I’m an aunt again!! My “little” brother and his wonderful wife just welcomed a son last week, bringing the grandchild total up to 17! Before he arrived, we threw a baby shower for my sister-in-law and I thought it would be fun to share with you the games we played, plus a few of my favorites that we didn’t have time for. They are all inexpensive, unique and very entertaining!
Clothesline Challenge
SUPPLIES: string, clothespins, laundry basket, diapers or other small linens, cordless phone, baby doll and timer
HOW IT WORKS: Make a small clothesline inside in whatever way you choose (window to window, from one piece of tall furniture to another, etc.). Fasten a good number of clothespins to the line. Set a laundry basket full of diapers, burps cloths or other “small” laundry under the line. Have each guest take a turn holding the baby doll and cradling the phone under the chin while hanging up as many diapers as she can during a set time. The one who hangs the most laundry within the allotted time wins. This game is hilarious to watch, and presents a really fun challenge for the women!
For even more laughs, have the men take the challenge, too. 😀
What’s in the Bag?
SUPPLIES: small paper gift bags, stickers and about 6 small baby items
HOW IT WORKS: Put one item in each bag, fold the top down and seal. Mark the front of each bag with a letter or number. Pass the bags around and have guests feel the bags and try to guess the contents. Each person can record her answers on an index card and turn them in to the hostess (i.e. “Bag A is a bottle nipple, Bag B is a wash cloth” etc). The expectant mother gets to keep all the contents of the bags. Some ideas for things to put inside: nail clippers, brush, rash cream, teether, etc.
Upside Down Advice
SUPPLIES: index cards and pens
HOW IT WORKS: Have each guest write on her card a question that a new mother might ask. Then ask everyone to pass their cards to the left. Now everyone should flip the cards over and write the answer to their original question. This will mix up the questions and answers and elicit a lot of laughs when the hostess reads them out. An example might be “How do I know if baby has a fever?” and the upside-down answer you might get: “Swaddle and rock her.”
Mad Lib
SUPPLIES: pen and paper
HOW IT WORKS: Write a short mad lib about anything baby-related before the shower. After the guests arrive, the hostess can go around the room, asking each guest in turn to help fill in the blank spaces of the Mad Lib (for example “Celeste, give me a noun. Theresa, give me an action,” and so on). Read the completed Mad Lib at the end of the party for a funny end to the festivities.
Pacifier Pass
SUPPLIES: 2 pacifiers and a pack of regular plastic straws
HOW IT WORKS: This is a relay race with a baby shower twist! Create two teams by dividing the ladies in the group in half. The two teams stand up and face each other in opposing lines. Each person holds a straw in her mouth. The first person on each team hangs a pacifier on the straw. At the sound of “GO!” they must pass it to the next team member without hands or any kind of contact (except the straws). The team which passes the pacifier to its last team member quickest wins.
Hi Anne, I like your post. All the games are very funny, especially Upside Down Advice! Games add such enjoyment in a baby shower party.
Ooh, this reminds me, I never posted the baby shower games we did at my sisters party back in March 🙁 We did the funnest game ever! It’s a memory matching game where they match baby words, and the prize is candy that relates to that word. My favorite was OBGYN – OBGYN and the prize was Butterfinger. Everybody got such a kick out of that game. I need to do that post.
I love the Mad Lib game, that sounds like a good laugh.
The memory match game is a new one to me! I meant to post the Mad Lib I wrote for the shower so others could print it out, but it got thrown away after the party….
Awww these are so cute!
Coming from someone who doesn’t love shower games, these actually sounds pretty fun! Great ideas!
Then that’s an extra nice compliment, Mary. Thanks! – Anne
Super cute ideas! I don’t know if I will be having a baby shower this time around, but I know I am at least having a diaper party and since we didn’t play games at my first shower, hopefully they will redeem this since I really wanted to play some games. 🙂
Games make it so much more fun! Congrats, Diana! ~Anne
The baby games are the most important thing in a baby shower because family and friends love to have fun! I’ll have to steal some of these 😉
Some of my favorite shower games are the simplest ones, but with lots of laughs so mama can relax and have a good time!
Baby games are the best part of the shower! Thanks for the ideas. I like the one where guests try not to say the word “baby” all throughout the shower. Very funny!