We bought a lovely little farm on five acres years ago and wanted to find a suitable name for it. But after coming up empty with internet searches, I resorted to my own independent research and inspiration. Zephyr Hill Farm was born.
Life and literature are filled with delightful names: Green Gables….Sunnybrook Farm…..Ponderosa Ranch…..Misselthwaite Manor…..
If they can do it, so can you! But don’t expect inspiration to come in an instant. Allow plenty of time for your imagination to flow freely. I wrote this blog post to help get your creative juices flowing, and I hope you’ll find my ideas are helpful. Let’s get started!
What’s Your Story, Morning Glory?
Many houses, farms and tracts of land have an interesting story or folklore attached to them, and this can be helpful in choosing a name. When we moved into our house we quickly learned that locals referred to it as “The Zeferjahn Place” after a family that occupied the farm for many years. In fact, the hill on which the house stands was often called Zeferjahn Hill or Zefer Hill for short. This led us to choose “Zephyr Hill Farm” for our homestead. It is reminiscent of the old family name, but also references the windy conditions here on the Kansas prairie.
Google farm names and you’ll find all kinds of interesting histories. “Barred Feather Farm” in North Carolina is affectionately named for the Barred Rock chickens owned by the family grandparents. If your family has a unique or aesthetically pleasing surname it might be all you need.
Funny Farm
I love a good laugh and so will the visitors to your place. Funny names are unforgettable. “If It Flies Farm” in Northeast Ohio is a great example. They specialize in wild birds, chickens and bees and the name encompasses them all. Capitalizing on a common but very funny nickname for the incredible edible egg, “Cackleberry Corner” in Southwest Washington is a fitting tribute. For those who know the rigors of farm life, “Ache-N-Back Acres” of Wilburton, Oklahoma just about says it all. Whoever named “Belly Acres” in New Jersey might have had a rough start on their farm. In Midland, Michigan a place called “Fallingdown Farm” needs no further explanation. And with a name like “Insta-Gator Ranch,” the owners of a working alligator farm in Louisiana never fail to get a laugh. One of my personal favorites is a paint and pinto ranch in Michigan owned by a black man with a stellar sense of humor. He calls his place “Forty Acres and a Fool!”
Look at the Landscape
Do you live on a hill? Does a brook, river or creek run through your land? Are you surrounded by meadows or mountains? Geographical markers are a good starting point for farm and ranch names. All you have to do is pick a good descriptor to go along with it. Famous author and pioneer Laura Ingalls Wilder named the homestead that she and Almanzo built “Rocky Ridge Farm.” It was an apt description for the stubbly Ozark landscape that served as a backdrop for their home.
You have more options for the ending part of the name, too, when considering geographical features. For instance, instead of using the word “farm” or “ranch” try something like “hills” or “cliffs” or “ridge.”
Some examples:
- Red Rock Ridge or Red Rock Valley
- Dandelion Dale or Dandelion Downs
- Dancing Goat Hills or Dancing Goat Hollow
Make it a Memorial
Your farm or ranch name can serve as a memorial to remember or honor a family member, a veteran, a friend, a favorite saint or even a pet. One family dubbed their place “Red Dog Ranch” to honor a pet named Big Red who had served them faithfully for years and was a fixture at the place. “Molly’s Orchard” was named for the family cat who for 15 years kept the rodent population down amongst the growing fruit trees. It’s also a popular custom to include family initials (J&R Hatchery) or your children’s nicknames (Little Bess Ranch) in the title. Some go with the name of the sire or dam that started their herd or the champion that was decorated with blue ribbons. Some folks even let their children pick a name. One little boy in Wyoming suggested such a great name for the family ranch that his parents couldn’t resisting picking “The Cactus Patch.”
Release Your Inner Poet
Sometimes only a beautiful name will do for those souls who want to nurture their lyrical side. A lovely name is not only music to the ears, but it captures the imagination and looks great on marketing materials. Nightshade Farms in Saint Cloud, Florida evokes a restful mood and Mystic Meadows Daylily Farm in South Wales, New York is both lyrical and magical. A name like Whispering Willow Acres using alliteration to delight the ear.
What’s Your Passion?
If you’re crazy about cows, make this the highlight of your name. If you’re crazy for coonhounds, let them be the star of the show. Living near the Golden Gate Bridge and raising horses at the same time inspired the clever name Golden Gait Farm in Marin, California. Some names can be beautiful in their simplicity like Dragonfly Farm in San Diego, where the owners hatch out the bugs in their pond. Hee Haw Haven is, you guessed it, a bustling donkey ranch.
Get a Little Bit Crazy
Break out of the traditional naming process and do something daring and imaginative. Is there a phrase that captures the feel or look of your place? Almost Urban Acres in Carrollton, Georgia is whimsical and yet modern, perfect for a place just outside the city limits. In Central Massachusetts, one family chose to name their spread Crazy Zoo Farm because that’s exactly what it is! After “piecing” their farm together by joining fields together from two families, another family took the quilting analogy to a new level and named their place Patchwork Farm.
A Touch of Class
Would you like your farm or ranch to have a name of distinction that evokes old-world charm? Consider a name like Thistleberry Downs or Wellbourne Ranch. British history and fiction abound with lovely names that inspire titles like Tudor Rose Farm or Wind in the Willows. For those who wish to meld wit with “ye old worlde” how about something like “Worthewait Farm?” Travel guides for England and Ireland might give you an idea for a name with historic depth. Are you a fantasy fan? Try browsing through some of your favorite novels or movie guides for unique monikers.
Be a Copycat
When all else fails, you can always recycle a favorite name from the movies, TV, literature or real-life. To offset the face that you’re borrowing someone else’s idea, you can pick something that’s obscure or less well known. For instance, we’ve all heard of Green Gables, but you might skim through the L.M. Montgomery novels for other farm and house names featured in the books. For her stories, Montgomery created other lovely locales like “White Sands” and “Windy Poplars” and “New Moon Farm.” Jane Austen’s famous novels are full of beautiful names like “Oakham Mount” and “Rosings Park.” While everyone has certainly heard of Pride and Prejudice, most people are unaware that the poetic-sounding “Pemberly” was the home of the impeccable Mr. Darcy and that “Gretna Green” is located just over the Scottish border and was the place to flee for a quick marriage with no questions asked.
If you are a TV or movie fan, especially of the Western or historical genres, you’ll find hundreds (if not thousands) of useful names to mine for copying. And some “movie ranches” actually exist. Skywalker Ranch a George Lucas property, is both a filmmaker’s retreat and a working sound studio for motion pictures. A place called “Deepdale Farm” was featured in a James Bond movie. And Highclere (Castle) is the real-life locale for the hit series Downton Abbey.
And if you have traveled to a far-off locale that’s dear to you but unfamiliar to those back home, borrow that name. It could be anything from the name of a castle in France to a sheep ranch in Australia. If the name sounds good to you, and has personal meaning, it just might be perfect. Plus, you’ll have a story to go along with it.
Remember Your Roots
Ethnic names are not only unique, but they serve to honor your heritage. Arcobaleno Acres in Connecticut uses the Italian word for rainbow and was proudly chosen by its Italian owners. In Cowtown, Texas, a farm called “Poulets De Cajun” was named for the family’s French Cajun ancestry. The phrase translates to “Cajun Chickens.”
Remember Your Maker
Wishing to acknowledge the blessings of Heaven, many farmers and ranchers incorporate spiritual themes in their names. The Bible is filled with inspiration for possible farm names. Third Day Farm on the Outer Cape has a double meaning – it recalls the biblical third day of creation, when God brought forth plants and seeds, and also commemorates the “third day” when Christ rose from the tomb. Bethel Farms in Woodville, Mississippi was named so because the owners felt “the Lord had led them there.” One farm wife affectionately named their place “A Little Bit of Heaven” although her husband argued that quite often it gave them “A Whole Lot of Hell!”
More Helpful Naming Tips:
- Consider the marketing potential of your name if your farm or ranch is also a business or money-making opportunity. Is it easy for customers to say? Does it look good on a sign? Does it have positive connotations?
- If using an ethnic name, chose words that are short and easy to pronounce and spell.
- Put your name ideas in quotation marks and Google them to see if anyone else has already used the name. If you are planning to have a website, search to see if yours is available, or come up with alternate choices. For instance, if you are dead set on naming your place Shady Lane Farm but www.shadylanefarm.com is already taken, try www.shadylanefarmonline.com or www.theshadylanefarm.com. You can also try using “.net” or “.biz” at the end for more options.
- Don’t limit yourself with a name. You might currently raise chickens, but if you are planning to sell honey in the next few years a name like “Red Rooster Farm” probably won’t fit anymore. Likewise, if you already have a lot going on, pick a broad name that suits your entire operation. Something like “Feathered Friends Farm” would work if you are raising different types of birds. “Fairfield Acres” could describe a farm that is producing both livestock and crops.
- Once you decide on your favorite name (or names) say it over and over again. Use it for a couple of days and see how you like it. Ask for feedback from your family and friends.
- When choosing a funny name, make sure it doesn’t need a lot of explaining before people get the joke. Short and sweet is best, and make your meaning clear. As soon as someone hears the name, you should be rewarded with a knowing smile, or even better – a hearty laugh.
- Have fun and don’t let the naming process worry you or be a cause of stress. Many people find that it takes time to pick the right name, and they sometimes find inspiration in the most unlikely places. That’s probably what happened to Dan & Sheree Smart as they were dealing with a yet another stubborn donkey on their mule farm in Wyoming. For them, the perfect name just happened to be “Smart Ass Ranch.”
Try My Naming Chart for Practice in Putting Words Together
The first column contains adjectives, the second nouns and the third words that describe types of property. Choose 1 from each, or just use 2 columns, to create potential names. Substitute your own words to make it more personal.
Examples: Silver Sand Retreat, Old Post Ranch, Mysterious Meadows, Triple Leaf Co-Op, Sweet Apple Acres, Parker’s Pond
Other types of properties: Sanctuary, Hideout, Hideaway, Haven, Lodge, Home, Camp
In Conclusion
I LOVE to read your comments, but because of time constraints, I am no longer able to offer free name suggestions. My readers might have some good ideas to get you started, though! Feel free to leave a comment below and you might get some suggestions from other people.
I need a farm name for my maple syrup business.
Hi Dennis,
To pick a good name, read over the article I post for ideas. Use the natural landscape of your place, the history, or something unique to your business.
I think Dennis mapple farm is good
Keep it simple,…. “Maples Farm”….”Sweet Maples Tree Farm” I like that her post states to look at the landscape.. I think I will be taking something for the Bible if I cannot come up with anything for my 10 acre homestead…. in the process of buying the land here in Indiana
These are all great ideas!
Syrup r us
How about:
Syrepetitious (TM)
Or rather,
I like the pun!
How about… SAPPY ACRES ?
Thanks to all my readers for your great suggestions! Anne
Could someone please give me suggestions on a farm name.
I own 25 acres, I try and save animals as much as I can. I have 8 dogs, 3 horses, 3 cats, 2 donkeys and a pig.
All rescues.
So can anyone give me a snappy happy name. Since the animals have already had such a hard life as have I.
Thanks so much for all your help.
The Rescue Range?
Home on the range?
That would certainly make them “Rescue Rangers”… Chip and Dale would be proud
OMG… while reading her request I was trying to come up with the name of the cartoon “The Rescue Rangers” ‘R/R”….Anne already said it…
I think St. Francis was the patron saint of animals – how about “Francis Farm”?
good one!
Noah’s Arch
imperial garden
Wright to Wrescue
Text I like “Recycled Critter Ranch”. Keep up the good work.
These are all clever ideas!
Sweet Maple or Maple acres?
How about Drop in the Bucket?
Crazy-old post, but I hope ‘Sugar Tree Farm/Hill/Ranch’ was on your list
(though some quick googling shows this is not an original thought)
Slippery syrup Hill
Slippery Syrup Maple Hills
I entered a name earlier, but then Googled it and found it had already been used. So I would like to suggest “”Moonfire Maple Farm” with the maple leaf above the m dripping syrup from the points on the leaf.
Very poetic!
Sweet Sap Farm
The sticky drip
Sticky Thicket …. Let Them Eat Pancakes. ….. Maple Lane
Sweet Drippings
Sweet Tree Acres
Sad sap Maple farm
I brought land for farm. . Now I have to select the name for that farm. Thanks..
Sticky fingers
I may be a little late on my suggestion, but after having just seen this blog on Pinterest for the first time Dennis, I would name your farm…..”Slow Poor Maple Farm”
Sticky Sweet Farms
I need a name for our 100 acre ranch in Grayson County Texas, My family has lived on this land for over 100 years. There are catttle , wild turkeys, deer, bobcat and and other natural animals for this area.
Hi Jim,
Thanks for reading my blog! Here are a few ideas for your ranch based on the info you shared:
1. Hundred Acre Ranch
2. Wild Turkey Ranch
3. Burleson Acres
Good luck with your choice!
Fifth Generation Ranch or “Homestead
Grayson Acres
Jim Burleson Grayson Ranch
Burleson Critter Ranch
Dream Acres
Thanks for posting some suggestions for Jim! I really like Dream Acres
Call it Bobcat Haven Ranch
Centurion acres ranch
hey, Jim…I am from Grayson County, Texas!~ have not been there in over 30 years but contemplating moving back in my declining years…I guess anything like heart of texas or heart of home would not work
after all my travels, my new farm will be called Done Rovin Farm….
I like it, very clever!
Brownstone rough
Hi, I am looking to name a farm I am renting and am trying to purchase,. I have horses and grow herbs, )medicinal) and want to have a farm stand w vegetables and aslo sell hiking sticks thT i OBTAINED FROM CLEARING THRE PASTURES
Thanks for reading my blog! Your place sounds really great. Here are some name ideas:
1. Earth’s Bounty Farm
2. Natural Wonders Ranch
3. The Healer’s Horse Farm
4. Healing Harvest Farm
Stick to the Land Farm
Herbs and Hooves Farm?
I love alliteration!
I am looking for a name for a Therapeutic Riding Center I am building. I have thought of names like “Heartprints” or “Hoofs in Flight” but everything I have come up with is taken in some form. I would like to have a name for our family ranch and the riding center to work together, neither place is named thus far.
Thank you for your help!
Hi Caitlin,
Thanks for visiting my blog. I’m not sure where you are located geographically or what special features
your riding center will offer, but here are some general ideas for names
that I hope you will find useful. Thanks for visiting my blog!
Hooves & Hopes Therapeutic Riding Center
Helping Hooves Therapeutic Riding Center
Halters 4 Hope Therapeutic Riding Center
Dream Big Ranch & Riding Center
Horses for Hope Therapeutic Riding Center
Heart of the Horse Therapeutic Riding Center
Equestrian Angels Therapeutic Riding Center
Spirited Saddles Therapeutic Riding Center
Heroic Horses Therapeutic Riding Center
Heart Helpers Therapeutic Riding Center
Horses on Wings
I am looking for name for the farm that simbolise/meaning “new beginning”
Thanks for visiting my blog. Here are some ideas based on words that suggest a “new beginning:
1. Genesis Farm
2. Fresh Start Farm
3. Square One Ranch
4. Tabula Rasa Ranch
5. New Dawn Farm
Have a great day!
Phoenix Farm
how about Phoenix Farm? You know the story about how the Phoenix came from the ashes….
Spring flowers
OK Help me out here. NEW to the business. This is my life long dream to have a small horse farm/ranch. I JUST got my house and barn, I have a stallion named DWF Flash Gordon (Paint) he is the begining of all this. I would love something really catchy sorta sassy.
Thanks to everyone…
Hi Pam,
Thanks for reading my blog! Well, you could keep it really simple and name it Flash Farm. Or, since he is the stallion who will start it all…..something funny like Big Daddy Flash Ranch.
Good luck with whatever you decide!
My father is buying 120 acres that will be used for family recreation, entertaining clients of our small family business and possibly in the future as a corporate retreat center. We do not want a name that is presumptuous in any way and I hesitate to even call it a farm or ranch, based on the fact that it probably will not produce livestock etc. Some things to note are that our family name is Green and that the Verde creek runs through the property. My uncle also named Green has a much larger place that is adjacent. On the property there is one old stone wall remaining of what was an old homestead. Dove hunting and fly fishing for bass will be key activities. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Howdy and thanks for visiting my blog! Your small business idea sounds like a winner and here are some suggestions I came up with for naming the place based on the information you shared:
1. Green Acres (pretty simple, huh?)
2. Old Homestead Hideaway
3. Homesteaders Retreat Center
4. Stoney Acres Retreat
5. Verde Creek Haven
6. Greenstone Sanctuary
7. Dove Creek Resort
8. Green Creek Getaway
9. Green Gate Recreation Center
10. Sportsmans Corner
11. The Sportsman’s Lodge
12. Wildlife Creek Retreat
13. Outdoor Adventures
14. Trophy Creek Lodge
15. Bass Country Retreat
16. Creekview Lodge
Hope this gives you some inspiration! Please keep me posted.
Verde Greens
I know this is an old post, and the place has already been named, but Green Stone Hills is beautiful. “For a bit if rest, head for the hills!”
Unpluged at the stone
I am looking at buying a ranch that already has an established name. Is it acceptable to continue with the same name under new ownership or to rename? It’s small at 1000 acres but am looking into expansion. Cattle and hay will be the two major venues on the ranch.
Hello and thank you for visiting the blog! Since the name of your ranch is already established, I would continue business using the same, or perhaps you could modify it just slightly to make it your own. Another option might be to keep the old name but design a fresh logo or sign. Best of luck in your new venture!
I just ran across this site could you contact me with more info of the farm on Zeferjahn hill. My grandfather homesteaded that site in 1870’s. My father grew up there and I would like to stop by some time just to see where my ancestors lived.
I could tell you where an old jug of moonshine is buried.
Hi Terry,
Unfortunately, we haven’t lived here long and don’t have much information. I would highly recommend the Wabaunsee County Historical Society Museum in Alma, Kansas for more research. They have plats, maps, photos, geneaology, etc.
Thanks for reading the blog!
Hi there,
We just bought 5 acres and want to make into an organic farm. We are growing vegetables, and have an orchard, and want to expand into animals but we’re not even sure what at this point. We’re very green, that is the whole point of doing this, growing local healthy food.
Anyway, I’m not sure how long it will take to get our organic certification, or we may even decide not to do it. We’ve just barely started, but I feel like we should set up a business with a name so when we buy equipment, supplies, etc. we can start writing them off. ?
Anyway, I’ve run many ideas through my head and love your article. Here are some ideas I had and some features for you to work with. It’s in a place called Eagle, in the foothills of Boise Idaho. There’s already an “Eagle Organic Farm” just down the road. It’s on Shadow Hills Drive (so have thought of ‘shadow hills farm’ but that’s kinda boring).
I am a raptor biologist and love owls (and hawks) so have been trying to think of names with ‘owl, eagle, feather, wing’ etc. in them. There are a lot of things around here already with raptor-type names tho. Like ‘the ayrie’ and whatnot. Someone has “draggin’ wing farm” a name which I LOVE! Also, my father died last year and we bought this farm with my inheritance. His name was Don and he was really into airplanes. He used to sing me the ‘i love you, a bushel and a peck’ song. We also had a beloved dog named Dusty who died too. We also love fantasy and lord of the rings…and I like the name ‘shooting star’ farms, but still hope to find something maybe more clever, meaningful, and/ or related to the other things above.
We already have a ‘morning owl’ farm here too.
Anyway, I’d love to see what you come up with!
Hi Kristin,
Thanks for visiting the blog! Your farm and orchard sound really wonderful and I hope your business will be flourishing soon. You shared a lot of different information and so here are some of the different ideas I came up with based on different themes:
Hawkeye Hollow
Fowl Play Farm (or you could add a Tolkien-like ambience by spelling it Fowle Playe Farme)
Middle Earth Farm
Dragon Song Farm
Anduril Acres (Anduril means “Flame of the West”)
Appledore Orchard
Hawkshire Farm
Hasselborough Farm
Hasselwood Haven (or Farm)
If I think of anything else, I’ll post. Let me know if I’m on the right track!
Two years too late, but if still unnamed, how about Double D Hill in honor of Pop and pup, and a humorous reference to the foothills
Soaring high farm
Taken by the Wind
Wingman Ranch
(this idea from Anne inspired idea) Anduril Wind or Anduril Wings
Love the idea of the name “A Bushel and a Peck Farm”
Don a peck & Dusty bushel
Don Dusty Wings/Dawn Dusty Wings
Dusty Don/Dawn Wings
Dusty Wings
The Precious
Precious Lands
Precious Winds/Wings
Precious is the Bushel
Dawnflight Farm
fLYIN’ fOWL fARM (you could use some cool graphics to make the OWL word show up).
How about “Riptor’s Ranch”?
I like “Flying High” in memory of those who have gone on before us & for your love of our feathered friends.
Hi Consider dropping to “Organic” Flag and doing the same work but on a Pastured rota all to benefits or being organic and more without the cost and bureaucracy. Look up Joel Salatin and Justin Rhodes to name just two on youtube. We are also just starting down this root over in France having moved from the UK. Good Luck on your journey.
Oh, I have more to add. My dad’s last name (and my maiden name) was Wood, and our current last name is Hasselblad, which means “Hazelnut tree leaf”.
Wood Hill Farm
Hasselblad Hill
Hazel Wood Farm
My husband and I with our three beautiful children own a 87 acre farm with 2 Breeder chicken houses. We house around 20,000 chickens. We are a very happy, excited, up beat family that loves to do everythig together. We would love to have a funny farm name. If you could please give us some ideas we would very much appreciate it.
Thank you so much.
Cant wait to see your reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Amanda!
How about something whimsical like “Birds of a Feather Farm” or “Rule the Roost Ranch?” (or Roost Rulers Ranch). Or perhaps Flighty Flock Farm?
Have fun picking out a name and thanks for reading my blog!
Crowin’ Up Together Farm
We are challenged to find a name for our farm!
We want to use GG Farms ( my brothers use to call me GiGi and my niece and nephew do know, plus our last name begins with a G), but we need to register our sheep with a prefix. We have goats, bull calves, chickens and ducks, cats and dogs, as well as Guinea hens! We live in a valley/meadow of sorts with a stream surrounding our property (Lett’s Creek). We dated years ago and got reunited and married a year ago…God Bless the Winding Road!
Any help would be appreciated!
Thnak you!
Hi Julie!
I’m not sure exactly what you mean by needing to register your sheep with a prefix. If you could explain more, I might be able to give you some name ideas. Thanks for reading the blog.
I believe is means the beginning to your animal’s registered name. Like, if you had a sheep named “Wooly”, and your farm name is “Tiddlywinks Farm”, you could register the sheep as “TWF’s Wooly”.
Top of the day to you
oh how i have enjoyed your site~ thank you for being you and all that you do. It’s all about the water..that was/is our modo in finding the perfect slice of paradise .I recently purchased 3 acres on the snake river, we are across the river from a hillside that is called 1000 springs as there are a multitude of hot and cold springs that shoot out of the hillside wall. yes its breath taking. we are hoping, intending and praying to acquire the 13 acres next to ours and the 57 behind (two separate owners) to bring the property back to its original integrity as a healing center. we have three abundant independent gravity fed water sources its all about the water for us. our dream is to have a “retreat” (not sure i like this word) where elders can join our community, share their seasoned beings and live out their lives rather than simply exist. we have organic gardens, fruit trees, and goats thus our food abundant. here are a few words to describe our vision and property.. many words describe our blessing though the perfect fit has yet to hit my heart
note the property is in the magic valley of Idaho on what is called the miracle mile
we intend to open/share our space to those that wish to live together in harmony.
I have collected heart rocks since i was lil
love~ all you need is
property has huge dark purple rocks from volcano
off grid
we are not a ranch or farm
sure would love some of your magic to tie together our dream into a name
in love
tammara dawn
What a beautiful name you have. “Tammara dawn”. Use that. Tammara dawn farm.
or just drop the farm part. Tammara Dawn.
Rockin’ Heart Ranch
Hi Tammara,
Sounds like you are building a wonderful dream there and I would love to help with the naming process. As you can see from the note at the end of my post, helping with names has started to take up quite a bit of my time! I am offering it now as a service which can be purchased through my website. Here’s the link if you’d like to work with me:
My family just bought a ranch outside of Abilene, TX. This place is going to be used primarily for hunting. Deer hunting is going to be the primary activity, but we will also hunt quail and ducks on the place. We want to have either my grandfather’s name or initials somerwhere in the name of the ranch. His name is Robert J. Schumacher. Do you have any ideas?
Hi Corey,
I would love to help you brainstorm and come up with name ideas for your hunting ranch.
My Naming Service is now easily available through Paypal. You can click the link below to get started. The exclusive $40 service includes:
– Email correspondence between us to get some information about your farm or ranch
– A final email from me with at least 10 name ideas for you to use or discard, plus some extra bonus tips! You will receive your final email within 3 business days of purchase.
Hi, We are buying a horse ranch in Mariposa, Ca. 40 miles from Yosemite. We have had a therapeutic horseback riding program in Nevada and just may start one again here. We also will be helping folks with their horses. We need a name for the ranch and our last name in Stetson like the hat. Thanks so much for any suggestions you have. We are so excited and just can’t wait to get moved in and settled.
Happy Trails,
Nancy Stetson
Hi Nancy,
I would love to help you brainstorm and come up with name ideas for your therapeutic ranch! As you can see from my blog and comments above, assisting with name selecting is starting to take up quite a bit of my time.
My Naming Service is now easily available through Paypal. You can click the link below to get started. The exclusive $40 service includes:
– Email correspondence between us to get some information about your farm or ranch
– A final email from me with at least 10 name ideas for you to use or discard, plus some extra bonus tips! You will receive your final email within 3 business days of purchase.
Our place is Peaceful Oaks
Can anyone help me with a farm name? Here’s some info (may be long, haha):
-We have 4 horses at the moment, getting more eventually
-The horses are:
~Colors of the Wind, “Pocahontas”, 12.1hh 11yo roan & white pinto POA mare
~Colonel Freckles, “Quincy”, chestnut leopard Appaloosa gelding
~For Petes Sake, “Petey”, 32″ 1yo grey Miniature Horse gelding
~Lady Guinevere, “Evaire”, registered as “Bebe Ani”, 19yo dark bay OTTB mare (rescued from slaughter)
-We do a little bit of rescue work. We just have Evaire, but we regularly check the feedlots for new horses-hoping to get more rescues
-We have 3 cats, 1 dog, and my brother has small reptiles/fish, etc. Any cats we get are usually rescues or strays (2 of the 3 were from a pregnant stray we took in, and the other cat came from an animal rescue. We tend to “collect” cats, the strays are attracted to us I guess, lol)
-As far as what our place looks like, we live in NH, USA, in a big gray house with a red door. It’s on a dirt road, and we have a stream that runs by in the woods. We don’t have a barn yet, but plan for one next year. It will be natural colored (not red or anything). Right now the horses have 3 run ins (one is a 2 horse shed), a good sized paddock, and a small pasture (with not all that much grass, haha We have 2 laminitis prone horses, so we can’t have too much grass for them).
-We ride mostly huntseat (jumping and showing), but trail ride (English, and my dad rides Western, but he doesn’t have a horse yet. Kind of Evaire, but she’s also my hunter)
-For some reason, all our horses have big bellies! They aren’t fat, just have a belly! I’m not a fan of “Big Belly Farm” though, haha
I don’t know, I’m stumped, lol Give me anything you can think of! Thanks so much!!
Can anyone help me with a farm name? We have a family farm. We have five horses, mostly Quarter Horses, and we have about 250 beef cattle. We live next to a beach, near a creek, woods and fields. our family name is Beaton, and I was thinking about somehow including my first pony’s name (we’ve had him for a long time and is like family) in the farm name which is Mr.T. We ride western. We have barrel horses for speed events and have a few western pleasure horses.
Hello Beaton,
Hi Corey,
Your family farm sounds really fabulous! If you are still stumped with the naming process, I would love to help you brainstorm and come up with some good ideas.
My Naming Service is now easily available through Paypal. You can click the link below to get started.
Thanks for visiting the blog!
You probably are already aware, but just in case you don’t know, the name ”Beaton” is Scottish. The clan’s name was synonymous with ”healers” back in the mid-1700’s and prior. Being such a rich part of tour name’s heritage, I thought you might like to keep that in mind when coming up with a name for your place. Good luck!
Hey I am looking for any help I can get to name a farm for my parents. They are two of the most wonerful people in the world. My dad is a hard working man who started with nothing and has been able to buy a plot of land that is 13 acres the front half is farm land and the back is all wooded with a creek as the back property line. They just began building a home in the woods and my mom ended up having a huge surgery on her neck. She is very strong and doing well the house is giving her something positive to think about and us kids would love to be able to help with a name. We are Italian, there are 3 kids, the land is beautiful and quiet and there seem to always be hawks in the air above it. Let me know what you guys think.
Hello Kari,
What wonderful parents you have and what a blessing! I think it would be great to come up with the perfect name for their farm. If you are still “stalled” with the naming process, I would love to help you brainstorm and come up with some good ideas.
My Naming Service is now easily available through Paypal. You can click the link below to get started.
Thanks for visiting the blog!
Ive been breeding bunnies for a while now, and Ive decided to give my farm a name to use for showing and breeding. Im trying to find a name, but all my ideas just seem dum and corny! If you have any ideas or suggestions that you could help me with, it would be muchly appreciated!
I live in a small village by a beach, and breed Mini Lop rabbits. My favourite bunny Ive had so far was called Peppy.
Thanks heaps!!
Hi Alisha,
I love that you have a bunny business – that must be so much fun! We raised them when I was a child. I hope you got some good tips from my article, but if you are still searching around for a good name, perhaps my naming service could be the next step. I’d love to work with you!
Thanks much for your article and suggestions to help with the farm-naming process. One question: when might one use the word “farms” in the name, rather than the word “farm”? Does the plural indicate more than one property run under the same business, or more than one product type (veggie, livestock, etc)? Or is it just a matter of preference on how it sounds?
Hi Teo,
When the plural “Farms” is used in a name it indicates some kind of conglomerate, i.e. where two or more farms have merged or joined together. It does not indicate multiple products being produced.
Hope this helps!
I will be getting a mini-farm started soon and plan on selling products at farmers markets as well as some products over the internet. I would like to have chickens and bees at first and then expand to goats and eventually to miniature donkeys and miniature horses. The name I would like to use is “Little Moon Farms”. The name is significant because my last name is Klein which is German for small and my Husbands last name is Mooney and his favorite grandfather was called Moon. I wanted to use the plural “farms” because I just think it sounds better and also because there is a horse farm in Maine by the name Little Moon Farm and they have the website name taken already. My farm would just be one farm though, not two or more farms joined together. Would it be misleading to use the plural “farms” in the name of my mini-farm?
Vanessa, you will be raising some of my favorites! I love chickens and goats and mini donkeys. For your name, I would stick with “farm” (singular). Using farms would not only be inaccurate, since you just have 1 place, but it may also give the impression of being a big operation instead of a mini-farm. To reserve a domain name you might try some alternates like “mylittlemoonfarm.com” or “littlemoonfarming.com” or “littlemoononline.com” ~Anne
Thank you so much for your reply! I am so excited to get my mini-farm started!
This site is brilliant!
Hello, Im looking for names for a farm we have currently 15 alpacas. We live in North Texas on a dirt road. We have both suri and huacaya breeds. and we also raise Anatolian Shepherds. Hope yall can help us out?? The few names we have picked out are:
Southern Trails Alpacas
Southern Skies Alpacas
Southern Sunrise Alpacas
Hi Alisha,
Thanks for reading the blog! I hope the article will help get your juices flowing, and perhaps my readers might have some good ideas to share with you. I think your name ideas are original and attractive, but if you still feel “stumped” please let me know if I can help out with my naming service. I’d love to work with you to find a good name for your place!
Hi everyone…
I need a farm name.
I have 6 acres in southern WI. I have a BEAUTIFUL 50 year old dairy barn that we have restored. We built a new home here and have used the Green & White color scheme. My husband is a painter and I drive school bus.
I raise hair sheep and chickens.
We are the highest point in our county and have a great view of the area.
I am originally from the south, Alabama.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I am stumped.
Hi Melissa,
Thanks for taking time to reading my blog. Hopefully, the article has helped get your juices flowing. Your farm sounds really wonderful and I would love to help pick a name with my exclusive service. Please let me know if I can help out! I’d love to work with you!
I am thinking “Green” … Green Acres… or something along the Anne of Green Gables series…Green Gables, Windy Poplars perhaps.
I need a name of course! My family lives in southern CA and we raise all kinds of livestock but we are starting a educational program and an agriculture learning center. I want to incorporate words like “discovery” inspirational word (if you know what i mean) but there already is a ranch that is named that. This place is to learn what ag is all about.
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for reading the blog! I hope the article was helpful to you, and perhaps my readers might have some good ideas to share with you. If you continue to find yourself stumped, please let me know if I can help out with my naming service. I’d love to work with you to find a good name for your place!
So what does the word “Lazy” mean in a ranch name? There are a LOT of these. Just wondering. thanks.
I think it refers to the way a letter is positioned on a brand. For instance, the brand for “Lazy R Ranch” is the letter R “lying down” or in a tilted position.
I’ve heard it the other way around: That a laid-back atmosphere on a ranch/farm where the owner’s last name begins with the letter ”R”, for example, could be named ”Lazy R Ranch” and could be demonstrated in the brand with a tilted ”R”. However, it’s been a long time since I heard that, so I don’t exactly claim reliable sources for this. I just hope it helps a bit.
I have barrel horses. I’ve trained and raised them and now I’m getting bigger and starting to be known more and people have asked what I call my place, I tell them “I don’t know LOL?” I now need a name! I like speed, my first horse, who started it all for me is named Liberty. And all of our names in my family start with the letter D because there are 4 of us. We’ve thought about 4D ranch but, in barrel racing 4D is the slowest horses, so we don’t want everyone to think we have slow horses. I can not think of anything!
Thanks for reading my blog, Danny. You could make it really simple and just name it Liberty Ranch (Or Lady Liberty Ranch) after your first horse. If you need more help or suggestions, I can offer my exclusive naming service! http://www.hearthandfarm.com/nameyourfarm
How about ”Spee-D Liberty Ranch/Farm/Acres”? It’s kindof a double-entendre on the name ”LIBERTY”, since a horse running free is ”at liberty”. Hope you like it or that this helps in some way.
Liberty D Ranch, Running D Ranch, DRanch, Racing D Ranch,
Hello, i need help naming my ranch/stable and would appericate some ideas or maybe some help of a name.
It’s not a big farm, it’s rather small but, we have a lot of land. We currently are breeding Thoroughbreds right now, some of them are racehorses and are used in horseracing.
Thanks, i can’t wait to hear from you!
Hello Karter! Helping folks with farm and ranch names is taking so much of my time I’m now offering it as a personal service which can be purchased via Paypal. Let me know if you are interested in working with me to find a great name for your thoroughbred ranch!
I would like to know how to register my Ranch name. Is there a central place where all names are registered? How do I go about this?
Hi Susan, thanks for your question about how to register a farm name. Registering a farm name will vary from state to state. You will want to register your farm name IF you planning on doing business under that name, or if you will be incorporating.
The best place to check is the state licensing division (this is usually a subset of your state’s Department of Revenue/Treasury or Secretary of State).
Keep in mind that a lot of folks do NOT register their farm names simply because it’s a family home or an “unofficial” business without tax exemption or enough income to generate a tax obligation. So it’s possible that someone may be using the name you want, although it’s not registered officially or legally protected.
Hope this helps!
I LOVE your site its very unique and has lots of great info on it.
However I still do have a few ?’s regarding your service. once we give you all of our info and you start coming up with names,,, Do YOU google them to see if they are taken already b4 you send them to us ? I mean I have no problem paying for your services because you are very talented but just wondering because I need to name my ranch and my feed/tack store and come up with a freeze brand for my signature horses based off that name and use that brand for my store logo so I can tie them all together.
Hi Jennifer!
I’m so glad you enjoyed reading the blog and I would love to work with you to find a great name for the ranch and feed store. Yes, as I’m coming up with ideas, I do Google them to see what comes up (at least in the top 20 or 30). I don’t check the .com or domain names because the possibilities could be endless and doing this for 10 or 12 different name ideas is very time-intensive. Also, there are certain things which are out of my reach such as local businesses which aren’t listed or don’t show up in the top Google rankings.
My naming service consists mainly of a preliminary questionnaire to get some information about your place, and your personal style, and then I spend a few days brainstorming and researching. I contact you if I need additional info during this process. Then I send a final email with at least 10 name ideas and some other helpful tips.
Let me know if you’d like to get started!
Hi Anne,
I am purchasing a 143 tract. One of the largest wetlands serve as the back boundary called Raft Swamp. The site was previously used by the decendants of the Scottish immigrants for their highland games. The road fronting the property is called Highland Games Road.
I will be raising registered cattle and running a kennel for the purpose of raising Labrador Retrivers.
Trying to develop a name for the farm that captures these attributes. Any ideas?
Lynn – what a great idea! I would love to help you out with a good name – just click here to get started http://www.discoverynaming.com
All the best with your new farming adventure!
My husband and I have just started our first miniature horse farm…we can not come up with a name. Could you please help? Thanks so much
I would love to help, just click here to get started!
Looking for a name for our new farm we purchased. We moved here from MN and came here for a new beginning. We will be mostly a harvest or vegetable and fruit tree farm that will be selling pigs and eggs as well. We live in the most beautiful spot with the Tucannon River on or door step. I would like some suggestions as I am drawing a blank. Gods Beauty is in our back yard for sure and my husband and I have green thumbs so know we can make a go of this.
Hi Kerri! Thanks for reading the blog and for telling us about your wonderful farm. I am no longer able to offer free naming advice, as it has taken up quite a bit of my time, but I would love to help through my new naming service, recently launched here at http://www.discoverynaming.com
God bless,
Great Blog and Great Ideas!! It almost seams that naming our farm is turning out harder then naming our 5 children!! So I am turning to you for suggestions because you seam to be doing an awesome job at it!! The farm we will be buying will be a 750acre piece of land that we will farm organic and raise about 500 organic angus beef cows, the farm overlooks a lake! We believe that god was our entire influence and blessed us with LOTS of prayers to purchase and start this farm. We are a Norwegian family with 5 kids. We also will have a riding stable and gym for kids less fortunate then ours to come ride and train at! So on that note……….any suggestions on a farm name! I know that is a lot of information all in one!
Thank You, I look forward to hearing from you!
Nichole Jones
Hello Nichole and thanks for writing. I certainly do love to find creative names, and I understand what you mean about children. We are expecting number 5 in August and the name is foremost in our minds, but we haven’t decided on anything yet. Your farm sounds really wonderful, and I would love to help find a great name. Helping folks out with name ideas has actually started to take up quite a bit of my time (I also homeschool my children and have a website design business on the side) so I now offer it as a service which you can learn more about at http://www.discoverynaming.com
I look forward to working with you!
I am looking for information on where you need to go to get your already named horse farm registered? I live in kentucky.Can you help?
Hi Jodie,
Thanks for your question about how to register a farm name. Registering a farm name will vary from state to state. You will want to register your farm name IF you planning on doing business under that name, or if you will be incorporating. The best place to check is the state licensing division (this is usually a subset of your state’s Department of Revenue/Treasury or Secretary of State).
Keep in mind that a lot of folks do NOT register their farm names simply because it’s a family home or an “unofficial” business without tax exemption or enough income to generate a tax obligation. So it’s possible that someone may be using the name you want, although it’s not registered officially or legally protected.
Hope this helps!
I have NO idea what to go with. Bascially, we have no “specialty”. We’re simply on 7 acres (& may be moving, soon).
I guess something BROAD & catchy, I can take with us
We’re not a “ranch” or a “farm” but I can’t think of any other words besides “acres”….
Thanks for visiting the blog! Any of my readers have ideas to share for Serena?
Just think of what the terrain looks like and your animals. For example if you have a lot of pasture land or rollling hills you could do Green Pastures or Open Meadows. Depending on where you live and the animals you could do Crazy Critters or Dixie Critters, etc. Have fun with it!!
Great ideas, Ashley, thanks!
me too, ,we want a name for our place, we live at the end of Fawn Hollow Rd , so we named our dog breeding business after that. we would like A name for our place, Fawn Hollow (something), it isnt a ranch, farm and I dont care for acres…we also raised whitetail deer, elk and a few bison, live on 14 acres next to 1000 acres of state game land.
Hello – we just purchased 52 acres in Pipe Creek, TX (northwest of San Antonio). We are also taking on the project of naming the place. No commercial aspect. It will be a getaway for us and we will do some hunting and ATV riding. There is a small cabin on the property. I think the word “Ranch” would fit in the name, but we currently refer to it as the “deer lease” or simply “the property” or “the land”. My idea is to have something using the letter C in the name for my family name. It is also fits for my wife’s maiden name and therefore her family. And lastly, it fits for our dog’s name, Camo. Any thoughts or ideas you can provide would be appreciated. Thanks.
Hello, I have a ranch with lots of horses and I have no idea what to call it and it is pretty old but I still don’t know what to call it! LOL
I need a name for my small alpaca farm. I would like to use my granddaughters name in it, her name is Willow, any ideas?
im alot of years late but how about ” willows wind ” or ” rushing willow “
I need a name for my farm please it has a Barn and 400Acres of land.
I live in Lufkin,Texas and i need a name for my goat ranch! we have 6 acres and in the back of our land we have a creek. our Ranch is very wild and crazy!
I need a name for a ranch that involves our names; Con, Tiffany, and Taylee.
TC ranch
I need a name for a ranch we are buying. We are just outside of a ski resort (Park City, Utah). We are avid dog lovers. Outdoors enthusiasts. It is a valley with lots of rocks. She is a vet and I am a history teacher. We are avid travellers.
Got any ideas of which way to go?
Rockin’ Ears Ranch
Hi Anne, First of all, congratulation for this blog and it’s nice tips!!
I’m from Brazil, and we have three farms. One is located in São Paulo, and the other two are located in Mato Grosso do Sul (both are in Brazilian states). Two farms have saint names – wich is a good idea for american’s ranch and farms – (that is very usual here), one is FAZENDA SANTO ANTONIO (Saint Anthony farm) and the other one is FAZENDA SÃO FRANCISCO (Saint Francis farm). We have beef cattle, sheep, poneis, but the main bredding is quarter horses ( about 200 head, for three barrels and calf roping – speedy and work) and bufalos, about 2.000 head (indian bufalos). Our bufalos has beeing known as Búfalos Edu (Edu’s bufalos) and in a kind of way it’s the actual brand. Edu is the owner, the name of the family is Andrade Haik – Andrade has a portuguese root and Haik has a lebanon root). We’re in this business since 1970’s.
We wanted a name brand that encompass everything, and not just the bufalos.
Hope you can help us!!!
Thank you for your time, Lina.
i see some names like j-bar ranch.does anybody know what tha bar means.
Hi Jeff! The “bar” is commonly found in ranch names because it’s often used in the creation of cattle brands. It’s basically just a straight line that underscores something else. The name of the ranch often describes how the brand looks. For instance, Bar M Ranch might have a brand consisting of a capital M with a straight bar over it.
All the best,
I need help coming up with a good name for our new farm in KY. It is 208 acres, Little Eagle Creek runs throughout the entire property, there are many horse trails, and the meadows are situated on a large hillside. I was wanting to include an Irish meaning to the name with our deep Irish heritage. We are hoping to build a cabin in the Spring and plant a small orchard and other unique crops. Suggestions?
What a wonderful farm! Maybe some of my blog readers can offer some suggestions for you. I don’t know if you would want a funny or whimsical name but since there’s a creek running through how about calling your place “Irish Springs” (you know, after the well known soap, but it really is a pretty name!)
Hi, we have almost 4 acres and we have horses. We are talking about naming our little farm-et. was hoping you might have some ideas. We live in VA, 50 miles from DC, it is wooded around. We barrel race and participate in other timed events. Please help! Thanks.
Hi Dana, helping name farms and ranches has been taking up so much time I am now offering as a service through Discovery Naming. Here’s the link – let me know if you are interested! Thanks, Anne
loved reading your blog!
Thank you, I’m glad so many have found it helpful!
I need a name for a ranch that only has 30 cows at the moment but wants to be around 400-500 by the time im 30 and im 20 now. Any ideas?
o my brand is (H) if that helps! thanks!
We have a coffee farm, would like to name it.. it is located in green belt of that place on hills.. kindly suggest a name for this farm.
Hi, I am trying to think of a name for my really small farm. I have 5 nigerian dwarf goats. There are gum and pecan trees and the place we live is called Larto Lake. I wanted something cute and was thinking along the lines of Lil’ Patcha Heaven or something like that. Please help.
Hi Leslie! We have nigerian dwarfs on our place, too, and love them. I really like the name you picked “Lil’ Patcha Heaven.” Very catchy and original! If you need more help with the naming process, please visit my website at http://www.discoverynaming.com
great to know that you have some Nigerian dwarf goats. could you please share your experience with this breed of goats, out there out of the tropics? i do have several of these goats too on my farm here in Nigeria and I will be glad to know how they are performing out of this tropical environment.
Hi Wale! Our Nigerian dwarf goats are doing just fine in the Kansas environment. Even with dry summers and harsh winters they are thriving! We are hoping to have some baby goes this spring. Anne
We have some land that we want to find a catchy name for. It has a meadow on it, Rattlesnake creek runs thru it. My old horse Rebel, an old dog, Shelby recently died this past yr. When we were building it, a fawn fell into the basement that was recently poured an died. I wanted a name maybe with that thought in mind, but am open to others. We felt so bad about that….thought using that would help to keep the little guy alive somehow in our hearts…
Hi Linda! You have some great ideas for coming up with a good name. Remembering an animal is always very meaningful. Feel free to contact me through my naming service at and we’ll get started! Thanks for visiting the blog! Anne
we breed roosters for cockfighting. the farm has mango and guava trees and located just along our pond. actually we named it NINA’s mini farm, taken from my baby’s name NINA, but we want something unique and something easy to be remembered. i hope you could help us.
Hi, my farm naming service is now offered at my website (Discovery Naming). However, I don’t feel comfortable finding a name for a farm where roosters are bred for cockfighting. We are called to be good stewards of God’s creation and to use animals according to their purpose. God gave roosters their fierce fighting nature not to entertain people, but to protect the hens and eggs from danger. Maybe you would do better to just stick to the mangos and guavas!
You rock, Anne!
Anne! God bless you for your response to zshielah. I am a muslim and Islam forbids cruelty to animals in any form. Cockfighting is certainly a form of cruelty to animals. I hope zshielah will find fulfillment in doing other things.
Wale, thank you for taking time to comment here. It is very uplifting to know that Islam encourages the humane treatment of all God’s creatures. ~Anne
I was taken aback with the request above. If I indeed would ever need assistance with naming a farm, or if anyone else asked, I would definitely send them your way. God Bless!
I am looking to name a farm where we will be growing tomatoes, salad, greens, herbs and strawberries. Any thoughts?
Hi, trying to figure out a farm name/DOT name. I farm my grandpas quarter section and we rent a quarter section from his old high school teacher. So I’m not a very big farmer but enough to keep me busy. My grandpa has had diabetes for years and a couple years ago lost his leg so he cant do any field work anymore. I also work full time in town at a local elevator, and i love to take old John Deere tractors and restore them. I also enjoy tractor pulling with them very much! I am a very meticulous person when it comes to machinery, tractors, and farming in general. We have 1 hog barn (1200 head) and a small cattle lot maybe 50 head total. We farm next to a creek called Mud creek and there is train track 1/3 mile away from the house. My favortie past time is probably tractor pulling though, I cant get enough! Let me know if you have any ideas for a farm name!!! Thanks for your help
Oh and another thing, we are primarilly corn and soybean farmers
Hi, i have been thinking of names, for quite some time now, but no matter what i come up with it is either taken or just doesnt fit. my ranch only has about 20 anchres right now. we have 4 horses of our own. I train horses, treat injuries and sickness, and i also find homes for them. i thought of The Lazy Horse Ranch, but it was taken. and i also thought of Valhalla Ranch but it just doesnt fit. we take any breeds. i hope you can help. Thank you
Lazy T Horses
Lazy T Ranch
Great blog right here! Also your web site quite a bit up fast! What web host are you the usage of? Can I get your associate link for your host? I wish my web site loaded up as fast as yours lol
It’s actually a cool and useful piece of info. I am satisfied that you simply shared this useful info with us. Please stay us up to date like this. Thanks for sharing.
I do agree with all the ideas you have presented in your post. They are really convincing and will certainly work. Nonetheless, the posts are very brief for newbies. May just you please prolong them a bit from subsequent time? Thanks for the post.
Your post and the comments were a lot of fun to read. My husband and I have 38 acres with a small orchard and lots of walnuts. My inlaws keep insisting we should name it, and we kick names around from time to time along many of the themes you mention. But we also don’t think we really need to name it until we have something to market and are concerned with branding ourselves/products. I’m almost thinking that the next time that free offer for Vista Print cards comes up, I might get some that say “Money Pit Farm” or “Willow Springs Raccoon Sanctuary” even though those names are jokes and most certainly not in the running for the real thing.
Hi Aster -The names you’re throwing around gave me a really good laugh! They would actually described our place pretty well, too. Seems like we’re always dabbing in this or that hobby (which costs money) and we fight the racoons constantly. They want our chickens, our cat food and anything else they can get their paws on. About picking a name….you don’t have to wait until you’re actually marketing something because having the name in place helps get the word out and encourage familiarity. It also saves you some time and brainstorming later on. We went ahead and picked Zephyr Hill for a our place soon after moving in. Three years later we are starting to keep bees and locals are already familiar with our place. When we start selling “Zephyr Hill Honey” there will be name recognition. Thanks for reading the blog! Anne
We are also in the beautiful Flint Hills of Kansas and want a name for our ranch. We are on/around Spring Creek..but there are so many “things” with the Spring Creek name. We are beef producers and adamant about beef! We love dogs…not so much cats. This is a family ranch with one of our daughters and her family living on the place….lots of bluestem grass…hills..Can you give us any direction on a ranch name? Thanks!
Hi Kathy, you’re practically a neighbor! I bet like me you are really anticipating spring coming to the Flint Hills. It almost looks like you’re in Ireland, with the rolling green landscape all around. Sounds like you have a lot of good inspiration for a great name – creek, hills, cattle, bluestem grass…..using the topography is always a logical place to start. It’s kind of tricky trying to suggest names simply from comments I get on the blog, so I’ve set it up as a naming service and work off of a full customer profile, plus lots of feedback and communication. Let me know if you are interested! http://www.discoverynaming.com Thanks for visiting, Anne
I am looking for a name for our farm. We have 100 acres. We raise cattle, we have hay fields, we have horses, and plan on raising chickens. We are now in the process of building our home on this property. We live in the Mid Ohio Valley. We have a cabin that is on the historic society. Our barn is from the early 1800’s and was used for the underground railroad. We have 2 boys. Any help is appreciated.
I am looking to buy a ranch in TX. I will probably own horses, donkeys, rabbits and other farm animals. I love to dream, ride horses and be unique. Do you have any ideas for a name?
Wanted to incorporate possibly my 3 girls. any ideas!?
I am looking to name my farm
What about “Three Peas in a Pod Farm”?
Hi, I need a name for my horse ranch. I can’t think of anything. Please help me!
Hitch A Horse Ranch
I need help naming my ranch as well. I have horses, chickens and cows. we have 300 acres, and we are a family of three for now. We have a german shepherd and a cat. not sure if that really helps. I would also eventually like to make a brand symbol out of my ranch name! thanks!!!
Emily, I would love to help name your ranch! Please visit my site at http://www.discoverynaming.com to get started with my exclusive service. Thanks for reading the blog. Anne
Name Brand Ranch
im looking for a name for my sheep farm….about the farm its crazy and funny and i want something catchy…thank you if you have helped me find a name:)
i need a catchy sheep farm name…my farm is silly and crazy… please help me find a name.Thanks.:)
Hi Anne,
I would just like to say (or rather SHOUT!) a big THANK YOU for making this page!
It’s giving us tons of ideas. This is going to help a lot. You are wonderful! Thanks!
And by the way, I think your farm name and blog design are adorable.
Thank you Catherine, what a nice compliment!!
I need a good name for a doberman breeding business. I am located in Northern Oregon.
Canine Alert
After struggling to come up with a name for a farm in my current manuscript, I came across your blog post. What a joy! I now have a fictional name in a fictional town for my current novel-in-the-making.
Thank you for the nudge I needed!
My sister and her husband bought a small farm a few years ago and my horse Guess was moved to their place. Since the purchase, my two sisters have aquired their own horses. Its a small horse farm of 3 horses and I am really wanting to give it a name lately. I was reading your post and was hoping you could help me out. Any idea would be great. I want to get jackets for my family as a present.
ST3 Horse Farm
Sisters Trio Three Horse Farm
Hi me and my husband live on a farm we have horses and soon goats and we foster rescue dogs and have dogs of our own and I was wanting to give it a farm or ranch name if anybody has suggestions I would appreciate it.
Gone To The Dogs Farm
or maybe Dog Gone Days Farm
I am a single woman who has a mustange reserve but I’m having a problem picking a name for the place… I would like a name that honors these beautiful animals, but I would like to hear other names too… Thanks for all your help!!!
Lone Woman Mustang Ranch
Hi there! I was wondering if you could help me with a name for a ranch I’m writing for my book. I’m very serious about this book. It’s about healing broken animals – mostly horses – and the girl there is really talented. Has “the gift.” She’s unique and compassionate. Gentle. I really want the ranch name to be gentle or inspirational or something pertaining to “dream world” or “dream land” or something with beautiful meaning. So far I have these:
Dreamland Ranch
Morning Glory Ranch
Rosehill Ranch
Whispering River Ranch
Mystic Meadows Ranch
I’m not too thrilled with any of them except for the top three. I was hoping if you could help me out here. It’s like a rescue but it used to be a ranch. She still has her grandfather there – a real stubborn cowboy – so nothing TOO frilly. Just… inspirational. Beautiful. The ranch is set in a gorgeous place in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado with breath-taking views and sunsets/sunrises and the clearest air.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Listening Ear ranch,
Healer of Hearts Ranch
Healing Touch Ranch
Le Caudeau Ranch (Le Caudeau means The Gift in french)
Your book sounds similar to Heartland? The books by Lauren Brooke? Just thought id mention that!
Sorry, one more thing
Maybe if the characters in your book have heritage from a different country, you could put something like ‘Dream Land’ or whatever you want into that language using google translate? I find thats pretty inspirational!
I can’t seem to come up with the right name for my farm. I am starting up a small breeding business. I’m going to breed Arabians and Paints. I have a few names picked out but they just dot seem to be “good enough”
1. Whispering Willow Farm
2. Willow Creek Acres
A few of my friends stables are called:
Flair Park Arabians
Dare To Dream (favorite)
Hoof-Haven Equestrian
Mystikal Farms
Chase N It Farm
Whispering Secret Arabians
Dancing Spirits Farm
Wunderbar Arabians
Rae-Dawn Arabians
Arabian Knights
Silver Spur Arabians
Could you by any chance think of something like one of these that ends with Farm or Arabians & Paints?! Very excited to hear what you have, your amazing! Have a great day!
Anne, great advice! Did I read on one of the comments that you do website design as well as naming? I am looking for help in both areas so if you could help it would be great! If you do the website design could you direct me to that page? And is there a way that you could roll both services into one charge? Thank you! Rob
Hi Rob! Web design services are offered on a limited basis, due to time constraints. If you could let me know what exactly your’re looking for in a site (i.e. how complex, how many pages, if you already have photos, text, etc.) that would help tremendously in seeing if I could get you on the roster! Thanks so much! Anne at Discovery
I just bought a small property in Southern Utah. The main assets are a spectacular view of the mesas and redrock formations near Zion. At night you feel like you can reach up and grab the Milky Way. Sunsets reflecting off the redrocks are worthy of a postcard. I’m putting in a peach orchard and a nearby natural reference point is Grapevine Canyon, and it is located on Mesa View Road…. We’re artists and clueless…. Help, Mike
Love your blog
Need help naming our riding school/agistment/training centre. I want to include my horses name, he died a couple of months ago. His name was Jar Jar Binks, but id like it to have ‘Binx’ written in it! HELP 
well.we have bout 20 or so acres…small rance…..butt….a cupple horses…..goats woandering round….inside,11 dogs,an 7+or so sugar gliders…but no ranch ranch……just havent had the the time to come up with that…..with 3 3 og us ……just out side of tucson az….and me with a..makining thru a fatal car acent 4 yeara go……..well thats its…look fer ya on the trail!!
We have 40 cows breeding for beef, 10 goats, 100 pigs, 1000 chickens, wild turkeys, guinea fowls. We are right on the curve of a high way. The land has a lot of stones and wild trees. Please help us name our farm.
Zambia, Southern Africa.
Stony Bend Farm,
hi, im trying to find a name for my small goat farm, i want it goat related or something outdoorsy &country like! i want it unique but i just cant think of anything! thanks
Hi Julianna! Thanks for commenting! We have goats, too, and love them. Maybe some of my readers will have some ideas for you. Helping farms and ranches to find great names AND blogging has taken up so much of my time that I offer consulting now as a service at http://www.discoverynaming.com All the best, Anne
Greetings from Alberta, Canada!! We are having difficulty naming our grain farm… who would have thought it could be so hard to come up with a good name?? My hubby has farmed all his life and I also come from a farming background. We just moved out to our farm 4 years ago. We have the typical grain (canola, wheat, barley) farm & 3 kids. When we bought our homeplace it was a real disaster, the old batchler who lived here before us never took care of ANYTHING and we have spent the last 4 years cleaning up the yard and building a home. We are trying to come up with a modern name… We wanted M5 Farms, but that is taken already! (Last name is Moller).
I’d appreciate any names that you could come up with…
Hi Angela! Thanks for commenting! That’s wonderful you’ve fixed up the place and made a real home of it. My readers might have some name suggestions for you. Helping farms and ranches to find great names AND blogging has taken up so much of my time that I offer consulting now as a service at http://www.discoverynaming.com All the best, Anne
Moller Meadows
M5 Meadows
Five Moller Farm
Hi I need a name for my soon to be ranch.
We have Border Collies, Goats, Cows,Horses
I can’t think of a name.
Will you please help me!?
Animal Kingdom??
That’s a good one! I just don’t know though…..
Animal’s Haven
Our Family ranch/acres/farm
Animal Lover’s ranch/acres/farm
Brancher Ranchers
Hello Sophe. Thanks for commenting! My readers might have some name suggestions for you. Helping farms and ranches to find great names AND blogging has taken up so much of my time that I offer consulting now as a service at http://www.discoverynaming.com Anne
Retirement Ranch??
I once knew a dentist whose farm was called Tooth Acres.
Looking for a name for our farm. We were thinking of Green Valley Farm as we live above Green Valley Creek, but that name is already taken in our area. We have chickens, llamas, (soon milk goats), beehives, a large garden and I’m now growing herbs for herbal medicine. I’m studying to become a Master Herbalist. Would love ideas for a name. We also raise all of our animals naturally/holistic.
Your farm sounds wonderful, Heather. I bet some of my readers would have some good ideas for you! I also have a professional naming service, if you want to go that route – http://www.discoverynaming.com
I’m playing around with ‘Manzanita Acres’. We have a lot of manzanita trees and I love that name for our first bay girl goat. One of the goats that we are getting soon will have kids in April. Another name I like for a goat is Anika, which is an african name for ‘sweet faced’. Anika Acres? I’m kinda partial to Manzanita Acres because I think it will also tie in the garden and herbs. Once i come up with a name, how do I register the name? We’re in California.
Surely you already know the humor in someone named Heather studying to be a herbalist. Owing to that connection I think Heather should definitely be part of your farms name.
Heather Hill
Heather’s Herb Farm
Still, as you said, manzanita’s are aplenty on your property.
Little Apple Farms / Acres
Manzanita is found in chaparral (heathland) plant communities and has medicinal properties, perhaps incorporating chaparral since it touches on both the manzanita trees and your name.
Chaparrel Farms / Herbs / Gardens / Acres
Chaparrel Hill
Thanks Paul!
I think Chaparral Hill is the winner. It’s why my husband bought this place 19 years ago. We’re surrounded by forrest, but the property is up high with lots of sun and many wild plants. We also have various pines, oaks and madrone trees. We also have some amazing views of forrest and we can see Mt. St. Helena from the kitchen/dining and living room.
Thanks so much:)
Wow, thanks for sharing such great suggestions, Paul!! Anne
I second and third that!
Since I was not part of buying this place…I don’t feel comfortable adding Heather to the name. This was his his place away from where he grew up (near S.F.) Granted…there was no garden, chickens, honey bee hives, llamas, herbs, and soon goats without me:) Chaparral Hill would be ideal.
Now his family from near S.F. love to come out here and see what we’re up to. Now we have a name:)
Thanks so much Paul!
I’m looking to name my farm. We don’t have a certain breed or type of riding etc. I want to have names that are 2 words long with the same letter (ex.: Hope Haven) I only want them to be AA, DD, HH, II, SS, VV, or WW. If you have anything please let me know!
We are starting plans to build our horse ranch, where we will raise gypsy vanners. Any great ideas for names? We have a few in mind, but were looking for something beautiful. Any help is appreciated!
Hi all,
I love the names you are coming up with and have a few to add to the list. My father purchased a ranch in Colorado and dedicated it to my grandmother (his mother) who was very passionate about her Native American culture. She believed her power animal was an eagle so we named the ranch Flying Eagle Sanctuary. I recently bought a ranch in Wyoming and named it Chippowa Creek after my first horse (Chippowa) and the beautiful creek that lines our property. My brother owns a farm in Oklahoma named after a cow we had as a child named Funny Face, thus creating Funny Face Farms. I love the idea of dedicating the name to someone, even if no one would understand the meaning. Makes for good conversation starter.
Hi! I just recently leased a family barn and my daughter and I are trying to find a good name for it and we need some help! Its a little over an acre and its family oriented. The best we have come up with is “Native Dancer Ranch” but we are looking for some other advice too. Please answer back.
– Gabbie
Hi! I need some insperation! i recently leased a family barn and now I am trying to find a good name for it. Can you help? Its a little over an an acre family oriented and cozy. Please Help!
I’m looking for a name for our hay farm. We are going to be distributing hay.
Hello, A friend and I are starting a small poultry operation that hopefully one day will grow into wool sheep and milk goats. We are still in the process of finding land however we would like to get a jump on the name that will represent us. We like the ideas of PASTURE raised animals, and the words GRASS / SIMPLE/ NATURAL in the name.
Any help would greatly be appreciated!! Thank you!
“most people are unaware that the poetic-sounding “Pemberly” was the home of the impeccable Mr. Darcy and that “Gretna Green” was located just over the Scottish border and was the place to flee for a quick marriage with no questions asked.”
This is a great article, but please, oh please change the above sentence! Gretna Green was not made up by Austen – it was and is a very real place!
Hi Jolene, thanks for commenting! In my blog post, I did not mean to imply that Jane Austen made up the name Gretna Green – only that she referred to it in her story and that I think it’s a very beautiful name. A few sentences back I write “you can always recycle a favorite name from the movies, TV, literature or real-life.” ~Anne
We are starting a cattle and hay business on my grandfathers farm. I am looking for a professional yet catchy name. Both of our intials are J.C. so I had decided on J&J cattle company but that seemed to original. We will be raising beef cattle and cutting lots of hay, I fight fire and he work for the local natiral gas department, this has been a life long dream of ours. Any ideas are greatly appreciated!!!
Hello I am starting my own farming entity and I’m looking for a name. It is a larger scale operation 1000+ acres. Names of interest are rolling hills, green acres, MC farms… Any and all input would be great. From southern Saskatchewan. Grow grains, pulses and oil seeds. Thanks
hi i have a small farm with goats, chickens, turkeys&ducks. i just cant seem to find a good name! i want it to be hunting/sportsman named or maybe have the word “camo” in it. or just be related to what i have! thanks so much!
Thanks for the help! I have finally convinced the other half to let me get a chicken but I want a sign over the coop. I have picked Rancho de Anderson. (Last name) Anderson Ranch in English! YAY!
My husband and I recently purchased a mini-farm in TN that is just under 12 acres. We have 3 retired racing greyhounds and 2 whippets (both breeds are from the sighthound family of dogs). We are planning on having chickens and might get some goats too. We will have a vegetable garden and also grow herbs. We have been dreaming of having a small farm where we can go back to the basics and become self-sufficient. Any ideas on a name for our mini-farm?
We have had a chainsaw carving business for two yesrs ( SeeSaw Crafts on facebook ) but now we have decided to be a small farm. chainsaw carvings, vegetables , flowers, and maybe fresh eggs.
Really need some name ideas to include all
thank you
We have a dairyfarm wich name is “le grillot”, a French name, we live in France. I have Working Kelpies (dogs) and I am looking for a stud name. I want an English name. Our name, Evers, should be perfect, but exist already.
So we have cattle and some sheep to train my dogs. Working my dogs is my big hobby, during milking etc. Do you have the magic name for me?
Hi there.. I was wondering if anyone could give me their 2 cents on the name I thought of for my new farm. My farm is about 75 acres, and I raise every kind of plants and animals you could think of. I have loved farming since I was a little girl, and I put in a lot of heart when it comes to my animals. And I have always thought everyone should grow up around animals; I think it is just good for the heart… So I thought I would call it Good Heart Acres. What do you think?
We have a farm which we need help naming. My father always said “Up on the hilI ” when talking about the place. I would like to use Up On The Hill Farm but that seems like too many words. Any suggestions out there. Maybe shorten it like Pon The Hill Farm. Someone already has an Up-On-The-Hill Farm already used, as well as the website name. Thanks, Eric
I am in the process of starting a 5 acre community sustainable gardens/fruit orchard-farm in the town of Bulverde Texas. I am looking for help with a name. The property will provide individual allotments of farm land that will encompass everything gardening has to offer. It is in a flood plain, but not much rain or chance of flood anytime soon. It will have a community greenhouse for growing transplants [available with allotment seasonal lease] as well as a community pavilion that will provide the community with weekend education for like minded gardeners. In addition, gardeners will have access to a full line of tools for working the land. We want to bring life back into this sleepy town. There will also be a roadside farmers market that each grower will have free access and booth space provided to sell there goods. My website/blog: http://www.theruralgardener.com has a visual masthead that we will try to emulate in our marketing. Any ideas out there?
Some of my readers might have ideas to share! Thanks for stopping by, Robert. ~Anne
Can you please make sure that the website name is clearly correct…. http://www.theruralgardener.com
I misspelled it. Sorry
I’ll fix that above, Robert.
I am trying to name my little homestead. It’s only 5 acres in west Texas. No trees or grass, just mostly dirt and my critters. I’m a widow with 5 little girls. We have milk cows, Nigerian Dwarf goats, New Zealand rabbits, Holland Lop rabbits, Gloucestershire Old Spot hogs, Great Pyrenees dogs, lots of chickens (mostly giant cochins) and Persian cats. We just had our first litter of Hollands and I need to get pedigrees started but I can’t think of anything more creative than Windy Downs Farm. Which I got from a random name generator, but the windy part surely fits….. ever been to west Texas? lol. Just that some of the ones y’all came up with were so much more creative and cute. So if anyone could give me any cute ideas I’d be really grateful. The kids really didn’t like Windy Downs Farm. But of course I doubt I’m going to ever come up with ONE name that makes SIX women happy. lol
Why don’t you let each of you gals pick their favorite animal by name… Then take the first initial if that favorite named animal… Jumble the letters and come up with a name using those letters, so they each feel like they helped in making it happen! Add Farm or Acres at the end .
Hi, I have a 16 acre property, It has always been my dream to own a small ranch, and finally it came true with my first horse Starla, I have been trying to come up with a name for the last 2 years and was wondering if you could help me out a little? We live back in the woods away from everyone and have swamps and woods all around us. I have mostly horses with a couple dogs and cats.
Sabrina, my readers might have some name suggestions for you. So glad you finally got your own ranch! – Anne
My partner and I are independent filmmakers, we’ve recently acquired an old farm and we’re turning the barn into a sound studio. We’d really like to name our production company something that has to do with farms, makes sense. Example: Farm Fresh Films (already in use) but we’re struggling with ideas. I found your wonderful site through google and I’m so impressed. Maybe you, and your readers can help!
What a neat place to set up a studio! Anyone have some ideas to share? ~Anne
Mooving Pictures
I was looking for a name for my new goat farm. Want something playful and funny. Any ideas?!
I’d like something to do with farmers daughter(cause that’s what I am!)
Tasha, we had goats at one point and they are definitely playful and funny. In fact, we hope to get more next year, as as soon as a small shelter can be put up. Hope my readers have some good ideas for a name! – Anne
Anne, what a wondering blog you have here! I’m just starting my 22nd book, and am searching for a name that will be the book title, represent “home” to my protagonist, and which will fit in with a Morgan Horse farm in Vermont near the Green Mountains. I’m trying to find something relatively romantic, like the last book I just published, entitled The Seacrest (the name of the mansion on Cape Cod). My character , Portia Lamont, was abducted four years earlier, and although we don’t know what happened to her in the first chapters, she’s finally home (after escaping) and struggles to heal and recover from the trauma, with the help of horse farmer/neighbor, Boone Sterling, the love interest. ;o) She’s longed for home the entire time she was kidnapped, ached for it so badly. So I want it to have a memorable, evocative ring to it.
Can you tell I’m struggling? I was playing with the green mountain theme, but am not happy with any of those options. I started playing with “Red dragonfly,” and “elderberry” but haven’t hit on a good combo.
Thanks in advance for any ideas you might come up with! Best, Aaron Lazar
Aaron, thanks for stopping by! What a unique plot for your latest book! It really draws me in. I would love to help find a name for it, so to learn more about my exclusive naming service just visit my partner site: http://www.discoverynaming.com. There’s free advice there plus info about the services I offer. Thanks again!! ~Anne
Thank you, Anne. You certainly have a talent for this!
You are great with the names, I farm 1500 acres of grain and oil seeds as well as haul livestock. Havent ever had a farm name, We are just north of the “riding mountains”, we have norweigan and scottish background. So far we have thought of “Itchy & Scratchy Grain Co.” or “Thruthvang” which means power fields in norweigan. Last name is Myhre, any other ideas would be great. Thanks
Hi Dean! I offer naming suggestion as a service now through Discovery Naming, but some of my readers might have ideas? – Anne
I enjoyed reading this charming article. I have always enjoyed unique names of places.
I have read your blog about how to pick a name for your farm – there is some good information.
I am recently divorced and I retained my Jersey show cattle in our aggreement. I need to find a new prefix name for when I register any new calves. I am at a loss as to where to even start. I don’t have a farm yet but would like my Prefix to eventially be used as the farm name also. All of my Jerseys start with “D” right now but I will be veering off of that pattern with the next calvings. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it. From Wisconsin by the way!
Marilyn, thanks for stopping by! Hope you’ll get some good ideas here. ~Anne
I need a name for my 17.5 acres in Fredricksburg, TX just to have fun with and one day move there and build a house on it
Awesome blog! I need a name for my 7 acre farm.
we live on a hill.
most of the property is woods.
we have 3 rabbits.
we have 7 chickens,
we have 5 guinea hens, some pigs and soon to come, 2 pygmy goats. thanks!
Like the blog. Need help comming up with a name for our new whitetail deerfarm. The land is hilly and there is a pond in the middle.
I started selling plants at farmers markets last year. In August I added Jams and meat glazes. No I have started making hand salves and lotion bars. Honey and mushrooms are in the works. I will always be expanding and experimenting so I need a name that will work in the future too. I live on 10 acres in central Virginia and we have dogs, a cat, a mini pot bellied pig and a pygmy goat. There is a dry creek on the property also.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Creekbed Creations
We are trying to come up with a name for our farm in NZ. We have a lot of hawks that fly over so we like the name Hawks Way to represent the flight of the the hawk.
Does any one have any other ideas.
We are trying to decide a name for our homestead. We have bees/honey and are beginning maple syrup. In the future we hope to open an herb/iridology shop and will sell leftover produce.
Sounds like a wonderful place! ~Anne
Hi. I have been searching for a fram name for quite awhile now.
I currently have 2 horses, 7 dogs and a cat, lots of chickens,quail, turkeys, ducks and geese. I will also be getting rabbits, more pigs and a cow in the near future. The only name I could think of was Feathers & Fur, but it didn’t seem to do it for me, as I am a bit of a joker. I was about to ask you advise tonight, but my dad called, and I asked him. Immediately, he said Staggered Acres. I don’t know if he thought of that name so quickly because I am married to a Newfoundlander, or because of all the different animals I have, but I think it fits.. anyways, I just needed to share, and also to tell you that you have a great site
That’s definitely a unique name! Can you explain what the connection is between Staggered and Newfoundland is? You’ve got me curious! Thanks! ~Anne
to answer your question…
My husband is a Newfie, and Newfie’s like to drink. Drinking can lead to staggering
Gotcha! lol
I have 24 acres with a pond and creek. I plan on having a fruit orchard and some chickens for starters. I also restore vintage trailers and plan on renting them out. My daughter thinks I am turning back into a hippie! Any suggestions for me?
You could do something with the hippie theme, to make it funny! ~Anne
Hi, I’m trying to come up with a name for my small 2 acre farm. i have chickens (orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, Dominiques, & Seramas)
Thank you
Hello! I am 21 years old and will be graduating from West Virginia University next May. My goal is to restart a hobby farm with some cattle on my parents land. It’s an old style farm that was built in 1840 and has a lot of character. It is located in the hills of Virginia. The place needs a lot of love and my nick name growing up and what my close friends call me today is Moo. Any suggestions for an old style farm that needs some love?
help name my friends farm here is their info:
live in a 200+ year old cape with a winter view (through the trees) of the Penobscot River, the backside of our property is a ledge, we have hens, bees, lots of flower and veggie gardens, raspberries, hops, and fruit trees (peach and apple) and we are located in an area called Sandy Point, in Stockton Springs, Maine near the Penobscot River. they also have a brewery on site.
Great blog post. My parents are thinking of farming 2 acres so thanks for sharing. With the help of your ideas I will easily be able to name our farm. Have a great day!
I love your blog and your article about finding a name for your ranch/farm. I live on a very small plot of land in Kanab, Utah near Zion National Park, Coral Pink Sand dunes, and other beautiful landmarks. I train horses (Natural Horsemanship), sell eggs, tomatoes and some produce. I have a beautiful leoard spotted Appaloosa plus a mammoth donkey and several other wonderful horses. I also have a very tame cow, chickens, cats, & 4 size different dogs. So I thought it would be best to say “Farm” in the name. This is a place people come from all over the country to hike and visit all the national parks. I thought about Color Country Farm, Judd Ranch, Horsin’ Around Farm. I use to own Lavender Hill Farms in California even though I didn’t have any lavender on the property. I live in a residential neighborhood but looking for a new place with more acreage. We are near Best Friends Animal Sanctuary which is pretty famous. Any comments and suggestions are really appreciated.
I like your ideas, Darlene! If anyone has more suggestions they can post on this thread. Best of luck! ~Anne
We need a name for a ecotourism farm in Pemberton, B.C. Almost 200 acres set in a valley with soaring mountains on all sides and two glacial rivers running through. The farm will have animals, lots of fresh produce, private cabins and a long house.
This was a wonderful post! It helped my hubby and I come up with a name for our 30 acre “mini farm”. Thanks!!
Glad to help! ~Anne
I didn’t realize so much went into naming a farm! Those are a lot of great suggestions.
I am looking to purchase a farm in KY that would be used for keeping retired horses. One farm I am currently looking at is quiet and bucolic with a nearby creek (not exactly on the property but along it and on the road). It has many mature trees. It is also in a historic area. I would like to have some element of the “feel” of the farm in the name and trying to come up with a name. Any suggestions would be welcome!
We are looking for a name for our farm/ranch. We are in the Texas hill country, Frio river valley. We were growing all natural, no pesyacides fresh produce and herbs. Free range livestock, chickens, pigs, goats. We are a christian people and love our country. Any ideas. I would like to incorporate the Salzman name as it is unique.
My family lives on a small cow horse farm and we are considering raising cow dogs also. We also have a small creek that runs in the back of our property named Jones Creek. We are stuck on “Jones Creek ……..”. We can’t decide if we want to include the creek name, for instance, Jones Creek Farm, Jones Creek Cow Dogs and Cow Horses, or go with something completely different. Any help and suggestions would be appreciated. We are very country people.
Hi there!
I’m looking for help naming our farm and soon-to-be goat dairy. We have ducks, chickens, pigs, jacob sheep, and most importantly Saanen dairy goats. We live on a hill on Vashon Island, WA in the Puget Sound, with a tremendous view of the spectaclar Mt. Rainier. We are passionate Catholics.
Thanks for any ideas you can share!
Saanen Sound
We have just bought my Great grandparents homestead and are going to go in hobby farming to start out small until we can get the farm back up and running. Right now we have chickens, goats and pigs. We later want to add some sheep and cattle to the mix. We need help naming our hobby farm. We live in Northeast Arkansas. Our last name is Nichols but the issue with using that is there is a lot of “Nichols Farms” around here. We’ve racked our brains and can’t come up with anything.
Any help would be amazing!
Creature Comforts
Hola! I’ve been following your site for a while now and
finally got the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from Atascocita Tx!
Just wanted to mention keep up the great work!
Pl suggest nmes for my small farm, where i am growing roses
We bought a home in CA with 5 acres. We would like to start a business, so far we already have chicken. we will add later goats and vegetable garden etc. Please help me with the name
Thank you
I have more to add
I am living in a Valley
Thank you
Hi! I’m needing help coming up with a name for our farm in Kentucky. We raise cattle and barrel horses right now and will soon have some small livestock. The name that I pick will also be our brand that we brand our cattle and horses with. Our last name is Tichenor also if that helps. I’m looking for something different that sticks out a lot! Thanks!!
Hey I have a farm and I have horses the main thing I am going to train horses when I am older.i train mine but I need a name for my farm about horses so a name then healing horses healing hearts I really need a name about horses I have chickens and pigs but the main animal is horses so please help me and I want it to be one work so not a name then ranch just a name if that makes sence thank u ?
We just bought a 5 acre piece of land and named it. I was torn…. I had trouble deciding between 2 different names, eventually one won out. As a joke sometimes we still refer to it as the other name. We called it Wildflower Farm, as it is teeming with wildflowers. The other name…. was, Septic Hill Farm, as in back the septic tank lives under a small hill. In the end, my husband wouldn’t have us naming such a beautiful location after the septic tank.
Help me to named my small breeding farm. Located at batangas Philippine. It also name of place is maanunang or kanumi they called the place. Thank you so much.
I hope you can help me to make a name of my small farm. Thank you again.
I have a naming question…. is the word Farm singular or plural? As in S&M Farm or S&M Farms? What would the difference be? Thanks, JP
Generally, you would use the word “farm” singular. Only use “farms” if it is a conglomerate or partnership of several different farms. ~Anne
Great article, just the inspiration and ideas I was looking for. Could you expand on any ‘copyright’ issues if any that you have run into with Farm/Ranch names? For instance, Hundred Acre Wood is a classic name (Winnie the Pooh) but very fitting of real-life properties as well? Does copyright/trademark create any constraint, or since it’s a different ‘venue’ there is literally very fertile ground from which to draw ideas?
– Thanks for the article.
Hi Eric! Most family farms are not trademarked, unless you’re talking about large commercial operations (i.e. products on the grocer’s shelf like Pepperidge Farms). Some cattle operations do incorporate, however. It just depends on each situation and what the goals and markets are. If a farm wants to have a website, domain registration does come into play. ~Anne
I’ve enjoyed reading your post. I bought 8 acres with intentions of retiring my 12 year old son’ pony(Maxamillion). We called him Max. Unfortunately, we had to put him down. We buried him on the property. I’m breaking ground now for a small equine retirement center. I always joked that we would call it “shot out” mainly because I’ve had a rough 6 years of my own medical problems. Well, after we put Max down, a little over a year ago, my son with tears in his eyes, said “Mom we should name our farm “Maxed out”. I already have all the boarders that I need, so it fits, but I’m not 100% sure. What do you think? Mrs. Austin Hall, Savannah, Ga.
I don’t like self fulling names when they have anything negative. How about “To the Max” it honours your horse and a bit more positive.
Pasture Prime
I have 1000 Quails ( for eggs) and Organic Farm ( Cucumber , Zucchini, Basil , Mushroom,Bell Pepper , Cherry tomato ) soon to include (bee Keeping for natural Honey )This is located in Bangalore in India I am looking for a name that suits this farm.Can any one suggest a name
i thought of three that I really like!
1.fifty shades of hay
2.who let the hogs out
3.the jolly ranchers
Hope you like them!
My mother and I have decided to work on a project together. We’re constructing and “running” a Breyer horse stables, since we live in the city and can’t own real horses. We hope to enter photo shows with the model horses.
As far as names go, I was hoping to include something with lighthouses, since my mother and I both love them. The barn colors are aqua and silver/grey. I’m hoping for a name thats slightly diffrent, not like “Lighthouse Stables”
Breyer Beacon
Hi all! I need help naming a barn (farm) that will be uses as a family retreat, rented out as a venue for weddings, birthdays, reunions, ect. I would like to use family names Grace or Rush. Or something catchy/clever. Any and all suggestion appreciated! Thanks!
I need a name for my alpaca business. Any ideas?
Hi we both a farm in Holland and we need a name for it
The house is called leeuwenhorst..
My husband is retiring from the US Marine Crop after 25 years. My father has been a farmer all his life and he gave us land to build on and still his farming land is all around it. W &W Farms is my Dad’s famine name but I would like to include something with the Marines and Craven is my my married name but want to use Waddell which is my maiden name. I know it’s hard just need help any ideas?
We are trying to come up with a name for our little hobby farm, we have chickens, dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, ducks, and soon to have goats. 2 growing boys and always going. What does anyone think of Axtion Acres? the reason for the x is our sons middle names both start with x
I like what you said about releasing your inner poet. That way you can reflect your personality, and find a name that really speaks to you. Thanks for posting, I will keep these ideas in mind!
I think the best names are ones that we have some part in making!
I agree!
Great post! Has me thinking…. we are buying an acre at the end of the year and I’m searching my creativity stores for names. We will keep sheep, goats, chickens for eggs and meat, ans meat rabbits. I will also have 1200 sf of garden for canning goodies. I love the feeling I get from the word “Homestead” or “Farmstead” or even “Farmyard”. This is something I’ve been dreaming of for over 4 years and I want the name to feel perfect!
i see the acerage that others own and it makes me cringe! I am buying 1 1/2 acres and wanted to name it. Is that acceptable? I was thinking of using dogwood in the name b/c there are lots on the property. I’m not going to be raising & selling anything. Comments would be great!
I have an antique child’s play barn/stable (painted white with red trim) that I’d like to give a name to. My granddaughter is named Penelope, and I was thinking the “Good ‘N Penny Ranch” which is a play on Good ‘N Plenty candies… she’s so sweet. What do you’all think? Thanks.
I would like to come up with a name for our property here in NSW Australia that has mine, my husband & 3 kids initials. We ride & would like to breed Arabian horses for our Endurance competitions. The letters are
M, B, A, T, H
All of our middle names start with:
H, S, F, I
I’m at a loss for a farm name. We bought this house and land with no intent of owning a hobby farm. the previous owners was having to remove all their livestock after the sale. Well, this one Zebu, meat cow, did not want to leave. She started charging everyone. For months she was angry and would charge anyone who walked in the pasture. I wanted her GONE! By plate or steak. It didn’t matter to me. There is a natural spring pond in the pasture and i wanted to open it all up and live in peace. My husband and teenage son wanted the cow. They ended up taming the thing. I came home from work one night and my son was feeding it pears. MY pears, off my pear tree. How dare he! That cow would follow him around like a dog. So, needless to say, I now own a mini moo as I like to call her. We are now working on chickens, ducks, one horse, goats, and sheep. We need a name for the farm that was never meant to be.
Thanks for the help!
The Reluctant Farmer Ranch
Yes! Finally something about orlando real.
Hi, Greetings!
I am planning to buy 17 acres of land in India and want to do plant citrus, orange, cashew, teak, etc., Along with that, I would want to start a small resort where in I want to offer people to learn farming (something like this ” Farm For A Day). This place is located under a small green mountain. Please suggest me some name where, I really want to include farming and also something green or any suggestions appreciated… I also want a suggestion for a website name.
Holy dyna. Thank you for this article. It made me approach naming our farm in a different way than I had been thinking, and I do believe because of it I’ve finally come up with something! So thank you for the inspiration!!
You’re so welcome, Allison! Thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment. ~Anne
what about- Meanwhile back at the Ranch?
I need a name for my ranch we have 80 cattle and 15000 acres
I have 6 acres with over 50 pecan trees and an assortment of other fruit trees. Need help naming my farm.
Trail Mix Acres
My daughter is creating a website for her cattle farm. Trying to think of a catchy name. Our last name is Cain. Any ideas?
We recently bought some land to build our forever home and our children will build/live here also. We have named our home “Cottage in the Dogwoods” for obvious reasons. We live in a valley, we will be raising calves, and plan to build a pond. We have several creeks and both gently rolling land and pastures. There are lots of wild hydrangeas, ferns, pines, oak trees, rocks, and knolls. Would like to have some Christian reference incorporated into the name, too. With all of this, it should be easy to come up with a name but we haven’t decided on a name in the two years we’ve owned it the land. Would love your suggestions for a name and ideas for a logo for our hobby farm. TIA!!
Is it inappropriate (or just weird) to name our new 5 acre plot of land at the foot of some mountains a “ranch” if there’s nothing animal (ranch) related going on? This would be posted on the overhang at the gate and it is more of a ranch type feel for us, but I just don’t want folks to think we have delusions of grandeur.
Heya! we named our ranch Timmy Acres after our 2 yr old son who died of cancer.
Hi the pics are so cute you could also have blossom hill
Great post. I am trying to restrain myself because it is a minor, unimportant detail, but I have to mention it….. Almanzo Wilder is not the one who built the stone house for Laura. It was a gift from their daughter, Rose. Rose wanted her parents to have a modern home so she bought the plans from Sears (usually you had to buy the plans and materials, but Rose usually got her way thing things.) The house was build from stones from the property (because, ROCKY Ridge Farm..haha.) Laura and Almanzo only lived in it for a short time because it never felt ‘like home’. They ended up moving back up the hill to their wood house and I believe Rose moved into the stone house for a while, although she lived nearly everywhere.
Again, TOTALLY NOT IMPORTANT, but I felt like I had to say it. I mean, she IS my favorite author. haha.
Hi Jennifer, she’s one of my favorites, too! Thanks for sharing your knowledge of the Wilder family. I should have been more specific in my blog post, but was referring simply to the farm itself (i.e. Rocky Ridge Farm) and not the actual Rock House or farmhouse. ~Anne
Like I said, 100% NOT important, but I thought I would mention it. Again, I LOVED the post!
Jennifer,thank you again! It means a lot to me that you took time to stop by and comment. Have a great week! ~Anne
Looking for a name for our farm. Been in my husband’s family for awhile. We raise bottle calves, pigs, goats, chickens have horses as well as gardens, fruits trees and bushes
Hello, all! Looking for a name for my homestead, too. Extra points if it has my last name Mix in the title. I like plays on words, but for the life of me, can’t quite put my finger on it. I do foster care for cats, so always have LOTS of those. Just got my first chickens. Have started an orchard with all kinds of fruit and nut trees and bushes. Added plenty of raised garden beds. Hope to some day have a blog and sell soaps and lotions, but feel like I can’t do any of it without a name. Would love the help! Thanks!
My husband and i bought a small working horse farm and ranch style home that backs up to a ravine wildlife perserve. We have 6 horses whom i barrel race, teach lessons, do parties with, we have 3 catahoula leopard dogs and are going to start breeding our youngest soon, we also have 12 chickens – we sell eggs to local neighbors and 2 cats. Were also expecting our first child this year. We want to officially name our barn and we havent yet and are having a hard time coming up with something meaningful.
Hi there! Are you still offering your services in name selection. The link didn’t appear to work to purchase it. Would love to chat about an idea.
I am, Heather! Would love to chat – you can use the contact me link on the top menu. I did try the Paypal link and it worked for me yesterday. ~Anne
I want to name my homestead. I live on an acre, I raise meat rabbits, vegetables, and hope to add goats and bees in the near future. How do I protect my farm name?
I have a farm and recently purchased sheep for milking and spinning their wool and maybe selling their fleece. Will possibly get angora goat in future. Have horses and have had cattle. Need a catchy name!
I am hoping someone can share some ideas with me. My husband and I are starting a small business. Mainly a nursery specializing in plants like bamboo, fruit trees, succulents, tropical flowering plants and my husband wants to incorporate an animal park / store under the same business name. I know this is not really farm related but I am finding difficulty coming up with a name that my husband is satisfied with. He likes the generic names instead feminine creative kind of names.
So far I have come up with:
Petrichor (pleasant smell of the earth after rain)
and Ambrosia which he likes, but says he’s not sure if it fits.
Then I’ve also come up with:
Periwinkle and Magnolia’s
Lemon Tree
Growing Goodness
Nurture Nature
Livnig with Nuts (my favorite)
But these are all too feminine for his taste.
Any ideas please?
Hi, I just sort of started a horse selling business. I mainly sell ranch horses and the odd rescue. I live out on the prairies. We also do cattle and crops. Just looking for ideas.
We have a family anecdote that we turned in to a property name.
We were 4 wheeling with friends and on a lunch break and my husband stepped away from the group to pass wind. One of the kids heard him and asked him what he was doing and he replied, “Kicking rocks!” Of course she called him on it.
We still laugh about it and he uses it as a euphemism when he has to answer nature’s call. So we have named our place, Kicking Rocks Farm. And if you know anything about New England, you know the crop we never mention is rocks and stones (why do you think we have so many stone walls?) But we know the real story behind the name!!
Hi I am from Sri Lanka. I have started an organic farm and looking at products like dairy, eggs, vegetables, fruits, meat to be harvested. I am looking for an ideal name. Can u please help
Sri Lanka Organica?
Great article! Quick question…did you register your farm name locally or with the state of NH? If so, how did you do that? Thanks!
I’m trying to think of a name for a small zoo that specializes in bringing animals to birthday parties, schools and therapy sessions. We currently have lots of reptile and amphibians but hoping to get a few small mammals too. Any help would be much appreciated!
Trying to come up with a name for my son’s registered cow business. We are a family of 5. 3 boys. All names start to with L. There is a local cow breeder call L5. Please help!
Thank you for this great post. Ive been stumped on a name for 8 weeks. Finally I think I’m very close to having a final name after reading this. Geralds Acres name after my step grandfather who inspired me a lot in homesteading and is 92. I’m purchasing 10 acres to raise paco vicuna and have a marker garden. The name was stressing me so much until now.
I am going to start the business of poultry ,fishry ,Dairy and goatry with help of some freinds .pl suggest some name of farm house.
I love your blog.
I’m looking for a name for a farm in Rhineback, New York. The farm has a 100 year old hunting lodge on it. A pond, a creek, pastures and wooded areas. It’s really magical.
Some parts are very rocky with shale and granite. It has big willow and oak trees. There are chickens, goats and lots of rescue dogs.
I thought of Willow Creek Farm but it’s already
taken. Thanks so much for your help!! Monika
100 Dog Lodge (in honor of your lodge and caring for lost dogs)
I see so many replies to requests for names I thought I’d ask also! My husband and I have a small farm, we have 6 Alpacas. Our house has a blue metal roof as does our sheds and the Alpaca barn is blue. We’re trying to think of something cool and different.. so far only came up with the usual stuff. Anyone have any suggestions for us?
I have a 1 acre homestead. I could really use a name. We are very rustic and everything is handmade, including our clothing, edible flowers, veg, fruit, honey, etc. Our main sales point is very rare/exotic fruits/veggies from all over the world. I am a very spiritual gal who does not see with my physical eyes but has vision in other ways while I design my new earth home for my farm. I live as a very free being and feel the earth is in a huge positive shifting pattern. We live by the sun to tell time and lunar calendar for other important things. We SPIN farm everything and SF everything above and below ground (in freezing temps) to provide food for others inexpensive (2.00 or less and even days of free food boxes) all year round. I have so much going on that I HAVE NO NAME to register yet. ANY long lasting name ideas for my kids to inherit in times to come?
I’m wanting to name our farm. I could really use some help. We have cows, horses & Border Collies. We live on a hill and have the mountains that wrap all the way around us!
My children and I have a mini farm consisting of goats, poultry, rabbits, cats, and dogs. We need a cute name…have been struggling for months to come up with something. We live in Michigan in the rural town of Fostoria. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
My husband and I are going to buy a ranch and we are thinking of combining our two names and naming it the “Lendale Ranch”. We thought that sounded better than the “Dalen ranch”, but not sure. We’ll have to think about it for a while.
We named our small ranch “Dead Broke Ranch”. This definitely falls under the humorous naming! And at times very appropriate when equipment breaks down and it costs an arm and a leg to fix It! Lol!
Me and my Husband have started selling farm raised beef and want to come up with a name for our farm that would also be good for selling our beef. We have about 250 acres, spread across three counties in Kentucky. Any suggestions would be appreciated thanks!
I’m trying to start a local farmers group and looking for name
This one is difficult for me. Starting an Alpaca farm here in the beautiful Colorado mountains. I will be selling Alpaca , homemade merchandise made by my self. My old trusty loom. I have a couple of goats and of course my dogs. Looking for a very cute catchy name that sticks in your head. Thanks guys:)
Any help with naming our vegetable farm?
We have other home made products as well in our farm stand. Small farm rolling land.
Any help with naming our vegetable farm?
We have other home made products as well in our farm stand. Small farm with rolling land and some lovely great pyranees.
We just built a lake house in Georgia to eventually be our retirement home. Lots of pine trees– trying to think of something besides The Pines or Gowering Pines. All help appreciated
Oops meant Towering Pines!
I don’t live in US. In my country/language there’s a name for little farms. Is this also so in US? How do people down there call little farms?
Trying to decide on a name for our 5 acres in a canyon on the Frio River in Texas. We have an additional 85 acres above the canyon. I’ve been thinking about using my maiden name Dove, along with our blue eyed trait…Blue Dove…Blue Eyed Dove also thought about using it in the different language. Need help thanks!
Maori (New Zealand) Kanohi Puru (blue eyes) Kukupa Puru (blue dove) Kukupa Kanohi Puru (Dove of blue eyes)
I need a name for my huge white barn I’m turning into a home decor farmhouse store
Hi, we have a small pig farm, white pigs, black pigs, pointy ears, floppy ears, free-range… live on a gravel road on the side of a mountain (extinct volcano). Husband suggested ‘no fly zone’ but, I don’t like it at all.
please help…
Tank U
I Just wanted to tell You the link to ‘Discovery Naming Service’ does not work. And, Could someone here suggest a name for a farm in a very natural region? It’s really lonely, and there are many brooks or creeks there, to Lakes (Talisa Lake and Lelia Lake). It’s dairy, corn and also forestry business. Many Thanks!
* It has to be “two lakes”, not to Lakes. The surname should not play a role, but I’d like one as in 19th century. Thanks!
I need a farm name and this was very helpful. I made a list of possibilities while reading the blog so thank you so much.
I bought 7 acres and plan to plant a orchard along with Christmas trees. I have 11 grandkids so honey bees and grapes may also happen.long term would like to develop a civil war based campground with real earth works and a battlefield feel. It’s located in a dairy area in Wisconsin. I have always been a student of General Robert E Lee and want to use his name somehow in my farm name. It is currently called Lee park so any ideas will be appreciated. One of the buildings will be developed into a Lee shrine with numerous items of his life to be used as a education center thanks in advance
Hi Miss/Mr!
Now i am setting up farm. i am thinking about farm’s name. My farm will grow vegetable organic. i am sometime thinking about SUN in my farm but i haven’t good name yet. A few adj and Nouns describe: SUNNY, VEGETABLE, FRESH, ORGANIC, HAPPY, NATURAL. Please, give me some your ideas. ! thank you so much.
I am waiting for your reply!
Sunfresh Farm
Sunnyfresh Farm
I need a name for my farm wich the goats i have more than 4
Anyone got ideas for my 6 acre ranch? Initially we thought of Ry Ranch because my kids middle names start with Ry. However, welcome to new ideas. We have one of the most beautiful star views at night. This ranch area is known for the deer. It’s in the outskirts of a main city.
I would love some help guys. My kids names start with RY. So initially I thought I should name the ranch Ry Ranch. However, I feel like its too short or just not catchy. What do you all think? Any ideas as to what to name our ranch? We have 6 acres and currently just have two horses. However, our plan is to raise organic grass fed cows and begin a cattle business. Our area is away from the city. We always dreamt of owning farm land and our dream came true a few years ago when we purchased. It is our little piece of heaven where we area always having adventures with our kids. This name would become our company logo, etc.
StarRY Night Farms
Star RY Farm
Great ideas !!
I just bought 30 acres in the desert with a flowing stream/creek and planning what to do with it. We have horses and want to have guided horse tours, maybe dog sitting, grow fruit trees and veggies, pumpkin patch, corn maize, a few RV spots for overnight horse boarders traveling through. Ghost Ranch just doesn’t do it justice. Some one else has Sand Creek Stables down the road so don’t want anything too close to that. I have contributed to several posts helping others on this site but when it comes to my own place, the creative brain just won’t work!!
Looking to name our hobby maple syrup and honey business. Can anyone help??? We also have an apple orchard on our property
Forever Amber Farm (for the color of your products) or Sweet Life Farm.
We just purchased 20 acres a few years ago and need to name it. We raise beef cows, laying chickens , pigs and bees. We see bears, elk, eagles, deer on our property. We have a view of a small mountain and a creek runs through it. Thanks Jann
People ask me why I named our farm Hog Wash Ranch all the time. The first time we looked at the property with the realtor, I was walking the fence line with my dog. As we were checking the fence quality near the wet weather creek, we rustled up a wild hog. Hence; Hog Wash Ranch. I thought it was amusing and meaningful at the same time.
James, I love your story! LOL ~Anne
My husband and I decided to get 1) horses and 2) a small ranch after about 6 months of discussion. After the closing we spent another 6 months trying to come up with a name for our place. We finally settled on Wild Hair Ranch because pretty much it was a wild hair you know where that made us do it! 8 years later we’re loving our life and our ranch name!
Looking for a name for our organic farm. We are from the Cumberland Plateu south eastern Tennessee. We hoped provide organic foods for restaurants in the area! Names I have thought about are Mountain Goat Farms. Savage Gulf Organic farming
Any suggestions are appreciated
Coming from a total outsider, the name Savage doesn’t evoke anything positive or good feelings. And just saying goat farm is not appetizing if you are selling food items. I know this is brutally honest but sometimes that is worth it’s weight in gold. So I”ll have to think about some other names. I do not represent this website but usually give ideas. Can you give us some more information about what you are selling, types of food, etc. would help.
I need a name for our ranch. Our first initials are T and S. We are a Military and have 80 acres with chickens and 2 dogs and a bunch of cats. We have some beautiful old oak trees, fruit trees and a clump of pines that I call the 4 sister trees. Thanks in advance!!
I need name for ranch . I lost my father last yr my fathers dream was to one day own one so i would like include him ..
I would love a suggestion for our white metal barn house in the middle of the woods. Lots of pines, up on a small hill, 30 acres, family of 4 (2 boys), brook and creek running through property (that flooded like crazy when we first moved here), lived in camper while building, had a beloved chocolate lab named Jed or Jeddog, live on National Road (eagle?), graduates of Auburn University (war Eagle?), have a Deer weather vane on the roof and antler handles on the barn doors. I would love some creative ideas?!?!? Please!!! Really want something unique?!? HELP!!
I am so stumped on our farm name !! We bought 102 acres from a man who did custom signs for mostly gas stations. It has a creek also. We tentatively call it “Thirty five farm “ because it is off highway 35 south. Help!!!
more : we have three kids, our last name is Herron but the sign man who we bought it from – his name is Burns.
Hi! I am trying to come up with a name for my ranch in memory of my Dad whose dream it was to train horses and raise long horns! I would love to have an “A” in the name or something that translates to him guiding me. Thanks!
Straight A’s Ranch?
My husband and I just started our own Black Brangus Bree’s for our ranch! Need help with name for our ranch
Hi, I need a name for my either backyard for mini farm with ducks and chickens(silkys). the backyard has brooks, lake near by, sourrounded by woods and wildlife on a dead end road of Little Robin Rd/Lane. Mountains too.
How about a cute Bible name for the farm, backyard? Thank you Jackie
My wife and I just bought 35 acres at the beginning of the “hill country” in Texas. Just got back together after 35 years apart, we overlook to mountain range’s. Looking for a ranch name that would “tie” us getting back together along with a southern mountain view. Thanks,
How about one of these?
Reunion Mountain (Ranch)
Reunion Hill (Ranch)
Reunion Range (Ranch)
You could even turn that last one into the Double R Ranch.
Looking for a name for our new farm. Not living there yet. We are building a log home on it next year. It is 10 acres on a large hill. A lot of pastures and cedar trees and has a stream on it.
Wonderfuly helpful! Thank you so much! It’s easy Now what we should name our little piece of heaven on earth!! Jack’s Place
After my father!
Really having trouble coming up with a farm name, or “business name”. We have 200 acres that is rented out to a local farmer and also rented out for hunting property. My grandfather “Brooks” farmed the land until he couldn’t anymore. The property was handed down to my aunt and father, then to me and my husband….HELP.
Hello. We are looking for a name for our new farm. It is in NJ. 10 acres. We will be building a log home and hope to grow pumpkins at some point. It has a lot of cedar trees and three levels of pastures on a hill. It also has a small stream running down one side of the property. We also love German Shepherd dogs and are bringing our dog Coda with us. He loves to run on all that property. We are not married but plan on getting married on the property once the house is built. We have been asking for farm names suggestions from friends and family but hopefully you can help us too. Thank you!
I loved reading your blog about how to pick a farm or ranch name. I have a question. Is it bad luck to rename a farm or ranch that already has a name that you’ve just purchased?
No, it’s not bad luck at all! It can help make the place more your own. ~Anne Marie
I need help with a name. We raise all kinds of animals, kids too. Raise our own meat, grow our own veggies. Live on the city limit line. Use my parents property in the country for larger livestock when needed.raising little hippies with minimum technology. Blended family, had most of the kids before i found the husband. Make crafts and baked goods/ foid to sale also.
I need a farm name we just got married in May blending two families. Going to have 26+acres. With small creek and great views in NC. Mini farm chickens, goats & bees, (to start) Last name Purschel. (Pew-Shell). Thank you for any suggestions
We just purchased 15 acres in Winterset Iowa, near one of the many covered bridges. No plans to do any serious farming ourselves in retirement but some chickens will be a must. It’s about half corn field and half ravine/trees/creek. We plan to start a tradition hosting a large family reunion for our five kids and plenty of extended family. We want a place of fun, joy, contentment, peace – a place they look forward to coming to over and over as they begin their own families. Any thoughts???
Forgot to mention we are strong Christians so biblical allusion might be good too.
Wow, I’m a few years late but we’re building a modern farm house on 5 acres with a quest unit. We will have my mom living with us and have a firepit outside of the fenced landscaping with a small patio serving area bocce ball court movie screen fun area. There will be some grape vines, some avacados and then citrus along with a family garden and big barn. We are from Italian heritage and the Ranch is located on Deer Canyon and the whole canyon once was owned by one family that had cattle. Please help me name my Ranch!
We’re Wild Wood Farm (Wood being our last name and Wild being the way we live). It’s so fitting for us! http://www.WildWoodFamilyFarm.com
Mayo Nays….It’s a Cheap Spread!
Looking for a farm name. We are an all irrigated farm. Otherwise have pumping units and pivots and water. We grow grain and cereal crops. We zero till our land. Bezooyen is our last name and we have 5 in the family (3 sons).
Looking forward to some suggestions.
Loved reading your blog about how to name a farm! Looking for suggestions. We are the Paradis family (Pronounced Paradise) and we have 30 acres with a pond in OK. It is surrounded by farm land. The wind truly comes sweeping down the plains! We have horses, donkeys, chickens, and raise/breed show pigs.
Any suggestions or ideas would be great!
hello! my friend and i are slowly building our ranch, well ranch/ farm. we will have most domesticated animals here, but mostly horses. we are starting kind of a riding boarding ranch. so kids with any type of mental illness or trouble can come here and stay for as long as payed or want and we offer tons of support and family days, and each person is assigned a horse to ride, and befriend.
I need a name for my farm I have chickens and goats! Any ideas
Love this post! We have been working on a farm name for a few years. I had one pop in my head as I was falling asleep and it was good… but I can’t remember it at all! We have 1 son and 3 daughters, ducks, chickens, pigs, barn cats, a dog, and hopefully some goats and a donkey in the future. Our ranch house and barn are blue so I was thinking Blue Goetz (pronounced Gates) Ranch. But we live near Shipshewanna, IN and they have the Blue Gate up there. So far we are selling our eggs as B & L Farms (Ben & Leah), but I want to do something more fun or inclusive with the kids. So tricky finding the right name!!
Hi! Just found your blog. I love how creative your readers are. My sister and I along with my daughter are purchasing some acreage to put a barn on and we will all own horses and there will be two homes on the property. It will be used also as a relaxation space for our extended family. Any ideas for a name would be much appreciated.
Chillin’ Chicks horse farm
Giddy Girls Horse Haven
Bucking-ham Horse ranch
Bucking M’aam horse palace
This post is from 2011, but I’m hoping it’s still active.
Hi Robyn, and thanks for that hilarious horse farm name idea! Yes, I keep this post regularly updated.
I like your overview of the naming process and real life examples. Your post is one of the most helpful I’ve found on the topic in the search for a good name. Many thanks for sharing!
I have Chickens, and 2 roosters. One of my roosters, has always been my favorite. His name is Sparkles. (he’s almost 7 now). Sadly, he won’t live forever, so even a name in his memory. The only farm animals we have, are chickens. Thank you in advance!
Sparkles Rooster Co. ?? Simple but cute and includes his name! Hope to be some help.
Hello! I have been searching for something to name my cattle farm. I want something unique but also professional to put on clothing and a sign for shows. Where do I start??
We have an original farmhouse that has been in our family for over 100 years. It is a large brick home on 75 acres. The original owners (great great grandfather) moved here from Switzerland. The other fun piece is our last name is HILLyer and our house is on a hillside. Any suggestions? I want it to be more traditional!
Hello. We are starting up a new Vertical Farming project for the Growth of Exotic Vegetables & Fruits. So please suggest some good names for the same, starting with letters “N” or “Y” only.
This makes me think of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Maybe use that for inspiration?
hello there? can you give me a good name for a poultry farm because i am thinking to use it for my feasibility studies? please pleae..thanksss
Check out some of the funny names, above, Jolina. There are a few with bird themes.
I blog quite often and I truly appreciate your information. This
great article has really peaked my interest. I’m going to take a note of your website and keep checking for new name ideas. I subscribed to your Feed as well.
Lots of inspiration for those who are currently searching for ideas on how to name their farm. Something that helps is knowing the name will develop more easily when people are connected to their place.
I’m loving these lists for names. There are some great ones on there. I think it would be fun to be able to name your farm.
I doubt that we will ever have a ranch or a farm. Maybe we could name our home?
Absolutely! I love the thought of naming a house, a cottage or vacation home.
I need a name for my 107 acre farm in the hollow, currently we grow all kinds of vegetables but hoping to get cows and sheep soon, it’s our hidden treasure dream home in the hollow.
I forgot to mention we have chickens and turkeys as well
Hi Patricia, some quick ideas: Hidden Hollows or Hundred Acre Haven
I like those names thanks
Hi, I just found your blog and love it. We have recently moved into our Farm/Homestead after 5 years of my husband clearing and building it. We are having a hard time coming up with a name. Any suggestions would be appreciated. We have a pony, dairy goats, rabbits, chickens, ducks, pet pigs, cats, turtles, fish, hamsters, guinea pigs and soon will be adding sheep, a dog, donkeys and turkeys. We also have several garden spots and our oldest daughter is starting a flower business. We live on a hill with 4 acres, but access to more if needed.
Sounds like a wonderful place, Angela! I’m not able to offer personalized naming suggestions but maybe some of my readers will have ideas for you! ~Anne Marie
Hi everyone! I’ve been struggling to come up with something short sweet and meaningful for our 14 acres. We currently have a couple horses about 12 meat goats. Chickens and dogs. We do a small family garden every year too.
I know this is an older piece, but I stumbled upon it to help with inspiration for the place we are hoping to buy. Ironically, the town I currently live in is called “Zephyrhills” so at first I thought you might live in my town, but obviously after reading I realized you don’t lol.
Thank for you for blog!
My husband just bought about 100 acres and wants to plant a garden, mainly purple hull peas, to sell to public. Eventually will plant and grow blueberry’s and blackberries to sell. We are needing help with a farm name. The land is off of an old dirt road out in the country.
Martha, it seems like you need to use purple as your inspiration. Everything you mentioned that you’ll be growing is purple!
Thank you for this helpful guide on naming farms and ranches. It’s a valuable resource for aspiring owners!
I just want to say I enjoyed this (rather old) article! It was fun to read and helpful! I came up with the “perfect ” name for our little plot of land which will be our forever home while reading this. Now I have to convince my husband it’s the right name! LOL!
Hello, I am needing a name for our farm’ we have dairy goats and would like it
To incorporate my girls since they show dairy goats!