I’ve cloth diapered for 4 years and love natural fabrics and yet I’ve never tried wool until now. Why is that? Probably for the same reasons that lots of other mothers have resisted, namely:
- Wool is more expensive
- Wool requires special care
- Wool requires special detergent
- Wool takes a really long time to dry
So if you are one who is hesitating, I completely understand! However, thanks to Little Spruce Organics, I am now the proud owner of a beautiful Disana wool cover in size large. I will share my experience as a newcomer to wool below, but first let me introduce our sponsor.
Little Spruce Organics is strongly committed to selling natural products so that what touches baby’s skin is pure and safe. They are very particular about what is sold in the store, so you can be sure that what you buy is superior quality and always organic. Little Spruce is a family-owned business that hails from the beautiful state of Colorado. Bethany Grosser, founder and owner, created her store after doing lots of research to find out what would be safest and best for her own baby.
Bethany has a great page at the Little Spruce website that explains why choosing organic for your family is so important. And you can interact with Little Spruce Organics any time at their Facebook page.
Now, here’s what my Disana cover looks like: It’s very different from the PUL covers I’m used to. There were a lot of colors to choose from (blue, red, orange, plum, green, etc.) but I ended up just picking “natural,” because it looked so pure and simple.
When I first pulled it out of the package, the softness and pliability of the wool really surprised me. I assumed it would be somewhat scratchy, but that wasn’t true at all. It felt like a finely knitted sweater.
But why the odd shape? Well, the Disana cover is made of very soft, merino wool and it’s designed to hug baby comfortably yet snugly. That way, it helps to keep leaks and blowouts at bay. The waistband, which might look huge at first glance, can be folded over for a better fit.
I was impressed by the product description for the Disana. Things that stood out to me:
- Once it is prepped and ready for use, you will have no leaks at all – even overnight!
- Wool soakers are naturally antibacterial.
- Wool does not soil easily and does not retain odors, so it does not need to be washed very frequently.
Sounds like something worth trying, right? Even my absolute favorite PUL cover (the Flip) has leaked on random occasions. And PUL, being a man-made textile, is not naturally antibacterial. Plus, PUL and other synthetic fabrics have a greater tendency to hold on to stink and require stripping from time to time.
So how did my first try with wool turn out? Well, first of all, let’s see the cover on Samuel. He’s 2 years old and weighs 27 pounds. Under the Disana cover is a fitted diaper. You can also use pinned or Snappied prefolds under the Disana cover.
I think the Disana soaker has a really cute fit! And because the soaker doubles as a pair of “shorties,” your little one can wear it around the house on a warm day with no top.
And now to the results!
My first order of business was to wash and lanolize my new wool cover. This was super easy, so my assumption that wool is complicated to take care of was completely wrong.
I used CJ’s Wool Wash in the warm vanilla sugar scent because it lanolizes wool while you’re washing it. Little Spruce Organics also sells Eucalan Wool Wash which is enriched with lanolin and comes in four varieties: eucalyptus, grapefruit, lavender and unscented.
I filled my kitchen sink full of warm water, squeezed a nickel-sized amount of CJ’s onto the soaker and gently worked it into the fabric. I swished it in the water and left it to soak for 30 minutes. After very gently squeezing out the excess water, I laid it out on a bath towel and rolled it up to soak up more water. And then I left it flat to dry. That was all!
Wool takes about 2 days to fully dry, on average. That was true for our Disana soaker. I turned it once during the drying process. I don’t have a drying rack, but I’m sure that would have sped up the drying time.
Because wool does take longer to dry, it makes sense to have more than one cover on hand. The payoff is that wool is so incredibly absorbent. Many mothers have found it’s only fabric that will keep their heavy wetters dry all night.
My Disana wool cover made it through night time with flying colors. Absolutely no leaks at all. Even better, it was not saturated and stinky like my PUL covers are after a long night. It is incredible to me that we can use this soaker over and over again without having to wash it, even after night time.
We used the Disana cover for about 3 weeks on Samuel before it needed laundering. Talk about a time-saver and a money-saver!
Although my Disana was a little large for Susanna who is just 10 months old and 17 pounds, it still kept her dry because of the way the knit fabric hugs the body.
Let’s just say that after using the Disana soaker for a month, I now know why it consistently gets 5 star ratings from online reviewers!
Things we love most about our Disana cover:
- It’s absolutely bulletproof overnight, and that’s even when we really pushed the limits, going 12 hours or more without a change.
- Being able to go weeks without laundering saves this busy mother of 5 (with one on the way) a lot of time and hassle.
- Having a cover that becomes more absorbent over time, rather than breaking down and “delaminating” with time, will also save us money in the long run.
- The soft knitted leg bindings mean no red marks are ever left on baby’s skin, even if he/she is very chunky!
I don’t have any complaints about the Disana soaker. It performed perfectly and actually exceeded all my expectations.
I have a newfound respect for wool and I hope my review will be helpful to those mothers who’ve been curious about this amazing natural fabric, but afraid to take the plunge.
Fortunately, the Disana wool soaker is very reasonably priced! You can purchase the Disana wool soaker at Little Spruce Organics today starting at just $27.35 and get an additional 20% off with my exclusive coupon code ZH20. No minimum purchase is required.
While you are at Little Spruce Organics, be sure to check out their fabulous selection of organic and natural products, including diapers, toys, bath & body, clothing, bedding and breastfeeding accessories.
And you can enter to win a Disana soaker in your choice of size and color! Enter using the Rafflecopter form below.
* Giveaway Closed: No Longer Accepting Entries *
I love disana wool! We have two that we ordered from Little Spruce Organics. It was convenient being able to buy all things wool at once. Great quality and they truly are bulletproof! I will definitely be ordering from there again!
Wow, what a glowing recommendation, Alysha! Thanks for sharing!
I’ve purchased Disana wool from LSO via Amazon and they ship super fast! I love the fit of the Disana covers and they certainly are bulletproof! And who can beat the price? All around awesome.
Anne thank you for this awesome review I have been afraid to try wool for this same reason!! First I thought it would be too hot !! And to hard to wash but sounds really easy !! Would I be able to line dry or does it have to stay indoors ??
Yes, Polly, I know some mamas who line dry their wool. You just have to be careful how you hang it so it doesn’t stretch out of shape!
I like this item from their store: Organic Caboose One-Size Fitted Diaper
The ANAMALZ WOODEN GORILLA is cute. I’ve not tried wool yet.
I am one of those who has been very curious about wool but has never tried it. I would love to check it out first hand! I love the different colors of merino wool covers, especially since they would work for either gender.
I’m interested in the Engel Organic Merino Wool Double Knitted Nappy Cover. I’ve tried wool, but I don’t have any organic wool.
The Kate Quinn Snuggle Sacque is cute and I’m sure it’s super soft! I’d love to have that for my newborn!
Saw some cute wooden feeding dishes..lots of neat looking things..going to cruise the site more
I saw: Disana Raw Silk Diaper Liner, very interesting I’ve never heard of raw silk being used before….
I saw organic wool longies, that i am DYING to try for night as we ALWAYS wake up wet!
http://www.littlespruceorganics.com/products/Little-Beetle-Little%252dto%252dBig-Organic-Cotton-Velour-Diaper-.html I would love to try the little beetle cotton velour diaper
http://www.littlespruceorganics.com/products/Little-Beetle-Little%252dto%252dBig-Organic-Cotton-Velour-Diaper-.html I would love to try the little beetle cotton velour diaper
I have been wanting to switch to fitteds and wool or fleece at night for my sensitive bottomed toddler and the Disana Organic Merino Wool Cover looks fabulous.
My daughter would LOVE the Under the Nile Organic cotton fruit tote.
I love the prints on the Kate Quinn Organics Printed Cotton Receiving Blanket . Like how big it is, yet still small enough to travel with!
I love the organic onesies. My kids are 2.5 and still wear them!
However, this puzzle is beautiful, http://www.littlespruceorganics.com/hardwood-octagon-stacker-by-camden-rose/
Tons of different stuff.
Thanks for making this open to Canadians.
I love that wooden stacker, too! Beautiful and simple. Anne
i love all their amazing organic goodies!! i especially love the Kate Quinn Organics Infant Sacque~ those sweet pics of the tiny little babes in wonderful organic goodness is just precious!! every kiddo should get to sleep in yummy organic clothes!!
I love the dinosaur Animalz LOL!
I really like the shirts they have available. I have such a hard time finding shirts to go with wool on my son. Everything is onesies… ugh!
They look so soft
I would also love some of the aden-anais organic cotton muslin swaddle blanket they sell
i like the little sprice little beatle wool pants!
I would love to get more wool..but I been looking to the fitted diapers they have and some longies ;=)
LUSA ORGANICS BOOTY BALM I love that they have this because this is cloth diaper save and can be used for so many different little issues like diaper rash to toddler boo-boo’s
Have always thought the Disana Overalls super duper cute.
I really like the Plum Disana Organic Wool Knitted Blanket.
I’d like to try the Little Beetle Organic Wool Diaper Cover. I’ve tried another brand of pull-on wool cover and it lasted through both my first two cloth diapered babies. I’d love to have another cover like that for overnight diapering even thought my little ones tend not to pee much at night. I don’t know if it’s because we part-time EC but they like to hold it till morning. I still like having the bullet-proof factor just in case.
Love the wooden vehicles, specifically the tug boat. I’m always looking for boats and planes and things to add to our wooden vehicle collection. I’ve been collecting them since I was pregnant with my first son, 12 years ago now! He has a whole bookshelf FULL of them in his room. He needs more shelves and the smaller boys love to come in his room and play with them too!
I love the NATURAL WOODEN TOYS that the Little Spruce Organics store has. They are so cute, I’ve never seen those kind of toys and would love to have all of the different animals for my DD to play with!
I really like that they carry organic crib bedding! I especially love the Kate Quinn Organics Jersey Fitted Crib Sheets! I am always on the lookout for sites that have organic bedding and blankets – sometimes it can be hard to find!.
The Organic Caboose newborn diapers are TOO CUTE!
I’d love to try the Disana Organic Cotton Fitted Diaper!
I would love to try the organic cotton velour diaper.
Can’t wait to put my little guy in some wool covers. This looks so comfy, and I absolutely LOVE the natural color!
I saw an Anamalz Wooden Stegosaurus… So cute!!
i had no idea that disana had knitted organic wool blankets!
I like the Living Crafts Organic Cotton Long Sleeved Collared Bodysuit.
I saw theOrganic Caboose wool covers on their site, they are similar to the Disana covers.
ohh…organic nursing apparel and bras. Awesome. Never knew that it existed but it makes total sense. No point in dressing your child in organic cotton if your bra that they touch as the nurse isn’t.
The calendula baby soap looks like something I would buy!!!
I am very interested to try wool. you’re right the shape looks weird but I bet it makes for a nice snug fit and looks super cute on baby
I’m curious why you say that PUL needs stripping?? it’s the inserts/absorbent part of a diaper that holds onto stink and needs stripping from time to time, not the PUL outer/cover :/
Having odor build up in PUL covers or the PUL part of a pocket or AIO is actually a common problem. Although inserts and prefolds absorb most of the moisture, the PUL cover is still exposed to some of it because it’s pressed right up against the absorbent part of the diaper. Plus, PUL will absorb odors to some degree when it comes in contact with the dirty diapers in your pail or wet bag.
Even though PUL is “waterproof” it is a knitted fabric and does absorb a small amount of moisture. Last year I was dealing with diapers that smelled fresh and clean but PUL covers and wet bags that had a diaper pail odor when coming out of the wash. I know other moms have dealt with this before as well. PUL is a synthetic fabric and so is slightly more prone to odor buildup (other than ammonia) than natural fibers like cotton, bamboo and wool.
I see so many things in the “natural toys” category that my kid would love! Especially the wooden tree puzzle blocks and the wooden steam roller.
The wooden toys are adorable – I especially like the lion.
I would love to try the Organic Caboose fitted diaper.
I saw a cute handmade wooden rattle
I love the Disana Organic Boiled Wool Blanket (Large Size) it looks so cozy!
The Anamalz Wooden Elephant is so cute
So, you just put a prefold on under this just like a flip?
Hi Brenda! I tried both a prefold and a fitted with the Disana cover. I used a Snappi faster with the prefold so it would stay in place. Anne
I have actually really been wanting to try some wool, so I’d love a disana cover in orange, and a couple of fitteds as well!
I saw that Little Spruce Organics sells Organic Caboose OS fitteds in the 100% organic cotton fleece. I have one of those diapers and I love the material. It is SOO soft, the softest diaper I own. And when I hang dry it, it doesn’t get stiff like a lot of my other dipes do. I would love to try a few of their other organic cotton dipes like the Engel organic cotton fitted.
i love the living crafts organic cotton printed romper. its so cute!
the wooden eggs and carton on littlespruceorganics.com are SO cute! maybe my son would play with those and stop taking the real eggs out of the fridge!
I love the organic cotton footies! Would be so nice to have a nice, soft organic cotton against my little girl’s skin while she sleeps!
the organic cotton monkey toy is super cute
Dear Anne,
I was wondering the size of your Disana. I have a 22 pound 8 month baby, and I am struggling to choose between the sizes!! Thanks for all your input and help!
Sam is wearing a size large in the review. This is a roomy cover with stretch so a medium might work for your baby. Hope this helps! ~anne
What do you use underneath your disana for overnights?
I have- amp cloth diaper, with hemp prefold.
Using natural diaper cream (burts bees multipurpose bb ointment).
We have stripped our diapers, we use funk rock for ammonia.
They don’t leak but- our daughter gets red- and I can’t help but think it’s the overnights! I love our disana- and really want to keep using, just curious what people are using for absorbency overnight?
Hi Kristina, it’s been a long time since we’ve used Disana but at time I think I was using Bummis fitteds. Is the AMP diaper that you’re using hemp as well? – Anne Marie