a childhood friend who is having her second baby. She can’t afford much, so I thought I would try to help her out.
bringing a meal! ๐
Bringing dinner, and watching their other children!
Such a cute newbie! “One size” diapers didn’t fit my girl well until almost 3 months and even duo wraps size 1 were too big the first couple weeks. I hated using disposables and would love some tiny fluff on my next one~
Oops, hit “post” too soon! I would love to make a cloth diaper cake for a new mom to be (after of course making sure she wants to use cloth!)
I would visit with a homemade meal and ask mom how she’s doing. Everyone gets so focused on the baby and forget to help take care of mom!
I always give a little “pamper” package to my friends when they have babies. Chances are they could use a pedicure and the baby already has enough clothes!
Bring dinner, clean up, and offer to help while she takes a nap!!
Perfect timing! I’m getting ready for my fourth baby- first to use cloth diapers from the start. Thanks for the helpful pics, review, and of course the giveaway!
I like to bring food and help watch other kids
I’m such a fan on flip covers!
Bring an afternoon package to visit her, so many moms can start to feel left out of the loop…I’d bring some tea to make, and a batch or brownies or yummy sweets, sit and listen/catch up. Maybe even (if she’d like) watch the baby for a few minutes to give her some rest.<3
Definitely being there to help her whenever she needs it. Even coming over for an hour to help clean or care for baby while she takes a nap can make all the difference during those early weeks of becoming a new mom or adding another kiddo in the mix!
Everyone offers to babysit. That’s not necessarily what she needs though. I know when I had a newborn, my husband would make dinner and do laundry and dishes on top of working and doing his normal house chores. I appreciated that more than he could know! I would offer to do her laundry or clean her floors or bathroom or something like that. Those are the things she’s probably sitting there wishing would just magically be done so she can nap and enjoy baby without thinking about it!
Well if I knew a new mommy I would offer to baby sit once in a while. I know that sometimes a mommy needs a little break here and there.
someone brought me groceries and it was so sweet- I would do the same
My SIL is giving birth in a few months… I would share my diapers with her! ๐ I’ve been trying to convince her to make the switch to cloth. I know money is tight for them, and it is a big investment up front. (I also will have their older two kids come to play so she can rest, as well as helping with meals, groceries, laundry- whatever!)
I would bless my sister. She started cloth diapering when her son was a toddler, so having some newborn friendly diapers would be great.
sharing my cloth knowledge and goods
I like to try and think ahead, clothes in different sizes, meals for the family, etcetera.
I’d love to help a mom kickstart into cloth diapering by giving them a small stash and accessories. This bundle sounds like the perfect fit!
The current way I am working to help three moms to be I know is just saving up everything I can make for them and send them a special package before their children are born
Meals and hand me downs! ๐
All of my baby winnings go to my daughter, who has her first baby due in July.
I am helping my sister build her newborn stash.
My friend is having a “surprise” second baby and I want to help her save money where she can
This was SOO helpful to me! I’m pregnant with my 2nd and trying to decide what to do for newborn diapers, since I didn’t use newborn size last time. Thanks!!
I didn’t realize that there was a writing requirement, sorry!
I have and definitely will continue to point my friends towards cloth diapering and hold there hands as they figure it out!
Looking forward to trying cloth diapers with my first!
I would make and bring a meal with extras to freeze and offer to do laundry.
I think all new mom’s need reassurance that everything is normal and that they are doing a good job….helping them to remember to trust their instincts and not be overwhelmed by all the well meaning advice that comes your way in those first few months.
I would offer to do a chore they really dont like. If somone would have done my laundry right after I had my baby I would have LOVED it
I would be there for any moral support she needed, as well as any physical things she needed done in her home or helping with caring for the newborn.
I would bring her a meal in a throw away container and do some cleaning. I would also offer to watch baby while she showers, naps, gets out of the house or whatever she needed at that time!
my sister just had her baby girl on jan 11th.
Thank you for this giveaway
I would bless her with a meal and lots of moral and emotional support!
Most of my friends/family do baby registries. I try to pick the crunchiest thing from their list.lol.
I offer up my time cleaning for new moms in my life. I cleaned my sister’s house for her while she was on bedrest, helped her prep her diapers, did dishes and laundry after the baby was born, and while she was at the hospital I took her diapers home to wash for her so she didn’t have to use disposables. ๐
I also talk to other new moms I’m close to to encourage them with breastfeeding and help them find the resources they need to get through rough patches.
I would offer to watch her newborn so she could take a much needed shower and nap!
As a mom.to.be myself, the best way to help is taking the time to help get the house clean and ready for baby. I could really use the help getting my house clean before baby arrives.
I’d go take car of the new little while new momma took a nap!
I would offer my time!!!! Time for the mommy to relax do wht she needs to do ..
i have a friend that is having her second and she tried so desperately to cloth before but she didn’t have the knowledge or understanding to do it on the cheap. and neither did I at the time. I would love to help her
I would help a mom to be by winning this prize for her.
i like to be there for new moms so they know they’re not alone. those first few days home are hard…especially when you’re a single mommy and don’t have any help. i try to do whatever i can to help out.
My son and his wife lost a child last August, it was very devastating to our family. I spent weeks helping them with house hold projects, they were both so depressed and had a hard time wanting to do anything. They are now expecting twins which is great but will be a financial burden so I am helping by getting diapers stocked up and things that they will need plenty of to prepare. I help them with household chores again because she gets tired easy and he is working 2 jobs. They are both quietly worried because of losing a child already but we are prying for them and the babies and so far all is well.
I’m so sorry to hear of their loss, Linda, and that’s wonderful the way you’ve been available to them. That would be wonderful if you won some diapers to share with them! God bless, Anne
I’d bless my cousin who is going to be a first time mom this spring! She is going to use cloth which I’m THRILLED about! Oh, and those pictures of Erik just made my ovaries twitch – oh that newborn goodness!!! He’s the cutest!!!
Yay, another convert! Such good news! Thanks, Ruth ๐
take her a homemade meal, offer to help with cleanining, etc.
Just starting out with cloth diapering. Thanks for the info!
I offer up some of my extra breast milk or offer to help them look into cloth diapering.
I want to honor and bless my fellow mommy friends by being their encouragement and prayer friend! ๐
I love taking meals over during the week after a baby is born.
My wife never forgets to get the mama something. Often just the baby gets gifts. Often it will be something that she can enjoy for a few minutes out of the day. Before my wife became extremely ill, (with no available treatment/cure), she would often volunteer us to go pick up groceries for her friends who had just had babies, or she would go to their home ot just sit eith the baby while the mama went for a nap or bath. She was and still is, as much as she can be, an amazing, generous person.
I love cooking meals that can easily be put in the oven and heated up for dinner!
Bringing in dinner and doing either laundry or dishes.
I will just be starting cloth diapering with my 2nd child. Thanks for the info.
I would cook freezer meals to help out a new mom
Bringing meals is always a blessing to new moms…not to mention a huge help.
I like to share any of my favorite products that other moms have told me about. There are so many great products out there that people don’t know about.
I just hosted a baby shower for a good friend who is pregnant! And I plug cloth every chance I get…
I like to help out at 3 months because I was really tired by then and no one thinks to offer after the first few weeks.
My sister in law is pregnant and would love to win so I could give her a CD starter stash!
I would bless a new mom but helping her in any way that she needs. And if she is interested in cloth diapering, I would let her have some of mine to try and see if she likes it. I would be there to help her and give any advice about cloth diapering. I would bring her meals and help watch the baby so that she can get some much needed rest ๐
I sent my cousin some cloth wipes and a few other items to get her interested in cloth diapering. She is due any day now and she plans on trying cloth. She would have never even considered it without me telling her all about cloth diapering.
I am so excited to have a newborn stash this go round. One size are just so bulky until at least 12-15 pounds.
I would try to help them know what was useful or not to get from that incredibly long baby necessities list. And meals or babysitting other children is always wonderful.
I am so excited to get started on my NB stash!!! CD my daughter from 6mon. on but this little one due in June I want to start cd from our first day home from the hospital.
share with her some cloth diapers, and if she was close by bring her some meals for her family while she recovers from delivery.
I think a meal would be ideal for a new parent. Cooking is the LAST thing on my mind for the first few weeks.
I am the mom to be and I love naps
The “mom-to-be” in my life is my own sweet daughter…I raised her on new fandangled pampers, and so at first, the idea of CDs seemed archaic to me, but as I read every morsel she sends me about the new generation of CDs I want to support her any way I can…so here I am posting comments and reading up and preparing to CD my first grandson!
I would help a new mom by making a nourishing homecooked meal.
Make food for her/family…we all know how “all-day” sickness makes preparing food practically unbearable!
Bringing a hot meal, cleaning whatever needs done, conversation and holding that precious baby so mama can sleep, shower or just relax. That’s my way of blessing a new mommy ๐
Help her clean, watch baby while she showers/takes a nap and relaxes, cook dinner for her.
I am expecting my first child and due in about 13 weeks. I never realized how much is involved in just the pregnancy! Knowing what I do now, I would run errands for an expecting mom when she is having morning sickness. I would also offer to clean house for her and even be a baby gear shopping buddy. My husband is in the military and has been away a lot, and any of these would be much appreciated from my standpoint, so I’m sure other moms would feel blessed as well!
I would encourage her to cherish each difficult moment. I would also take her a meal and offer to help watch other little ones so that she could rest.
Take a meal and something from her registry!
I sometimes give restaurant gift cards if I’m too far away to bring food – it’s the little things sometimes, and anytime someone else will cook for me, that’s big!
This would be such a blessing for ME. I am due in 1 week and have been slowly building a stash of CD’s for my little one but didn’t realize that NB sized diapers were so much different than the “one size fits all” claims you read on OS diapers. So…this would TRULY be a blessing for me. And we hope to have more kids after this little one, so they would get plenty of use. Thank you for the chance to win.
Off topic from diapers, I like to make freezer meals for expecting and new moms. Sometimes you are hungry or your family is, but you don’t feel up to cooking.
I try to take a meal or make freezer meals for my new mommy friends. I know how nice it is to have food ready to go in those early weeks!
I love sewing! Its my special skill. To honor a new mother I would sew her things she needs that I am really good at making. Ex: wet bags, baby slings, bibs, blankets and more. I often skim my local thrift shops for cute material and 80% of the time its a SUCCESS! ๐
I loooove sewing! To honor a new mama I would sew stuff that I am skilled at for her. For example: wet bags, wash cloths, blankets, bibs, baby slings, etc… I often skim my local thrift shops for material and am usually 80% SUCCESSFUL! ๐ If I win these diaper they will go to a new mama in need! I still need practice in the cloth diaper sewing skill. Every time I make them they leak! :-/
bring some food before the baby arrives so she doesn’t have to worry about visitors right away!
I would tell her to take a nap while I watched the baby for a little bit and bring her gifts for just her not only the baby ๐
I’m just starting a stash for my little girl (to be born in April). SO looking forward to CDing! Also, my friend’s favorite treat that a friend brought her just after she came home from the hospital was a batch of chocolate-dipped strawberries!
Have you tried Booty Buns? Those fit newborns. My stash is mostly BB. Love them. http://www.bootybunsclothdiapers.com
For my closest friends I would be their informal doula.
I would watch the baby while she got a good long nap and clean up the house.
take her to run errands and stay in the car with the baby to make it a little easier!
I think the best way to help a mom-to-be is freezer meals!
I would tell her to trust her instincts & don’t worry about what everyone else thinks.
I love coordinating meal drives for new moms, I get a list of basic likes and then call up friends and family, they pick a day and drop off a meal ready to eat. Its was a huge blessing for me when the babe was so young and I was recouping, that I just love doing it for others.
Offering to watch the baby while mama takes a shower is a wonderful blessing!
i would watch the baby while she showered ๐ weve all been there lol
I would be there for her and looks for personal ways to make her days easier!
Helping to cook and clean!
It is easy to do with NB diapers. Since they aren’t used much or for long, loaning them out to new moms. Then stripping them and getting them ready for another new mom. Cheaper for them, and a great way to start someone into CDing.
I’m a first time mom due in May, I would love to win this giveaway and blog all about how the products work to help lots of new mommies!!
I try to include new mom necessities in shower presents such as nursing pads, breast milk storage and products or a frozen dinner or two
Winning this would be a great baby shower gift for my friend! ๐
I would help by offering a listening ear as well as advice, suggestions, etc. based on my personal experience whenever asked. I also would be willing to help by watching the baby while she got some things done either around the house or even outside of the house.
I have to agree, even though my son was a hefty 9.5 lbs at birth, neborn diapers fit better! I loved my thristies size one covers and newborn/small prefolds the best!
I would help a new mom by watching any older kids. Help with meal prep or even just helpinfbwith laundry.
Cook meals, laundry, and holding a baby for new moms while they shower, clean up or sleep!
Sharing knowledge about baby gear, pregnancy, labour, taking care of a newborn, ect BUT only when asked. Also, providing easy snacks and meals for the end of pregnancy and life with a newborn is a great help.
I would remind her that it is OK to let advice go in one ear and out the other, that’s what should happen to 90% of it anyway. You are the Mom and really do know what’s best for your baby.
My friends little Peanut is due anytime now. I have already lined up meal that I am making and taking to her and she will be doing the same for me as I am due March 1st! We are constantly supporting each other with tips about fluff, breastfeeding and more…
Definitely bring a meal.
I’d give information on my cloth diapering experience & with other natural parenting products. Also help them with anything they need done around the house & bring a meal or a fresh cup of coffee ๐
We like to stock the new mom’s freezer with meals!
I always try to bring a meal and easy to grab snacks. With close family and friends I’m not afraid to jump in and wash some dishes or do a load of laundry. I always appreciated that when my family was here in those early weeks.
I always make a casserole and offer to look after older kids and/or pets.
I would love to pay it forward. So many have been serving me while I’ve been on bed rest for the past month.
I’d come over and help clean the house!
I’d bring a meal, help clean or offer to watch other kids while she naps a little bit!
Can’t wait to try cloth diapers out! My first little one is on his way!
I am a mom to be! And one of the greatest blessings is for someone else to cook! It s also nice to help out by taking some of her daily chores, so she can get some rest!
I take a meal or two to new moms. That was such a blessing to me when I had my little one.
Just be there to help out
I love dropping by the hospital when a new mom delivers and dropping off a cute little basket with a few nice items that were brought to me when I was in the hospital, most of which I had overlooked. Usually a small thing of hand lotion, chap stick, a pen and mini notebook, baby mittens, etc.
I would gift this to my daughter who is 7 and a half months pregnant with a little boy!
Helping with meals of giving mom nap time
I think bringing a meal, would be especially helpful!
How to bless a new mom: Offering anything I can from support, to chores, to hand-me-downs, to her favorite candy. Sometimes all a mom wants is a chance to take a nice long shower. ๐
I donate supplies to our local pregnancy center.
Food!! I was so thankful for all the meals I received – it really made a difference in our newborn experience :)!
I would give the new mom support and offer to help with child care or meals
Frozen Meals!
I would cook her some meals, bring some fresh fruits and veggies and watch her new bundle of joy a while so she could nap!
By giving her these diapers if I win! (She is expecting twins!)
One size dipes did well on my 9 pounder. All depends on the baby.
Meals are so helpful! They are such a blessing! I really wished that I had more people being meals after my delivery.
I bought some knock off Lil Joeys for the baby I have on the way. They are so tiny, I can hardly believe I’ll have a baby that small again!
I would bless a new mom with freezer meals, a homemade baby hat, some cloth wipes, and a cloth burp cloth. I have also passed on my newborn cloth to other mommy’s to be who want to try cloth.
This was very helpful! I didn’t start cloth diapering until my lo was 3 months old so we never experienced the sizing problems of a newborn. Good to know for our next one!
My husbands coworker who is pregnant has decided to use cloth after my husband raved so much about it lol I plan on making her a cloth diaper cake and this would for sure help thicken out the cake if I win!
I love blessing new moms with meals!
I think trying to help a MTb realize how great cloth diapers are would be a big blessing!
I am helping a new mom to be get started cloth diapering so i am going to share this link with her!
Taking a meal and something specifically for her.
Bringing a large casserole that can be for dinner & lunch the next day is a huge help. My aunt did that for us & it was nice to not have any meal planning to do for a few meals.
The best idea I have heard lately is to bring frozen meals before the baby comes!! I just had a baby and I didn’t want people coming by even if they meant well. The baby is very congested already and I don’t want her exposed to more viruses. If you know anyone expecting during flu season please consider this instead.
being a soon-to-be new mom myself soon, I know that just having someone there to talk to all my concerns and questions with would be HUGE. I pray for all new moms and let them know they are not given more than they can handle. I would be a listening ear and would offer my help to anything they need (meals, maid, grocery shopper) ๐
How long do babies typically wear NB diapers? I’m trying to decide if it’s worth it to invest in cloth ones or just use disposable at first.
thanks for the comparisons – helpful ๐
Never realized that there was such a huge difference. Wow now i need to buy some nb sizes
Bringing a healthy meal that is ready to eat and in containers that don’t need to be returned if how I like to bless a new mom.
Making meals and offering to help with household chores so mom can spend more time with baby!
My LO is about grown out of her newborn diapers. We rented our newborn diapers, would like to own a few for the next baby.
Make food and deliver. ๐
I typically bring a meal with enough food to last the family 2 nights.
Bring her family a meal in the first trimester when she feels too sick to cook!
Help with errands and do things for her without her having to ask.
I would love to help a new momma out. In our little community in Wyoming we cook meals for the new momma and I would love to be able to give a new mommy some cloth dipes. I am new to cloth and it was overwhelming trying to learn it on my own so I would love to give a mom a few different types and explain the differences.
I would love to give this to my SIL who is expecting baby #2 in May!! She doesn’t have any NB diapers in her stash, and this would really help them out.
I like to bring food and offer babysitting and clothes and toys if they need it!
I love to do frozen meals. That way new moms have meals for later when they’re too tired to cook.
Thanks for the pictures in the newborn diapers. I’m cloth diapering for the first time with twins. I have bummis, bgs, fuzzibunz and thirsties covers for the newborn size. Seeing the pictures make me feel better about what I have. I can’t decide if I should get the lil joeys or not. I’ve read the rumparooz one size can size down pretty small for newborns. Does anybody have any experience with these?
I’m definitely wishing for NB diapers. No baby on the way yet, but they will definitely be a top on my list when it’s time! I started cloth with my now two year old, and it just took far too long to fit into the one size.
I’m definitely wishing for NB diapers. No baby on the way yet, but they will definitely be a top on my list when it’s time! I started cloth with my now two year old, and it just took far too long to fit into the one size.
I always make new mom’s a care package with some books, hand lotion, and a gift card to itunes.
I have a friend who is a FTM and wants to save money and help reduce the carbon footprint by using cloth but is not able to fork out the initially cost of starting cloth. ALL of this prize would go directly to her and her little family
I’d make my special ginger snap cookies and do her dishes
There is a new mommy at my sister’s high school and we collected goodies for her. We are going to put them in her car while she is in class!
I’m hoping that my hubby will love cloth too!
I’ve never had success with one size diapers on newborns, but was always hesitant to spend a ton of money on newborn diapers when my babies get so chunky so fast! What an awesome giveaway!
These would go straight to a woman I know who is expecting. She’s wanting to try cloth with her new addition, but money is tight. I’d love to give her a good start that will give her confidence!
Bringing food in the early days is a real blessing. And only giving advice when it’s asked for! Lol
I would, if asked, share the blessings that natural L&D, breastfeeding, & an AP lifestyle have been to our lives. I’d be happy to help out in any way possible… esp in those early days, getting very little sleep & trying to get to know a new little person.
i went and got them dinner, fruit basket, and ask their mom what else they need and got some of those
I would bring a meal with a loaf of homemade bread and take her older children off her hands for the day so she could bond with her newborn!
Give them lots of encouraging words! New to Breast feeding moms need a lot. But so does every one else! It’s a priceless gift that many don’t have.
I am excited about CDing our first baby who id due March 3rd. I’d love to try the Lil joeys!
I’m ready to get my NB stash! ๐
Be on call in case she might need something and can’t get it right then.
I could never afford a newborn stash.
Great article!
Hire a company to clean the mommy’s house with green friendly products. That way Momma wont have to stress about keeping the house clean and just focus more on their little one.
Bringing a meal, spending some time talking to her or get her house clean and ready!
Thanks for the comparison! I’ve been debating how many (if any) newborn sized CDs I should get. But with the pictures of an 8lb baby in one-size dipes, just seems silly, and messy!
Bringing meals and if it’s a close mama friend helping with dishes and laundry for the new mama!
Help out with the cooking.
My cousin in pregnant and I’m trying to collect my favorite WAHM brands to send to her.
Offer to babysit.
Bringing in meals is important to new moms…they are busy with baby
I am going to be a first time mom at the end of march. I have learned a lot during this pregnancy about how to help other moms-to-be… one major way would be to be understanding of their exhaustion and not take it personally when I see them less often!! Taking them out now and then without them doing the driving would be a nice break! Letting them know to not be hard on themselves as they experience all things that come with pregnancy. I could go on for awhile ๐ … would be perfect to win these!
I love taking new mom meals. One for that day and another one or two for the freezer!
I would help out a new mom by bringing a meal or helping with housework. So many little things that can get overlooked with a newborn in the house!
I’m a fan of coming by with cloth diapers, prepped and ready to use. And I generally just pitch in with older kids. If there’s something that needs to be done while I’m there, I do it.
I would love to share with my best friend who is expecting her first baby this summer. ๐
Thanks for the pics! My little one is due in a few weeks. Both my husband’s and my families tend to have big babies, so I skipped the newborn size, but I did get some of the smaller covers to use for the first few months. Fingers crossed that they work!
this is awesome im new to all this and have ordered a few diapers and so far i think only my bitty bees are going to fit and maybe my os charlie bananna depending on where it fits on babys tummy might have to wait till her umbilical falls off ๐
I was curious about how one-sized diapers fit NBs. I’ll probably have to get some NB diapers the next time around before going into the one sized diapers! Thanks for this post =)
Anytime! Glad it was useful for you. ~Anne
Hi. I started cloth diapering with one-sized diapers, and thought was great… but I discovered the NB diapers from Cocalo Perfect Bumb… I just love the way they fit. I also preffer NB diapers even they are going to use them for a short time… we can sell them later! or pass them to some one else!