It’s not often we find time for crafts during homeschooling, but today I made a promise to Joseph and Catherine that we would do something fun with popsicle sticks. I’m so glad we did, because these were VERY easy but enjoyable projects!
To make our scrap snowmen, we cut out black hats from spare bits of colored paper, made scarves from old fabric remnants and glued everything (including buttons from my sewing bag) onto old popsicle sticks (washed and dried first). I drew the faces for them and then we made a winter scene on white paper for the happy couple to pose in front of.
Our next activity: bookmarks. We used colored foam popsicle sticks and puffy fish stickers from Catherine’s collection. The rounded shapes are pieces of wood. Catherine and Joseph each colored their circles; for my fish I just cut out a black piece of construction paper in a jagged shape. These aren’t just cute and colorful; they really do make great bookmarks because the foam is thin and kind of pliable, so they lie very nicely between the pages of a book:
What kinds of crafts do you enjoy with your children?
Thanks to Momtrusted for sending us the popsicle sticks and round wooden cutouts!
Cool project! I will have to get my little niece in on this one. She is 3 and just at the age where she would be able to do something like this.
Hope you and she like it, Charity! ~Anne
There’s this super easy craft using clothespins and skinny popsicle sticks. It’s a dragonfly. It’d be great for introducing Spring! You can find it on my pinterest board under Daisy scouts I believe. My username is Jonesmom. The fish project is totally adorable I love it!
Thank you so much, Julie!! ~Anne
I bought a bag of popsicle sticks a while ago but hadn’t figured out what to do with them. Thanks for the suggestion! I think I might try to adapt your snowman idea into an Easter bunny with cut out bunny ears and maybe a basket.
I bet that would be adorable, Oliva! And you could stick the popsicle stick bunnies into baskets. ~Anne
What a cute craft! My son would love this!
Thanks for stopping by, Rachel! ~Anne
These are soooooo cute!!!! Now I have something to do with my 2 year old on gloomy days that we can’t go outside. Thanks!!!
Glad you like it, Amanda! ~Anne
What a fun and easy idea! This will be great for my 2.5 year old who is just now getting into making crafts. Love it!
I love the bookmark idea. I have so many of these sticks and that’s something easy my 3 year old can help make. Thanks
The snowmen are so cute… would be a good gift to pass out to friends as a book mark christmas gift. Homemade = thoughtful and inexpensive 🙂
Thanks, Julie! ~Anne
Oh! I have a whole box full of popsicle sticks that I wanted to use for crafts, but I didn’t know what to do! I’ll have to make some of these with my daughter, especially the book mark =)
Glad you found a use for them! ~Anne
So easy and I have everything for these! We have been doing “tot school” with my 2 toddlers and this would be an excellent craft for this week! Thanks for sharing…they are going to have a blast!
I plan on doing the snowflake craft and the snowman craft ornaments with my babies this year. Those are great projects to do also and can wait to make them
The fish ones are so cute!
My daughter is in love with tiny dolls right now, and I think the popsicle stick guys are right up her alley. How fun!